→ subetu: 我不討論viewer review,但Jotarun大貼,大大英文好,應 該有注意到(但我不討論viewer review的):The Wheel of Time Gets Huge Bump in Audience Score...The Wheel of Time has seen a significant increase in its Rotten Tomatoes audience score, jumping from 59% in season 1 to an impressive 92% ...(9/2)9/16在82%,目 前IMDB Popularity第3. 上面用詞不妥,改為audience review較常見 提popularity是和收視連結,第一季是Amazon Top3之內66F 09/16 23:07
→ subetu: 我習慣看Reddit,不可能看這裡的意見,S2E5一眼看去一 片祥和(WoT板是原作大本營,不是什麼熱愛影集的專板)因 為機制就是照Best排,最上面是在說會跟著說"may she live forever",再來是說黑宗在搞,喜歡看棄光魔將對手 戲,開Katie Leung玩笑(褐宗/雷文克勞)...畢竟別人是西 方人士10幾萬人的大板/Reddit的機制。 能排到第五、第六個回應是有人長篇大論,但他是 說...this episode just now is one that truly felt like it was showing the tone of the Wheel of Time for me, 子回應:All the lore coming out... it was like the writers said... "you guys want lore, here's your fucking lore" and dumped the entireglossary on us on one episode. I loved it, ate it all up. 會跟著說"may she live forever"是說會"補完"被刪減的 verbatim台詞,譬如"The way back will come but once.""Be steadfast!" 看了他們討論才知道標題Damane(Leashed One)有實質和隱 喻的兩個層面,這集有黑宗如謊言王座般的交會,呼應被 實質leashed的Aes Sedai,有10多萬成員,光一集1300個回 應才能產出這樣的討論。 被leashed的是novice,但黑宗的Aes Sedai有如被leashed 一樣,故應該說是被leashed的channeler.76F 09/16 23:34