作者 lennath (           )
標題 [出軌][霧車] Mist Train Girls
時間 Fri Mar 10 15:09:01 2023


=== 官方公告 ===

Date:2023-03-09 05:00
Notice of Termination of Operation Service

We regret to inform you that the service of Mist Train Girls English Version
will be ending its service on March 31, 2023.
The management team sincerely apologizes for this sudden notice to our loyal

We have been working hard to provide better service since the service started
on March 31, 2023 (Friday), but we have come to the conclusion that it will
be difficult to provide a service that satisfies our customers in the future.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our customers for their
patronage and sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by this

[Schedule until the end of the service]
-Notice of end of service (March 9)(this announcement)

-Jewel Shop will be closed (March 16, 4:00(UTC)).
-Sales of Mist Jewels will be suspended (March 16, 4:00(UTC)).
 Mist Jewels currently in your possession can continue to be used until the
end of the service.
-Mist Train Girls Johren English version will not distribute Johren VIP rank
rewards in March.
-We will not be able to refund any purchased jewels, items, or other points.

[End of service]
 March 31, 2023 (Fri.) 2:00(UTC)

We hope you will continue to enjoy Mist Train Girls English Version until the
service ends on March 31, 2023 (Friday).

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: lennath 2023-03-10 15:09:01
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1a2jUFp7 (DMM_GAMES)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DMM_GAMES/M.1678432143.A.CC7.html
tomalex: (′・ω・‵) 連島 被健檢腰斬1F 03/10 15:09
windnduck: 哇  不准不准不准不准2F 03/10 15:09
breezeddd: 鴨大發文看起來很像美少女惡魔城的主題歌XD3F 03/10 15:11
lennath: 健檢文可以自刪嗎?(X)4F 03/10 15:11
breezeddd: "不可X不可X不可"5F 03/10 15:12
SangoGO: 連英文都島,還有沒有六姊妹6F 03/10 15:18
TachibanaMik: 大概是最近火車出軌太多7F 03/10 15:20
forever9801: 被車了(8F 03/10 15:25
kimokimocom: 仔細看第二段
"自從2023/3/31以來 我們一直致力於提供更好的服務"看來是打算結束營運的當天浴火重生(X9F 03/10 15:35
yoyofish02: 國際版跟中文版不同喔?12F 03/10 15:38
breezeddd: 那段應該是講從開服以來吧,為何時間是這個月底XD13F 03/10 15:42
forever9801: 問就是在模仿日版抽抽日期出包的梗(x14F 03/10 15:45
lennath: J車有分繁/簡/英,英文已經停止更新並切割出去一段時間了15F 03/10 15:45
kimokimocom: https://i.imgur.com/OJP9Ipq.png
其實去年七月就宣告不會再有任何更新了16F 03/10 15:47
watarasejz: 連續島成這樣,我看這個月新版標有著落了(?18F 03/10 15:57
bny: (′・ω・`)a 這樣看來神G美版跟繁中版能活下來真的蠻強的(?19F 03/10 16:05
chuko: 看不懂啊,這是指中文版還是英文版的霧車要重新來了?20F 03/10 16:05
tamynumber1: 伺服器資料竟然沒共通?21F 03/10 16:14
GBO5: 看不懂 所以是國際版關服?22F 03/10 16:15
s50189: 營運是不是根本不在乎啊XD23F 03/10 16:25
kimokimocom: 英文版3/31要結束營運 正/簡中版目前沒影響會繼續跑24F 03/10 16:38
slainshadow: 看到出軌還以為要大改寢室(欸25F 03/10 16:57
pita30: 繁體跟簡體好像同一個所以挺穩的26F 03/10 22:36
pdexter: 中文J服 全部都有可能島 應該就霧車最穩吧27F 03/10 23:36
firey: 以前最穩就神g 車後來居上 這兩款倒了j網也玩完了28F 03/11 14:24
nahsnib: 我只想要抽86那梯RRR29F 03/11 20:11

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