作者 polanco (polanco)
標題 [情報] 李政厚背部MRI結果出爐,無結構性損傷
時間 Wed Mar 19 11:45:44 2025

Good news for Giants: Jung Hoo Lee’s MRI for his back showed no structural dama
ge, and he will resume with treatments






Best case, Jung Hoo Lee plays Friday, but Giants not pressing it. Hope is for hi
m to play three more exhibitions before season opens. For now, he has back spasm
s and is seeing a chiropractor today. There’s still hope for the opener if he c
an get enough at-bats before then.




Jung Hoo Lee is still experiencing some discomfort in his back and could be out
a few more days, Melvin says. Not a baseball injury, just slept on it wrong.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: polanco 2025-03-19 11:45:44
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dsZthao (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1742355947.A.932.html
MarcPolo: 加州整骨師我有認識一個1F 03/19 11:47
a5687920: 床墊不能睡太軟的 容易受傷2F 03/19 11:48
MK47: 床墊還不趕快去找他業配3F 03/19 11:49
SlamKai: 睡覺睡得好問大谷4F 03/19 11:50
CusRise: 灣區有個姓綠的不錯5F 03/19 11:54
huangjyuan: 叫慧成問一下大谷怎麼睡 阿 慧成在小聯盟6F 03/19 11:54
Moukoko: 整骨來台灣吧7F 03/19 11:55
zteboom46: 好險 早日康復啊!8F 03/19 11:56
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 03/19/2025 11:57:02
CaminoI: 睡覺睡到傷到 大哥換張床吧9F 03/19 11:58
WasJohnWall: 怎麼睡的10F 03/19 11:59
antidote: X豆腐 準備外送灣區11F 03/19 12:05
rainbowcrash: 大谷不是有代言過寑具12F 03/19 12:21
harrychen413: 整脊師名字是Draymond Green嗎13F 03/19 12:26
ctes940008: 找金州武術隊整骨一下14F 03/19 12:44
alex2426chen: 受傷本來就有百百種15F 03/19 12:57
v0060814: 好險沒事16F 03/19 14:42

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