作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 綠帽對Las Vegas保證30年不搬家
時間 Mon May 20 22:57:25 2024

A’s Las Vegas ballpark happenings on track with expected timeline | Athletics | Sports The nonrelocation agreement, presented to the stadium authority board Thursday afternoon, is the third of four major agreements that must be approved  ...


The Las Vegas Stadium Authority on Thursday got a look at the Oakland Athletics
’ draft plan that would tie the team to play in Las Vegas for at least 30 years

The nonrelocation agreement, presented to the authority board Thursday afternoon
, is the third of four major agreements that must be approved by the authority,
as required by Senate Bill 1, the public financing mechanism for the team’s pla
nned ballpark.



The bill earmarked up to $380 million in public funding to go toward the constru
ction of the $1.5 billion stadium.


The A’s plan to build the 33,000-seat ballpark on 9 acres of the 36-acre Tropic
ana site.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2024-05-20 22:57:25
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cIsJNCb (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1716217047.A.325.html
gn01948540: 綠帽呵呵1F 05/20 22:57
tairry2009: 50年不變 馬照跑舞照跳2F 05/20 22:59
carlchang092: 在奧克蘭也從1968到現在了,30年應該還好啦3F 05/20 22:59
AbukumaKai: 意思是賭城人也可以無情了4F 05/20 23:08
Fitzwilliam: 賭城要是跟奧克蘭一樣選出左膠市長的話……5F 05/20 23:10
sesd:         30年後再無情1次就好了6F 05/20 23:14
MK47: 不至於吧 奧克蘭都撐這麼久了7F 05/20 23:21
DFTT: 反正應該都有逃脫條款 夠值得就會跑了8F 05/20 23:26
strikeman: 頭殼壞掉才想逃離吧,賭城人最缺的就不是錢。9F 05/20 23:32
CrossroadMEI: 賭城還經營不下去的話 這隊差不多可以解散了10F 05/20 23:42
kayuzzo15135: 33000是不是太少了?11F 05/20 23:46

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