作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 對沖基金商人開價18.5億要買光芒
時間 Sat Jun 17 21:07:43 2023

Hedge Fund Founder Looking To Buy Tampa Bay Rays For $1.85 Billion
Trip Miller, founder of Nashville hedge fund Gullane Capital Partners, is looking to buy the Rays, who created the blueprint for cobbling together a g ...


Trip Miller, founder of the Nashville hedge fund Gullane Capital Partners, is ty
ing to put together a group of investors to buy the Tampa Bay Rays for $1.85 bil
lion, multiple sources have told Forbes.

搞對沖基金的商人Trip Miller,近期正打算找一群投資者


Stuart Sternberg, the principal owner of the baseball team, led a partnership th
at purchased the Rays for $200 million in 2004. It is believed Sternberg owns 49
% of the Rays. Sports bankers say it is not clear that Sternberg is looking to s
ell the team and believe he may be testing the market.

光芒現任老闆Stuart Sternberg當初在2004年用2億美金買下球隊


People familiar with Miller’s plan say he is looking to be the control person o
f the Rays with an investment of $200 million cash. The biggest investment would
 come from the family of local businessman Dan Doyle Jr. The Athletic first repo
rted about the Doyle family’s interest in buying the Rays in May, but the artic
le did not mention a price for the team or Miller’s potential investment.

知情人士表示Trip Miller計畫要掌握球隊的控制權


但最大的出資人會是佛州當地企業老闆Dan Doyle Jr

In March, Forbes valued the Rays at $1.25 billion, 25th out of MLB’s 30 teams.
For the 2022 season, we estimated the Rays’ revenue at $248 million—including
more than $30 million in revenue-sharing proceeds—ahead of only the Miami Marli
ns ($238 million) and the Oakland Athletics ($212 million).




Another plus for the Rays is their regional sports network deal, which pays the
team more than $50 million a year


The Rays’ RSN is profitable, and their rights fees are not thought to be in jeo





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-06-17 21:07:43
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1aZR0XLv (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1687007265.A.579.html
TAZUSA: 要賣也是搬家後才會賣吧1F 06/17 21:20
cobras638: 光芒現在會想賣嗎?2F 06/17 21:23
KEDEN: 市場派想搶3F 06/17 21:25
ekong: 收入2.5億美元 但是支出不到一億啊4F 06/17 21:26
carlchang092: 我記得老闆說不賣而且有在跟當地政府合作要處理球場問題5F 06/17 21:29
JOHN117: 有線電視危機是啥米7F 06/17 21:43
vovoson: 努力一點投報就有十趴了 蠻賺的啊8F 06/17 21:45
haruhi5566: 光芒老闆說他還說大都會迷 呵呵9F 06/17 21:50
linyutw66: 不如買球員10F 06/17 22:11
z041l31l3: 買來對沖啊?11F 06/17 22:12

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