作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [分享] 田口麗斗想去大聯盟
時間 Tue Jan  2 12:34:07 2024

Kazuto Taguchi Interested In Move To MLB

Left-hander Kazuto Taguchi re-signed with the Tokyo Yakult Swallows on a three-y
ear contract worth 550 million yen (roughly $3.89MM), according to Sanspo News a
nd other Japanese outlets.  The 28-year-old closer also expressed an interest in
 eventually pursuing a move to Major League Baseball, which could happen as earl
y as next offseason.  

Taguchi is a season away from reaching the full nine years of NPB service time r
equired to be a full free agent without a posting fee involved, and his comments
 suggest that his deal with the Swallows might contain an out clause in such a c

Kazuto Taguchi Interested In Move To MLB - MLB Trade Rumors
Left-hander Kazuto Taguchi re-signed with the Tokyo Yakult Swallows on a three-year contract worth 550 million yen (roughly $3.89MM), according &helli ...




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2024-01-02 12:34:07
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bav91Pq (BaseballXXXX)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BaseballXXXX/M.1704170049.A.674.html
alex8725: 他有說啊XD只是沒啥人關注1F 01/02 12:36
zxc906383: 所以他合約真的有放逃脫喔 但這對養樂多好像一點好處都沒有XD2F 01/02 12:37
alex8725: 反正87%不會執行的東西放也沒差4F 01/02 12:38
zxc906383: 搞不好他有大聯盟盟呀 領個2Y 4M去圓圓夢5F 01/02 12:43
flame1030: 他的球速感覺有點難6F 01/02 12:45
WasJohnWall: 矮軟左很難吧…7F 01/02 12:46
erodora: 雖然這兩年轉型成功  但我覺得大概只有小聯盟約附帶春訓8F 01/02 12:48
FeverPitch: 真的有2年4M也很可以啦9F 01/02 14:11

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