作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 老虎的棒球學校也被搶劫了
時間 Thu Oct 19 23:25:50 2023


BREAKING NEWS: The Detroit Tigers Academy, located in San Pedro de Macoris, DR,
was robbed by armed men who taking the players out of their rooms. They robbed c
ell phones, cash, clothes, play station and more. The players and staff experien
ced a terrifying moment.



球員的手機/現金/衣服/play station都被洗劫一空


Last Friday the St. Louis Cardinals academy was also robbed by armed men. Previo
usly, the academies of the Cleveland Guardians and the Miami Marlins had also be
en targeted by robberies.

The usual practice of this robberies in the past have been taking only baseball
equipment, but now academies have been dealing with armed man taking cash, valua
bles from safe boxes and holding coaches and players at gun point.




Dominican Republic authorities will guarantee security in MLB academies

Security in the 30 baseball academies that operate in the country will be safegu
arded with the installation of two new police corridors that will patrol the per


A police department will also be built that will allow better facilities for age
nts to move around the area and a monitoring center, whose information will be u
sed by the Police and those complexes.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-10-19 23:25:50
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bCKg0a4 (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1697729152.A.904.html
alwaysstrong: 所以到底為啥要搶棒球學校?單純因保安少容易得手?1F 10/19 23:30
cobras638: 為何要搶棒球學校?2F 10/19 23:30
DorkKnight: MLB給的資源比較多?3F 10/19 23:31
MELOEX: 武裝歹徒@@4F 10/19 23:35
chuegou: 棒球學校(X MLB的設施(O5F 10/19 23:37
uncle0301: 比較可能是因為美國的零元購法案引發的負面效應6F 10/19 23:40
virginmary: 我的ps5啊!!!!!!!!!7F 10/19 23:41
manialove: 0元購8F 10/19 23:44
davidex: 0元購連多明尼加也有喔9F 10/19 23:45
ghostl40809: 如果說波多黎各就算了 多明尼加乾美國什麼事10F 10/19 23:47
lazuritechen: 欺善怕惡 怎麼不去搶銀行11F 10/20 00:02
saidon: 乾美國的零元購法案啥事12F 10/20 00:22
neroASHS: 這都美國零元購 美屬多明尼加嗎13F 10/20 01:45
an123456781: 噓保安用法14F 10/20 01:57
terryiory: 多明尼加已經是加勒比海經濟很好的國家了15F 10/20 07:34

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