看板 DigiCurrency
作者 henryhuang17 ()
標題 [新聞] 消息人士稱 幣安正在申請在台註冊
時間 Fri Aug 11 17:54:52 2023


Binance is applying to get registered in Taiwan for AML compliance: sources | The Block
Crypto exchange Binance is applying to get registered in Taiwan in line with local anti-money laundering rules, sources said. ...



Binance is applying to get registered in Taiwan for AML compliance: sources
by Timmy Shen

Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, is applying to get
registered under Taiwan’s Money Laundering Control Act, currently the only
crypto-related regulations local authorities have produced.

At a closed-door meeting on Tuesday, Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory
Commission (FSC) told the dozens of domestic crypto service providers in
attendance that Binance is applying to get registered for anti-money
laundering compliance, two sources familiar with the matter said.

Taiwan has required virtual assets services providers (VASPs) to comply with
its anti-money laundering laws since the FSC introduced anti-money laundering
rules in July 2021. Otherwise, the industry remains largely unregulated in
the country.
Binance did not immediately respond to The Block’s request for comment.

In a Friday phone call with The Block, an FSC official declined to comment on
whether Binance had submitted documentation to register with the regulator,
but said it urges offshore crypto platforms that operate in Taiwan to comply
with local AML rules.

While Binance is not regulated in Taiwan, the exchange has formed a local
entity named, “Binance International Limited Taiwan Branch (Seychelles),”
 according to the Department of Commerce’s database. The registration
information showed that the government approved Binance’s company
registration on May 12, 2023, with a registered capital of NT$30 million
($944,000) in Taiwan.

Binance presence
Binance has already partnered with local law enforcement agencies to combat
cybercrime in Taiwan. In June, Binance said it collaborated with Taiwan’s
Criminal Investigation Bureau to share its expertise in tackling digital
asset-related crime with more than 200 Taiwanese law enforcement officers.

“As a growing number of people in Taiwan grow an interest in cryptocurrency,
it is important that the crypto ecosystem feels safe and comfortable for
users,” Damien Ho, head of global partnerships of Binance, said in the June
blog post.

Binance has been actively expanding in Asia. Earlier this month, Binance
officially launched in Japan after it acquired local exchange Sakura Exchange
BitCoin in November 2022 — paving the way for it to be regulated by the
Japan Financial Services Agency.

Upcoming guidelines
Taiwan’s FSC, which was only appointed in March as the main regulator
overseeing the crypto industry, is currently formulating a broader set of
guidelines on trading and payments related to cryptocurrencies for VASPs, the
regulator said.

The FSC told The Block that the agency plans to publish the VASP guidelines
by the end of September.

Kevin Cheng, a director of the Taiwan Fintech Association, said the FSC
intends to take a strict approach to regulating crypto platforms operating in
Taiwan similar to how it regulates traditional financial institutions.

“The FSC plans to require VASPs to keep their own crypto assets separate
from the clients’ crypto assets and to have accounting firms audit such
assets every year,” said Cheng, who formerly served as a chief compliance
officer at BitoEX, a major crypto exchange in Taiwan.

He added that such a rule — if put in place — would be difficult to comply
with as most accounting firms would be hesitant to take on crypto clients.

“It’s not so much about accounting or auditing techniques but more about
crypto-related information skills,” Cheng continued.

Claire Chen, chief executive officer of BitShine, a crypto trading startup in
Taiwan, said that the FSC may have to work with the CPA association to find a
way to properly audit crypto platforms.

Proposed new crypto regulatory division
In an attempt to further step up supervision of the crypto industry, a number
of lawmakers in Taiwan in April proposed a law amendment to set up a new
bureau within the FSC to specifically tackle crypto-related matters, local
media Economic Daily News reported.

The amendment was processed in April for the first reading but it will need
to go through second and third readings to come into force. If passed, the
new bureau will add to the FSC's existing four bureaus overseeing banking,
securities and futures, insurance and auditing.

Previously in July 2022, the FSC asked banks and credit card companies not to
allow credit cards as a payment method for virtual asset services.






※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: henryhuang17 2023-08-11 17:54:52
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1arWLl3m (DigiCurrency)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DigiCurrency/M.1691747695.A.0F0.html
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