作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] NBA勇士隊老闆仍有興趣買下運動家
時間 Fri Oct  6 11:44:22 2023


On Thursday, discussing the WNBA's expansion into Oakland/San Francisco, Lacob t
old reporters, "if for whatever reason (Fisher) decided it wasn’t going to work
, sure, we might be interested." He went on to say, "But I’m not like throwing
my hat in the ring, and I don’t want Major League Baseball to be mad at me, eit
her. So I don’t want to get in their way."

NBA勇士隊老闆Joe Lacob在週四接受訪訪問時提到

如果運動家老闆John Fisher最終打算賣掉球隊的話


Joe Lacob once offered to buy Athletics, believes team belongs in Oakland – NBC Sports Bay Area & California
Before he bought the Warriors, built Chase Center in San Francisco and won four championships in an eight-year span, Joe Lacob attempted to purchase t ...


In an interview with John Shea of the San Francisco Chronicle, Lacob went into d
etail about how his offer to buy the A's for $180 million in 2005 was all but a
done deal. Instead, MLB commissioner Bud Selig favored the pairing of John Fishe
r and Lew Wolff, the latter who attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison alo
ng with the commissioner.


但時任大聯盟主席Bud Selig卻屬意給他的大學同學Lew Wolff得標

所以最後綠帽就被Lew Wolff/John Fisher買走了

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-10-06 11:44:22
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1b7uAOC8 (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1696563864.A.308.html
KingCherry: Selig 整天亂搞1F 10/06 11:45
pcfox: 輸給靠關係的2F 10/06 11:45
Kunimoto: 勇士老闆買下來 說不定還在奧克蘭了3F 10/06 11:51
bestteam: 勇士自己都跑離奧克蘭了4F 10/06 11:54
Chanlin01: 勇士都不在奧克蘭了 誰要留無情+情勒城市5F 10/06 11:56
chunyo0229: 舊金山還有地方蓋球場嗎6F 10/06 12:03
zouelephant: 巨人就不可能給灣區再多一個主場啊7F 10/06 12:05
fishhy: 之前要去聖荷西都被否決了,要留在北加就只能待在奧克蘭8F 10/06 12:16
DavidFoster: 買下來搬去賭城9F 10/06 12:49
loloool: 北加剩下聖荷西和沙加緬度有辦法養球隊而已10F 10/06 14:36

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