作者 mizuarashi (米茲阿拉西)
標題 Re: [寵粉] SE承諾在FF14後 盡可能將遊戲移植到Xbox
時間 Sat Jul 29 19:48:24 2023





※ 引述 《silentknight (清純男)》 之銘言:
: Square Enix Promises to Bring Games to Xbox 'Whenever Possible' Following
: Final Fantasy 14 Announcement
: https://reurl.cc/RzoQNZ
: Today, Square Enix announced that its successful MMORPG, Final Fantasy XIV,
: is on its way to Xbox consoles after years of being a PlayStation console
: exclusive. And to hear the CEO of Square Enix tell it, it sounds like Xbox
: has successfully ensured that even more Square Enix games will end up on its
: consoles in the coming years.
: 今天,Square Enix宣布,其成功的MMORPG《最終幻想 XIV》在多年為PlayStation
: 獨占之後,即將登陸Xbox。據Square Enix首席執行官透露,Xbox似乎已成功確保未來幾
: 年將有更多Square Enix遊戲出現在其遊戲機上。
: During the Final Fantasy Fan Fest 2023, Final Fantasy XIV game director Naoki
: Yoshida (Yoshi-P) welcomed Xbox head Phil Spencer onto the stage alongside
: Square Enix CEO Takashi Kiryu to celebrate the Xbox release announcement.
: While onstage, Kiryu made the following statement:
: 在 2023年《最終幻想》粉絲節期間,《最終幻想 14》遊戲總監吉田直樹(Yoshi-P)迎
: 來了Xbox負責人菲爾· 斯賓塞 (Phil Spencer) 與Square Enix首席執行官桐生隆
: (Takashi Kiryu)一起登上舞台,慶祝Xbox發佈公告。桐生在台上發表了以下聲明:
: "And one more thing: as CEO of Square Enix, we want to continue to deliver
: fabulous games to fans across the world. And of course, we want to welcome
: the Xbox community as well. And starting with today's announcement of Final
: Fantasy XIV coming in spring 2024, and whenever possible, we are planning to
: bring our games to Xbox for players around the world to enjoy. We're really
: looking forward to working closely with Phil and the Xbox team to make this
: possible."
: “還有一件事:作為SquareEnix 的首席執行官,我們希望繼續為世界各地的粉絲提供精
: 彩的遊戲。當然,我們也希望歡迎Xbox社區。從今天宣布《最終幻想14》在2024年春季
: 將推出在Xbox,只要有可能,我們計劃將我們的遊戲帶到Xbox,供世界各地的玩家享受。
: 我們非常期待與 Phil 和 Xbox 團隊密切合作,使這一切成為可能。”
: In response, Spencer said the following:
: 對此,斯賓塞說道:
: "Thank you Kiryu-san. we deeply respect the rich legacy of Square Enix, and
: we look forward to building on the relationship that we've established in
: bringing Final Fantasy XIV to the Xbox, and partnering closely with you and
: the Square Enix team on future games."
: “謝謝桐生先生。我們深深尊重Square Enix的豐富資產,我們期待在將《最終幻想
: XIV》帶到 Xbox 時建立的關係基礎上再接再厲,並與您和Square Enix團隊於未來密切
: 合作。”
: On its face, the idea that Square Enix wants its games on Xbox consoles might
: not seem that strange, but there's a lot of fascinating context surrounding
: this statement that makes it a bit extraordinary. Square Enix has long been
: the subject of exclusivity deals with both Xbox and PlayStation over the
: years that have pushed its games toward one console or another for the
: duration of their launch periods, or even permanently. Most recently, Final
: Fantasy XVI launched exclusive to PlayStation consoles, and there's been no
: word yet on an Xbox release.
: 從表面上看,Square Enix希望在Xbox主機上推出遊戲的想法似乎並不奇怪,但圍
: 繞這一聲明有很多令人玩味的背景,這使得它有點不同尋常。多年來,Square Enix一直
: 是與Xbox和PlayStation達成獨家協議的主題,這些年來,這些協議將其遊戲在發布
: 期間甚至永久地推向一款或另一款遊戲機。最近,《最終幻想 XVI》推出了
: PlayStation遊戲機獨占版本,目前還沒有關於Xbox版本的消息。
: The gravitation of Square Enix toward PlayStation has been a serious concern
: for Xbox, though, as we saw during the recent FTC v. Microsoft trial. One
: evidence document revealed that Xbox had seriously considered buying Square
: Enix in 2019, though we did not learn from that document why the deal never
: occurred. Square Enix also came up repeatedly during the trial, with Final
: Fantasy XVI used as an example of the kinds of games PlayStation was buying
: exclusivity rights to in a frustrating but acknowledged part of games market
: competition. From the trial, we learned how critical it has become to Xbox to
: stuff its library full of content, and to ensure it isn't missing out on
: major games like FFXVI.
: In light of that, it's no surprise that Spencer has been courting Square Enix
: for franchises like Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Nier, Just Cause, and many
: more. While neither Kiryu nor Spencer elaborated on specifics, their
: willingness to take the stage together today perhaps hints at a future with
: fewer PlayStation exclusivity deals for Square Enix content, and more Square
: Enix content on GamePass.
: Today's Fan Fest keynote was a busy one. Aside from the Xbox announcement, we
: got updates on the new Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail expansion, a major graphics
: update for the game, a mysterious T-shirt tease, and a confirmation that no,
: Dawntrail does not include Blitzball (sorry).
: https://i.imgur.com/Lg1Bjuu.jpg
: https://i.imgur.com/J3GZDm6.jpg
: https://i.imgur.com/Yzv2SSA.gif
: https://i.imgur.com/OF9KSYW.gif

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: mizuarashi 2023-07-29 19:48:24
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1anFoAWq (C_Chat)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1690631306.A.834.html
※ 同主題文章:
Re: [寵粉] SE承諾在FF14後 盡可能將遊戲移植到Xbox
07-29 19:48 mizuarashi
anumber: 換了比較懂事的社長了阿1F 07/29 19:49
x2159679: 索尼:嗚哇哇哇跨跨禁止禁止2F 07/29 19:49
vsepr55: 換人裸照就沒用了3F 07/29 19:51
gremon131: 上一個整天就在那邊nft4F 07/29 19:53
kaj1983: 索又贏...咦?5F 07/29 19:54
tmlisgood: 為了騙索尼FF16的獨佔費用啊,現在賣不好推給索尼PS5賣太爛害的,然後才發售一個月馬上跟微軟高層握手,根本不演了6F 07/29 19:55
ksng1092: 等一下大家是遺忘FFXV跨平台同時發售這件事嗎xd
而且FF14要上xbox談很久了,以前都是卡在微軟那9F 07/29 19:55
KrebikShaw: 這個在發售之前就談了吧
在ff16 發售之前11F 07/29 19:57
asdf1944: 之前漫威遊戲賠太多吧,有錢就是爹13F 07/29 20:00
livingbear: 昔有和田拍肩今有吉田握手14F 07/29 20:01
hoe1101: 你要當索尼兒子還是要賺更多錢? 不就這樣?15F 07/29 20:08
wild99: SE之前一堆爛遊戲爆死,FF16也沒賣得很好,是該拓展市場16F 07/29 20:08
aaaaooo: FF14X盒版八成是丟給微軟團隊搞的吧17F 07/29 20:13
tsukasaxx: 有的人言論真的很好笑 這種事很早就談好了
怎會覺得像是去逛夜市一樣隨隨便便就能談成?18F 07/29 20:13
ksng1092: 14真的是很久以前就開始談了,而且阻力是微軟20F 07/29 20:16
Kowdan: 只要有FF14/FF16關鍵字就會有特定ID跑出來跳針真的很有趣21F 07/29 20:18
l47695456: 問就是索又贏  先跟著罵索尼就對了22F 07/29 20:19
asd1: 至少四年前吉田就跟Phil Spencer談過FF14上XBOX的阻力了
兩個都是卡當時MS的跨平台的社交功能規範23F 07/29 20:40
Muilie: 微軟:要給玩家自由選擇是否跨平台
SE:FF14就是要跨平台25F 07/29 20:43
simpleclean: 看旅人2就知道有人在搞啊27F 07/29 20:56

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