作者 polanco (polanco)
標題 [情報] 至少10隊派球探去看山本由伸投球
時間 Sat Aug 26 15:56:03 2023

Teams flocking to scout Yoshinobu Yamamoto as MLB move looms
The Yankees, Mets, Red Sox and Cardinals were among at least 10 teams to scout Orix Buffaloes right-handed star Yoshinobu Yamamoto’s start Wednesday. ...


The Yankees, Mets, Red Sox and Cardinals were among at least 10 teams to scout O
rix Buffaloes right-handed star Yoshinobu Yamamoto’s start Wednesday, and he im
pressed over seven scoreless innings with poise, focus and athleticism, and also
 with several solid-to-plus pitches — including a four-seamer up to 97 mph, cut
ter, curveball and splitter.

Also there to see the two-time MVP who’s expected to be posted were the Cubs, D
odgers, Diamondbacks, Phillies, Rangers and Tigers. …




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: polanco 2023-08-26 15:56:03
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1awR0L70 (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1693036565.A.1C0.html
boyen0917: 要看山本在日本投不好真的不是很容易1F 08/26 15:59
Yjizz: 王電火:看你經紀人是誰 這裡有張支票2F 08/26 16:02
yuechen: 天使沒派球探去喔?3F 08/26 16:04
ryuchan: 天使日本公敵,入境應該就驅離遣返4F 08/26 16:05
glenliu: 日本梅準備好了5F 08/26 16:44
dd1115dd1115: 不知道有沒有順便去看大王6F 08/26 16:52
Leo0923: 希望他去費城7F 08/26 17:13
chen1983: 道奇:山本跟大谷 我全都要8F 08/26 17:30
a4268139: 去響尾蛇跟卡仔並肩作戰9F 08/26 17:33

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