→ luckyalbert: 某幾群教無良有病的在職有決策權資勞群成天對路人腦補評斷挑三揀四永遠不會檢討自己 不用刪吧?我就一般平民死老百姓路人真不懂這些人到底是哪裡心理有病 在鬼島人越好的越會被搞,越擊敗的過得越爽跟囂張 Keep your distance from people who will never admit they are wrong and always try to make you feel like it's all your fault. If someone treats you bad, just remember that there is something wrong with them, not you. Normal people don't go around destroying other people. 越好的人(如同我及與我相同的人們),大家只會把你的一切所為當成理所當然,而不珍惜 Sometimes, no matter how nice youare, how kind you are, how caringyou are, how loving your are, it just isn't enough for some people.15F 台灣 03/03 19:44