作者 polanco (polanco)
標題 [情報] 佐佐木麟太郎加入大聯盟選秀聯盟
時間 Tue Jun 11 09:06:48 2024


BREAKING: Top Japanese power prospect and @stanfordbsb slugger Rintaro Sasaki i
s joining the @TrentonThunder in the @MLBDraftLeague. After setting a Japanese
 record with 140 high school home runs, he'll be making his US debut on Tuesday.




"Knowing that college baseball is oftentimes really challenging for these kids a
nd as freshmen -- like, you've got to step foot on campus and be in a position r
eady to compete," Sean Campbell, the Draft League's Executive Director, told MLB
.com. "If we could give him that opportunity and environment to come to us, cont
inue to get work defensively, continue to get at-bats, face higher-level pitchin
g, swing a wood bat, it would all be beneficial to the kid. I think like that wa
s the more immediate approach, it was just, what's in the best interest of Rinta
ro's development."



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: polanco 2024-06-11 09:06:48
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cPwCiTy (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1718068012.A.77C.html
s820912gmail: !1F 06/11 09:12
takki07: 為什麼他要到2026才有選秀資格阿?不能棄學嗎2F 06/11 09:34
yellowmoon: !3F 06/11 09:34
ddkkz2003: 原來轟雷被改組到選秀聯盟了 王建民時代的洋基2A4F 06/11 09:34
JonaGoGo: 因為他高中不在美國 要大學唸到大三才能被選5F 06/11 10:11
kem0606: 棄學?規則都不懂耶6F 06/11 10:52
choobii: 他讀史丹佛還有一個目的就是要拿到文憑 還棄學勒7F 06/11 10:54
sdiaa: 要棄學 其實現在就可以用海外FA簽了8F 06/11 10:57
a27783322: ==9F 06/11 11:23
ddkkz2003: MLB選秀規則查一查很簡單10F 06/11 11:30
kiki0089: 海外FA 學歷 major選秀,這棋路也挺活的11F 06/11 12:23

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