看板 DigiCurrency作者 gR7P4zXH (tpn7gpdx)標題 [閒聊] AAX正在進行融資以恢復服務時間 Tue Nov 15 22:42:31 2022
We have faced an unprecedented series of developments, outlined below, that
have led to acute pressure on AAX’s capital position. In order to replace
the capital needed to resume all our services, AAX will need to raise new
capital. While this is clearly a very difficult environment in which to raise
new capital, the amount is not large by market standards.
Our existing shareholders have contributed additional capital over the past
week and we have secured interest on new investments. At this stage, we
estimate that on top of our liquidity we are in a good position to get our
operations and services fully up and running.
If AAX is unable to secure funding to enable us to restart operations, AAX is
committed to initiate legal procedures to secure and ensure the distribution
of assets with continuous communication to our global user base and relevant
stakeholders on relevant details.
Update on AAX | AAX Trends
We want to provide our users, team, and partners with an update on the situation at AAX - and how we are taking action to stabilize the operations of ...
不像 FTX 龐大的負債,募資還是很有希望的
連前 crypto.com 大使都這樣信心加持
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ZSwLRr4 (DigiCurrency)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DigiCurrency/M.1668523355.A.D44.html
※ 編輯: gR7P4zXH ( 臺灣), 11/15/2022 22:48:13
推 now99: 所以資金缺口多大?1F 11/15 22:43
推 allmwh: 笑死 關門不給提3F 11/15 22:46
推 Qidu: 安撫人心來了!6F 11/15 22:53
→ mugir: 好了啦特哥椅子哥多佛朗明哥7F 11/15 22:56
推 slayptter: 這招學幣安XDD
FTX真的比較沒經驗XDD8F 11/15 22:56
推 waldo34: 有沒有想過沒募到錢 還是gg 募到錢信用也破產大家還是會提錢離開
結論無力回天12F 11/15 22:59
→ brucetu: 關到募資成功為止啊 大家不用擔心(?15F 11/15 23:02
噓 Ceferino: 不是說例行系統維護嗎?怎麼變募資了18F 11/15 23:16
推 aa00788: 終將血本無歸 沒事啦19F 11/15 23:28
推 b777300: 最後一句不就是只能破產嗎?22F 11/15 23:42
推 lcy317: 我怎麼覺得這是炸定了 10天過後一定擠兌啊23F 11/15 23:46
推 b777300: 放心,這九天會把資產轉移出去,然後直接宣告破產,不會讓人有擠兌出場的機會24F 11/15 23:47
推 twin2: 九天後遭到駭客駭入26F 11/15 23:48
→ b777300: 一整篇文章只闡述了五個字,我要跑路了!
SBF這樣搞是死定了27F 11/15 23:48
推 pshuang: 翻譯:林北沒錢了啦 你各位韭菜再不補錢一毛都拿不回去29F 11/15 23:53
推 b777300: 如果要人補錢進去,其實也代表現在裡面沒剩多少錢了...30F 11/15 23:56
推 dalyadam: 各位如果想領錢 請先再儲一些錢喔
靠杯 跟詐騙集團的手法沒兩樣31F 11/16 00:01
推 yeay: 這個真的好笑,要把錢拿回去,請各位股東先把錢再匯進來。34F 11/16 00:17
推 a11103nise: 去年版上一堆詐騙文就有提到平台要求再繳錢才能拿回錢37F 11/16 00:38
推 Warez: 有律師推唷,那我不敢亂講話了,不然被告鉅額賠償,然後補洞。40F 11/16 00:48
推 dapple: 看來要無限期維修了42F 11/16 01:18