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作者 wizardfizban (瘋法師)
標題 [閒聊] Steam同時在線玩家突破2800萬人
時間 Mon Jan 10 09:43:20 2022

Steam Passes 28 Million Concurrent Users, Setting New Record


Valve's PC store and platform Steam has set a new concurrent player record.
The platform exceeded 28 million concurrent users today, January 9, to set a
new all-time high. The numbers were disclosed on Steam's public statistics
page. The new record is 28,230,661.

Analyst Daniel Ahmad observed that Steam saw "strong growth" for concurrent
users in 2020 due to the pandemic. This growth has only continued since then.
Steam reached 27.9 million concurrent players earlier in January, so it was
only a matter of time before the service cracked 28 million officially--and
now it has.

In terms of Steam's most popular games by player count, Valve's own
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive topped the charts for January 9, with a peak
of 881,051 players. Another Valve game, Dota 2, followed with a peak of
748,270 players. The rest of the top five included PUBG (351,766), Apex
Legends (237,441), and Grand Theft Auto V (152,326).

Steam is massively popular, but some publishers are moving away from it.
Ubisoft, for example, no longer releases its games on Steam due in part to
Valve's business model. Ubisoft's Chris Early spoke out against Steam, saying
its business model is "unrealistic." He added, "It doesn't reflect where the
world is today in terms of game distribution."


新紀錄是 28,230,661 人同時在線。


第一名是CSGO,第二名是Dota 2,第三名是PUBG,第四名是Apex,而第五名是GTA V。


巿不錯── 」

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fairymomo: 維尼熊等等又要開噴冬特垃圾去投靠香噴噴欸批了 :3...然後雖然批優逼機過氣但英文是PUBG啦 :D1F 01/10 09:45
※ 編輯: wizardfizban ( 臺灣), 01/10/2022 09:46:37
wizardfizban:轉錄至看板 Steam                                   01/10 09:46
Sessyoin: 其實這次冬特是真的滿(ry3F 01/10 09:47
storyo11413: 想不到會看到ark4F 01/10 09:50
andy78328: 原來ark這麼紅,那個手感我覺得不太適應5F 01/10 09:50
shentotto: 足球這麼夯喔,不就跟籃球一樣每年出一款但都大同小意6F 01/10 09:53
oshimanyan: ark拆家打架很精彩的尤其雙方騎著恐龍帶一堆動物互相殘殺8F 01/10 09:53
yj80039: 到底是誰在玩GTA==10F 01/10 09:54
freeblade: epic快忌妒死了 今年要再投入幾十億撒幣了11F 01/10 09:55
Diver123: 都2022了還在玩GTAV==12F 01/10 09:57
RevanHsu: 玩家放縱難怪出不了gta613F 01/10 09:58
egg781: 他媽的還在玩GTA= =,很想噓那些人欸14F 01/10 09:58
winniekuma: 做不好還不讓人講  怎麼好像有點既視感XD15F 01/10 09:59
ryo1008: pubg還那麼多人啊16F 01/10 10:00
spr999: Ark還是很多人玩啊,我也是一陣子就會裝回來玩17F 01/10 10:02
oshimanyan: GTA是還好..但前三名是台灣人連碰都不會想玩的才是XD18F 01/10 10:02
wayne5992: GTA5線上好玩啊19F 01/10 10:03
SALEENS7LM: 各位觀眾!G T A V !!!!!20F 01/10 10:04
hiphopboy7: GTA線上好玩 不時會跟好友回鍋一下21F 01/10 10:05
louispencer: Dota2還那麼多人玩喔?還以為死人遊戲了22F 01/10 10:05
shoube: GTAV再戰十年23F 01/10 10:06
cat05joy: GTA線上如果不強制要多人公開房的話會更好玩24F 01/10 10:07
Sabaurila: 以為pubg過氣了 結果還有前三
不過apex在origin那邊的統計不到25F 01/10 10:12
Windcws9Z: GTAV再戰十年27F 01/10 10:12
doomhammer: A R K28F 01/10 10:14
Azudebu: CSGO很好玩啊== 天梯跟第三方伺服器的Surf之類的都很讚29F 01/10 10:19
oasis404: 現在疫情這麼嚴重,一堆人又宅在家了30F 01/10 10:20
cat05joy: 這批是新年假期吧31F 01/10 10:23
xu3ru8vmp: Csgo才是再戰十年吧 好猛32F 01/10 10:24
shane24156: Dota2還有自製地圖遊樂場33F 01/10 10:24
s13541298: PUBG這麼前面 好意外34F 01/10 10:24
nomorethings: 線上硬要說成在線35F 01/10 10:32
wizardfizban: 在線是又戳到了啥??36F 01/10 10:38
kasumi999: naraka人數真的滿穩的勒37F 01/10 10:50
afu4869: 不愧是steam G胖甜甜圈吃不完了38F 01/10 10:52
bnn: 不 這次冬特是真的(ry39F 01/10 10:53
bladesinger: 戳到支語警察,online翻在線是左岸的用法40F 01/10 10:59
wizardfizban: 這也太敏感了 而且原文是 Concurrent41F 01/10 11:03
john29908: 性感荷官 在線發牌42F 01/10 11:07
ozakl6464: 欸不是,沒有VI就只能玩V了ㄚ43F 01/10 11:13
AZBTPATONY: pubg這樣還有第三喔? 大概是apex伺服器爛到沒人玩44F 01/10 11:14
federtik: CSGO就很好玩45F 01/10 11:18

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