作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [分享] 金河成:開心能讓亞洲內野小球員保持MLB
時間 Mon Nov  6 12:32:39 2023

Padres’ Ha-Seong Kim becomes first Asian-born infielder to win a Gold Glove award - The Athletic
One day in late September, before a game in San Francisco, Ha-Seong Kim considered both the near future and his distant home continent. The unveiling  ...


“Obviously, it’s a great personal achievement, but also I’ll be happier just
to show kids in Asia that they can play infield and they can dream about coming
over here.

Because there’s a lot of doubts, like that Asian infielders have a low success
rate in the big leagues. Just being that person to have them keep their dream, t
hat’s the most important thing for me.”




Kim is just the second Asian-born player to win a Gold Glove. The other is Seatt
le Mariners icon Ichiro Suzuki, a 10-time winner in right field, where Kim’s te
ammate Fernando Tatis Jr. also earned his first Gold Glove.


“I feel like winning a Gold Glove as a utility is probably more valuable,” Kim
 said in September. “It means you can play multiple positions at the Gold Glove



And now, it registers as a singular accomplishment. In an interview near the end
 of the season, Korean baseball legend Chan Ho Park described Kim as a pioneer f
or their home country.



“Before I came to America, we had never thought about a Korean pitcher or Korea
n player playing in the major leagues,” said Park, who in 1994 became the first
 Korean-born player to appear in the majors.


 “But we made it. And then we thought, ‘OK, maybe a pitcher, maybe a home run
hitter — Hee-Seop Choi, Shin-Soo Choo.’


But defense? Like the infield, shortstop, second base? We never thought about it



“Ha-Seong makes us start thinking about it: ‘Yes, we can do that, too.’”

朴:金讓我們開始想這件事,沒錯 我們也能做到


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-11-06 12:32:39
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bI6nfRH (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1699245161.A.6D1.html
sesd:   真的屌啊 亞洲人在大聯盟拿"內野"金手套1F 11/06 12:33
zxc906383: 只不過他這個不算內野金手套 工具人也有含外野部分
只是剛好他是純內野手拿到的而已2F 11/06 12:34
sesd: 今年SS 20場 3B 32場 2B 106場 外野 0 純度應該還是夠的4F 11/06 12:38
zonzonzon: 推阿金5F 11/06 12:38
sesd:  最少應該沒人會反對他內野守備很好 XD6F 11/06 12:38
WindSpread: 他是用內野的成績爭取到的,這樣講沒什麼問題7F 11/06 12:40
ashilol: 阿金讚啦8F 11/06 12:42
flyin314: 真的厲害9F 11/06 12:43
aa7520tw: 加油,國民小舅子10F 11/06 12:45
dante110059: 手套真的很頂11F 11/06 12:55
nickme: 林子偉表示:?12F 11/06 12:57
flame1030: 阿金這麼會講話喔 平常都覺得他話比較少13F 11/06 13:06
rockpepper: 推阿金14F 11/06 13:10
sugaryeh000: 反觀某個腦羞百萬內野手15F 11/06 13:11
hexokinase: 亞洲之光16F 11/06 13:49
takamiku: 阿金在大聯盟算小隻 站在女生旁變巨巨17F 11/06 13:57
kenkenken31: 推金與大谷,亞洲共榮榮18F 11/06 14:33
a2350221: 推!19F 11/06 14:45
WasJohnWall: 他守備真的超猛20F 11/06 16:07
Julibea: 推21F 11/06 16:10
Coffeeoftea: 阿金真得不錯22F 11/06 17:04
tmac713: 推23F 11/06 17:29
noctilucous: 推阿金 真的強24F 11/06 18:16
jessicadang: 推阿金25F 11/06 18:40
pottr50911: 韓國阿成真的強26F 11/06 18:45

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