看板 Baseball作者 zxc906383 (無無)標題 [情報] 綠帽球場造價增加2.5億鎂(17.5億鎂)時間 Tue Dec 3 11:48:16 2024
The cost of the Athletics’ planned Las Vegas ballpark has increased by a quarte
r-billion dollars, according to Las Vegas Stadium Authority documents.
The stadium’s projected $1.5 billion price tag has risen to $1.75 billion becau
se of inflation and the addition of 70,000 square feet of ballpark features. New
elements added during the stadium’s design phase include more clubs and suites
, upgraded general admission spaces and player amenities. The A’s Las Vegas bal
lpark will be the first in Major League Baseball to offer under-seat cooling.
All recent and potential future cost increases are the responsibility of the A’
Team owner John Fisher plans to contribute up to $1.1 billion in equity from his
family toward the ballpark, with the team set to obtain a $300 million construc
tion loan from U.S. Bank and Goldman Sachs. The A’s expect to use $350 million
of the $380 million in public money earmarked for the project via Senate Bill 1,
which was signed into law in June 2023.
That breaks down to Fisher and the A’s being responsible for $1.4 billion of th
e $1.75 billion price tag.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2024-12-03 11:48:16
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dJd-2wA (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1733197698.A.E8A.html
推 ZHKWB: 多的預算綠帽自己出不是?2F 12/03 11:50
推 kim: 一樓,追加預算的負擔者是企業方自己,就跟台灣不
一樣了6F 12/03 11:53
推 crayon1988: 球團自己願意出錢也被酸 頗呵
所有多出來的造價,全部由綠帽出11F 12/03 11:57
推 Ailin: 有人看不懂內文?15F 12/03 12:05
推 kano2525: 一樓沒看內文還急著出來丟人現眼18F 12/03 12:09
推 SYSH24: 一樓太急了吧19F 12/03 12:12
推 Formsan: 傻眼 企業出資跟政府出資都搞不懂22F 12/03 12:13
推 F93935: 帥 蓋完就可以買球隊了23F 12/03 12:14
→ Formsan: 但這球場不大捏 有預計啥時會蓋好嗎24F 12/03 12:14
推 zivking: 臺灣也應該政府提供土地設定地上權給球團自己蓋就好25F 12/03 12:16
推 PCC2003: 好綠喔,看起來就很有價值30F 12/03 12:20
推 ia220629: 屋頂直接鑲曲面螢幕?太屌了吧 蓋好之後想去32F 12/03 12:21
推 andy0305: 學卡達室外球場空調喔 本來沒空調夏天會沒人去看比賽吧熱死33F 12/03 12:21
推 jkokpcu: 室內?所以開空調喔?35F 12/03 12:22
推 targa123: 對嘛,所以12億要求大聯盟等級不過分,啥,你說那是美金36F 12/03 12:23
推 vfgb35: 在那邊反觀扯台灣的 先確定自己是不是反智37F 12/03 12:25
推 heroboy: 那個綠色的感覺不太實用 又不是在打籃球會影響判斷吧40F 12/03 12:30
推 ww45654ww: 我覺得綠色背景比大白天白光好看球太多了
以前大白天可能還要帶太陽眼鏡現在搞不好不用了41F 12/03 12:34
推 ChrisDavis: 拉斯維加斯什麼都有可能發生的,你看sphere44F 12/03 12:35
推 xo1100: 追加預算 內行的哦46F 12/03 12:38
推 OneSong: 屋頂搭配大螢幕真的蠻炫的,綠帽真的早該走了47F 12/03 12:41
→ AhCheng: 這地方很快就賺回來了48F 12/03 12:42
→ tayan: 好猛...49F 12/03 12:42
推 areett: 這不會像純品康納 被颶風一吹就散嗎?50F 12/03 12:42
推 kidd085: 冷卻系統是要做什麼的55F 12/03 12:57
推 xmaxwu: 一樓 亂噓之術 很台灣56F 12/03 13:01
→ helba: 12億要大聯盟等級 吃xx比較快58F 12/03 13:11
推 n61208: 賭城真的猛
那顆Sphere也十分吸睛61F 12/03 13:24
推 WLR: 有夠綠的屋頂67F 12/03 14:37
→ Yjizz: 靠! 4DX棒球場68F 12/03 14:38
推 aro3810: 怎嚜看起來像室外球場71F 12/03 15:58