作者 polanco (polanco)標題 Re: [情報] Corbin Burnes to Diamondbacks時間 Sat Dec 28 15:51:52 2024
Corbin Burnes was offered more by the Giants and Blue Jays but big tax differenc
e in Arizona
The Baltimore Orioles were also aggressive in their pursuit to keep Corbin Burne
s but the opportunity for Burnes to stay at home in Phoenix during spring traini
ng and the regular season meant more than chasing the last dollar.
Corbin Burnes and his wife just had twins and wanted to stay home in Arizona, pr
ompting a deal with the D-backs. It’s shocking, but also pretty awesome. The D-
backs have been among the most affected by RSN uncertainty, and yet they keep go
ing for it.
So Burnes doesn’t match Stephen Strasburg’s $245 million deal, but his $35 mil
lion AAV is the same. It’s tied for the sixth-largest AAV ever for a starting p
itcher (behind Scherzer, Verlander, Wheeler, deGrom and Cole).
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: polanco 2024-12-28 15:51:52
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dRwuSG5 (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1735372316.A.405.html
※ 同主題文章:
Re: [情報] Corbin Burnes to Diamondbacks
12-28 15:51 polanco
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 12/28/2024 15:55:12
推 jerry00116: 藍鳥真D慘,開價都沒怎麼輸別人但就沒人要去XD1F 12/28 15:56
→ jonsir: 藍鳥大概等於今年的台鋼吧 各種運鈔車沒人要搭3F 12/28 16:03
推 oralboralb: 除了賽揚贏他 另外兩個都是季後賽認證過的 他算是賽揚裡比較弱的了4F 12/28 16:11
→ x123987789: 反觀梅子幹嘛啦 簽他還要掉籤 而且原本就沒有追的消息了= =7F 12/28 16:17
推 Yjizz: 巨人跟藍鳥 真的好難...9F 12/28 16:18
→ Hakase5566: 梅子要衝冠的球隊結果先發輪值長那樣問題很大吧10F 12/28 16:20
推 Werth: 可能只想要投六年 藍鳥梅子八年都有機會吧12F 12/28 16:27
推 n61208: 藍鳥應該是邊陲之地沒人想去吧13F 12/28 16:28
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 12/28/2024 16:40:05
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 12/28/2024 16:46:22
推 Dimitre: 沒人想去加拿大嗎 慘
老闆電信大亨 應該也是很敢砸15F 12/28 16:52
推 lxf: 梅子大概被前兩個頂級SP嚇爛XD17F 12/28 16:57
推 andy0305: 梅子簽幾個投手感覺就墊檔用 這一兩年一定會繼續買打者19F 12/28 17:23
推 wingmouse: 沒人想去加拿大吧,就是天氣比較不好的美國21F 12/28 17:28
推 lightjayjw: Burnes已30歲,錢多稅小又離家近,是常人也嚮往22F 12/28 17:31
推 xyz0123: 梅子早就說不會追頂SP,他們對投手調整很有信心23F 12/28 17:33
推 andy0305: 梅子應該在等簽Tucker 小V葛這種打者 搭配年輕投手24F 12/28 17:40
→ laking: 應該追tucker吧
小V葛大概就只能情勒藍鳥開肥約給他25F 12/28 17:58
推 RBC54321: 這樣看來 NYY的扣哥合約真狂 超高avv直接來9年XD27F 12/28 18:01
→ polanco: 扣就年紀更輕 而且進市場前成績比今年三巨投還要更強吧28F 12/28 18:04
推 kevinduh4: 血統又純 而且洋基19年也差一點而已29F 12/28 18:20
推 PartinG: 很常第一局開搞,硬實力已頂級投手來說不夠強
不是很看好去蛇蛇球場 能投得比以前好30F 12/28 19:14
→ BaRanKa: 國聯東跟國聯西明年真硬啊32F 12/28 19:19
推 cchhuu: 藍鳥開一張溢價很多的約還是會有人想去吧
如果沒高太多選藍鳥的誘因就小很多了33F 12/29 00:22