作者 gully (溝鼠)
標題 [情報] Alonso 本周將使用"即將失效"的引擎出賽
時間 Sat Jun 29 21:40:12 2024

"We have had an engine problem since the beginning of the week. But this will
be the last race with this engine and it had to be used at some point. It's
better not to put an engine too good right now than not to be in the points,
so it will be a difficult race," he added, relieving some failure in his
Mercedes engine.




反正都拿不到分,不如就爛到底吧 :)

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: gully 2024-06-29 21:40:12
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cW0w_uY (FORMULA1)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FORMULA1/M.1719668415.A.E22.html
Richun: 開場就退賽嗎?這也太悲情了1F 06/29 21:40
paul2049: 笑死2F 06/29 21:44
jason930502: 我就爛.JPG3F 06/29 21:45
chuegou: 躺椅.jpg4F 06/29 21:50
Notif520: 笑死 我就爛.jpg5F 06/29 21:51
helloemperor: 所以開賽就退賽?還是車子撐不過排位?6F 06/29 21:51
j5a6s7o8n: 半途沒噴煙故障算幸運(?7F 06/29 21:52
franchy: 這個F1遊戲我玩過 一開賽後面就噴煙的引擎8F 06/29 21:53
kyphosis: 可以搭配自爆按鈕9F 06/29 22:12
MilkTeaMan: 誰要黃旗 請打這支電話10F 06/29 22:15
darren2586: 頑皮小按鈕直接裝在方向盤正中間11F 06/29 22:17
Transposon: 付費魚雷,歡迎電洽12F 06/29 22:27
s19900918: 我這有批安全車好便宜13F 06/29 22:31
cheng31507: 慘14F 06/29 22:34
rdg1231: 拿分無望,可放推15F 06/29 22:43
mathtsai: 我就爛16F 06/29 22:44
DustinFu: 跟上潮流 直接躺平17F 06/29 22:45
jk189: 開場GP2 Engine18F 06/29 22:57

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