作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 皇家20億鎂新球場計畫進度
時間 Sat Sep 23 22:17:10 2023

Royals Miss Self-Imposed Deadline To Select Stadium Site
The Royals acknowledged that they will miss their intended late-September target to name the site of their proposed $2 billion new stadium ...


The Kansas City Royals acknowledged that they will miss their intended late-Sept
ember target to name the site of their proposed $2 billion new stadium, throwing
 an early wrench into the facility development’s plans.

Less than a month after unveiling the two candidate sites for the proposed proje
ct, the Royals have quickly walked back from an intended plan to disclose the fi
nal choice by the end of the month.


The key sticking point is finalizing a lease extension with Missouri’s Jackson
County, where the Royals’ current home, Kauffman Stadium, is located. The count
y is insisting on a finalized lease extension with the Royals before introducing
 a ballot question that would extend its stadium sales tax levy and help fund a
new venue.



The Royals still plan to put a funding measure on local ballots in April 2024, w
ith a goal of opening the new stadium in 2028.



Chase Field renovation still first choice for D-Backs owners - Ballpark Digest Staying downtown Phoenix after a Chase Field renovation is the first choice of Arizona Diamondbacks ownership, but a financing deal has proved to be e ...


Staying downtown Phoenix after a Chase Field renovation is the first choice of A
rizona Diamondbacks ownership, but putting together a financing deal for up to $
500 million in upgrades has proved to be elusive.

整修現有球場Chase Field仍是第一選擇


Diamondbacks President and CEO Derrick Hall has been pretty clear with his prefe
rence to pursue a Chase Field renovation and even offering to put up 75 percent
of the expected $400-$500 million cost, but that offer has not generated a lot o
f enthusiasm among elected officials. But with the team’s lease ending in 2027,
 we’re hitting a deadline when the team looks to build a new ballpark else in t
he Valley if a Chase Field renovation doesn’t happen.





綠帽新球場 15億鎂(政府出3.8億鎂) 目標2028落成
光芒新球場 13億鎂(政府出6億鎂)   目標2028落成


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-09-23 22:17:10
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1b3lDekg (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1695478632.A.BAA.html
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 09/23/2023 22:17:31
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 09/23/2023 22:18:19
Tanjiro: 大巨蛋再拖一下我們明年可能也會有三座球場開幕1F 09/23 22:18
cycling: 幹脆搬到堪薩斯州那邊算了2F 09/23 22:22
a0921830077: 不清楚大聯盟球場補助後政府要怎麼分紅
門票抽成還是因為球場增進觀光所以抵銷3F 09/23 22:22
eee60109: 皇家幹嘛拋棄舊球場5F 09/23 22:24
cobras638: 皇家可以來的及在明年四月能投票+2028年新球場落成嗎?6F 09/23 22:28
ateng: 我皇的老闆想把球場搬進市區啊,當地居民超反對的7F 09/23 22:35
AhCheng: 原來還沒搞定啊? 蓋新球場的消息我以為已經確定了準備要蓋了8F 09/23 23:19
carlchang092: 各種設計圖傳了很久了,但主要矛盾一直沒有解決10F 09/23 23:31
bestteam: 地點啊 皇家目前球場的地點不好11F 09/24 01:35
kevin9964: 屌打12F 09/24 06:33

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