看板 Baseball
作者 polanco (polanco)
標題 [情報] 大聯盟勞資協議最新進展
時間 Tue Mar  1 09:50:02 2022

Sources: Deal not close, but not impossible. CBT thresholds, prearb pool big iss
ues, among others. MLB has proposed two choices:

A: 14-team expanded postseason, minimum of  ~$700k, ~40m into prearb pool

B: 12-team expanded postseason, ~$675k minimum, ~$20m into prearb pool

Evan Drellich
Sources: Deal not close, but not impossible. CBT thresholds, prearb pool big issues, among others. MLB has proposed two choices:

A: 14-team expanded postseason, minimum of  ~$700k, ~40m into prearb pool

B: 12-team expanded postseason, ~$675k minimum, ~$20m into prearb pool



A:季後賽擴編14隊 底薪70萬起 獎金池4000萬

B:季後賽擴編12隊  底薪67.5萬起 獎金池2000萬


Jeff Passan說目前大聯盟在底薪,獎金池跟豪華稅的議題上已經偏向勞方的要求


Jeff Passan
There has been movement on minimums, bonus pools and CBT by MLB today going in the direction of the players. Still isn't enough for a deal at this point. If they get close enough, though, there's a chance they could put off deadline by a day to continue talks into tomorrow.https://twitter.com/JesseRogersESPN/status/1498472934985412616 …
8:35 EST update: League negotiator Dan Halem heads back over to the players. 6th time the sides have come together for talks today/tonight.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Y7NlE8z (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1646099406.A.23D.html
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 03/01/2022 09:51:56
k2541398: 這比之前的條件合理多了1F 03/01 09:57
zxc906383: 豪華稅率也下修 但仍非維持現狀2F 03/01 09:57
ultratimes: 季後賽別擴編啊3F 03/01 10:30
Keane86: 還是覺得季後賽14隊有點太多了 等於將近一半的球隊都可以打 12隊比較剛好
但相對資方賺的錢變少 給的低薪 獎金池也會縮水QQ4F 03/01 10:57
stilu: 拜託別學NBA那招7F 03/01 11:02
zxc906383: https://i.imgur.com/NKLkEJL.png
豪華税率可能會保持現狀 第一層稅限225M-230M
直接超越聯盟之前垃圾的五年後漲到222M8F 03/01 11:20
dewking: 季後賽14隊是哪招?? 快一半了11F 03/01 11:29
themis1208: 會還在開 12個小時了 真的是熬夜寫作業的概念xd12F 03/01 11:30
zxc906383: 從早上開始 開到都晚上10點多了
記者要待在停車場一整天惹13F 03/01 11:33
polanco: 真的跟暑假作業一樣XD 希望能趕出來吧15F 03/01 11:37
zxc906383: 目前卡在 12 vs 1416F 03/01 11:41
chris0112: 有進展就好17F 03/01 11:51
Minihil: 之前根本雙方在互探底線 感覺還是資方贏了18F 03/01 11:52
Allen524: 不要像NBA那樣就好.14隊還可以接受19F 03/01 11:53

Hearing now that players are resistant as a group to 14 teams in the playoffs, a
nd it’s not just 1, 2 or a few against it. Theres’s “widespread consensus” n
ot to go to 14 postseason teams.

Jon Heyman
Hearing now that players are resistant as a group to 14 teams in the playoffs, and it’s not just 1, 2 or a few against it. Theres’s “widespread consensus” not to go to 14 postseason teams.


※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 03/01/2022 11:58:41
zxc906383: 進入第13個小時了
佛州晚上11點20F 03/01 12:00
karta328: 如果改成14隊 季賽場次要減少比較好吧22F 03/01 12:10
zxc906383: 看起來是12
https://i.imgur.com/DFO65iP.png23F 03/01 12:42
NXT0614: 14隊...這一開始是勞方提出的嗎25F 03/01 12:50
zxc906383: 擴編一直都是資方提的26F 03/01 12:51
en0308: 14是大聯盟提出 公會是提1227F 03/01 12:51
BHrabal: 14隊...季賽大練兵28F 03/01 13:43
lions402: 例行賽打這麼認真幹嘛 反正都要打季後賽了29F 03/01 13:48
es9114ian: 似乎今晚要直接談到合約完成了,終於要結束這樣鬧劇了嗎?
這場*30F 03/01 13:48
kenro: 一定要擴編啊,第一輪也至少3戰2勝
14隊其實還好吧,讓季後賽比較公平熱鬧33F 03/01 14:05
es9114ian: 不用再講14隊,已經確定12隊了35F 03/01 14:09
zxc906383: 已經確定12了36F 03/01 14:10
BHrabal: 12就是6/15 四成進playoff 也算很高了37F 03/01 14:46
brady0912: 就算十四 還是四大運動最少38F 03/01 15:26
asd22961166: 嘴擴編季後賽的 就不要繼續嘴擺爛球隊太多39F 03/01 16:17
zxc906383: 擴編老實說更能擺爛欸40F 03/01 16:23
Godofthebutt: 14隊的話 天使QQ41F 03/01 19:18

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