作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 荷蘭接替以色列主辦2025歐錦賽
時間 Sun Aug 25 11:23:21 2024

Rotterdam to Host the Final Phase of the Baseball European Championship 2025 - WBSC Europe - Baseball European Championship 2025
The WBSC Europe Board has officially assigned the organization of the final phase of the Baseball European Championship 2025 to the Koninklijke Nederl ...


The WBSC Europe Board has officially assigned the organization of the final phas
e of the Baseball European Championship 2025 to the Koninklijke Nederlandse Base
ball en Softball Bond (KNBSB). The next Baseball European Champion will be crown
ed in Rotterdam, Netherlands.




As always, the sixteen participating teams will be divided into four groups for
the first phase, with two groups hosted in the Netherlands and two in a location
 yet to be announced.




Each team will play three teams in their group, after which the top two teams fr
om each group will advance to the final phase in the Netherlands.


The top 12 European teams will then compete in Rotterdam, beginning with the qua
rterfinals and culminating in the semifinals and finals.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2024-08-25 11:23:21
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cogEhiA (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1724556203.A.B0A.html
kekebunny: 看看以色列 其實台灣滿幸福的1F 08/25 11:37
hschian: 以色列是國家,台灣是嗎?
樓上邏輯 笑死2F 08/25 12:03
grizz233: 巴冷天能再打嗎?4F 08/25 12:09
kekebunny: 呃…台灣什麼時候不是國家了?5F 08/25 12:11
jhgfdsa123: 是國家就幸福 不是國家就不幸福 ?6F 08/25 12:46
lsj049: 亞錦賽什麼時候也可以16隊比賽啊7F 08/25 12:52
s70160: 笑死 2樓是在敏感什麼啦…..一樓只是在呈述事實 你去提國家問題幹嘛…8F 08/25 13:20
salkuo: 我還以為二樓在自嘲勒xd10F 08/25 13:31
moriyaorange: 2樓很急11F 08/25 14:15
oftheday: 2樓一定喜歡每天戰爭12F 08/25 15:01

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