作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 奧克蘭市長:球場要續約的話,就把隊名留
時間 Mon Aug 28 14:53:12 2023

Oakland mayor offers to let A's keep playing at Coliseum for now — if they leave their name when they go - CBSSports.com
Mayor Sheng Thao has reportedly laid out a series of deals if the A's need to keep using the stadium ...


According to Scott Ostler of the San Francisco Chronicle, Thao has informed Majo
r League Baseball's commissioner office that the City of Oakland would be open t
o extending the Athletics' lease at the Oakland Coliseum -- for a price. Indeed,
 Thao's chief of staff Leigh Hanson told the Chronicle that Oakland's list of de
mands could include "a provision that the A's leave their name rooted in Oakland
 when they go," or, possibly, "a guarantee of being awarded a new team when base
ball expands, as it expects to do fairly soon."


奧克蘭市長盛桃(Sheng Thao)已經告知大聯盟主席辨公室說

如果運動家要續租Oakland Coliseum,那租約內可能會要求把運動家這隊名留給奧克蘭


The A's lease at the Oakland Coliseum expires after the 2024 season. Their Las V
egas stadium isn't expected to open until several years afterward, perhaps as la
te as Opening Day 2028. The A's reportedly have three interim home candidates in
 mind, including the Coliseum and, believe it or not, sharing Oracle Park with t
he San Francisco Giants. It's been rumored in the past that the A's could also t
ake up residence in the Las Vegas minor-league park where their Triple-A affilia
te currently plays.



Athletics list Oracle Park among interim stadium options during Las Vegas move – NBC Sports Bay Area & California
If Major League Baseball approves the Athletics’ request to relocate to Las Vegas, the franchise will be in limbo for a few years. ...


Team president Dave Kaval revealed to The Nevada Independent the A’s three most
 likely options are to return to the Coliseum, share a ballpark in Summerlin wit
h the Triple-A Las Vegas Aviators, or head across the Bay Bridge and play at Ora
cle Park, the home of the San Francisco Giants since 2000.


1.      續待Oakland Coliseum
2.      和巨人共用甲骨文球場
3.      先去用綠帽3A球場




A's Owner Denies Tanking Allegations As Team Continues Relocation Process
Oakland A’s owner John Fisher has a blunt message for Bay Area fans frustrated with the club’s current state and forthcoming relocation to Las Vegas:  ...





The Oakland A’s Owner Tries $40 Million Accounting Trick On Public
A's owner John Fisher said the club would lose $40 million in 2023. Here's a breakdown of how Fisher will see a handsome profit, instead. ...




1.      地方轉播約:$53M
2.      全國轉播約:$62.5M





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-08-28 14:53:12
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ax4HQUL (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1693205594.A.795.html
a0921830077: 除了薪資還有球場租約 人員薪水...太多
不過虧這麼多我覺得唬爛啦1F 08/28 14:54
zxc906383: 租約一年1.25M3F 08/28 14:55
a60525025: 虧4000萬 讓人想到教主4F 08/28 15:00
colin79813: 純噓這位市長5F 08/28 15:00
sdd5426: 不排除解散之術6F 08/28 15:01
goury: MLB爪隊,異常虧損7F 08/28 15:04
wahaha888: 擴編誰要去奧克蘭?8F 08/28 15:05
andye04: 租金要不要錢 水電要不要錢 員工薪水要不要錢 一張門票才賺你小小3%
MLB館長9F 08/28 15:12
jarrodqq896: 跑都來不及了 還擴編?12F 08/28 15:21
johnson20524: 都要跑了才在那邊情勒 笑S13F 08/28 15:23
yahe0526: 留下來也沒有隊伍想來吧14F 08/28 15:24
fishhy: 這個……你確定大聯盟會在奧克蘭擴編嗎,市長大人?15F 08/28 15:46
ForeverChop: 裝窮    生意人伎倆大家都懂16F 08/28 15:51
Minihil: 當然是比去年少賺40M的意思17F 08/28 15:52
colin79813: 就算要擴編也不會考慮Oakland
而且Athletics早期並不是在奧克蘭18F 08/28 15:54
sdia: 天然草換成人工草通常會更熱吧...20F 08/28 16:07
flowerabby01: 笑死 恐怖情人21F 08/28 16:14
JSSoryu: 左派垃圾市長 把整座城市搞成吸毒搶劫之城 還好意思
NFL NBA MLB 都想跑了 誰想要去奧克蘭爛城市擴編...22F 08/28 16:37
bowen5566: 運動家待過費城跟堪薩斯都沒改過名 憑什麼留給奧克蘭24F 08/28 16:53
WiLLSTW: 擴編也輪不到你們這糞城 被MLS已讀不回多少次了還以為自己很被歡迎喔25F 08/28 17:04
JER2725: 虧損4000萬 不排除解散
我還以為是兄弟象27F 08/28 17:29
duo131: 這市長真的腦殘~~誰理你~~不租就不租笑死~~民主黨不意外29F 08/28 17:38
keltt: MLB球隊又沒有冠企業名,一直虧那麼多還不賣球隊,你信嗎?30F 08/28 17:42
cobras638: 這個……你確定大聯盟會在奧克蘭擴編嗎?31F 08/28 18:15
tn1983: 憑什麼讓人把隊名留下32F 08/28 18:41

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