看板 Baseball
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 勇士隊將進入元宇宙
時間 Wed Feb 16 09:52:10 2022

Erik Bacharach
Breaking: @Braves are entering the metaverse. They’re the first MLB team to do so.

ATL is set to unveil the creation of Digital Truist Park, a photo-realistic digital twin of the team’s home venue that is powered by @UnrealEngine.

Quick @sbjsbd story: https://www.sportsbusinessjournal.com/Daily/Issues/2022/02/15/Media/Braves …

Breaking: @Braves are entering the metaverse. They’re the first MLB team to do

ATL is set to unveil the creation of Digital Truist Park, a photo-realistic digi
tal twin of the team’s home venue that is powered by @UnrealEngine.

Front Office Sports
The first MLB team to enter the metaverse:

The Atlanta Braves

Per @ErikBacharach, the World Series champs have plans for 'Digital Truist Park', a photo-realistic version of the team's stadium powered by Epic Games' Unreal Engine.

The first MLB team to enter the metaverse:

The Atlanta Braves
Per @ErikBacharach, the World Series champs have plans for 'Digital Truist Park'
, a photo-realistic version of the team's stadium powered by Epic Games' Unreal





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Y35ZCT3 (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1644976332.A.743.html
chh1470: 宇宙勇1F 02/16 09:53
VVizZ: 毫無意義2F 02/16 09:55
lin36891042: 富邦表示:還差我一大截3F 02/16 10:07
wryyyyyyyy: 宇宙勇4F 02/16 10:07
AllenHuang: 宇宙勇5F 02/16 10:08
elvis0109: 宇宙邦:6F 02/16 10:10
fishead1116: 宇宙勇7F 02/16 10:10
kkkk0923: 宇宙勇,創世邦,財富要人幫,贏球靠富邦8F 02/16 10:13
losewind: 所以可以用VR看球賽嗎??9F 02/16 10:13
ShaEric63ck: 宇宙勇 蒿吐露絲10F 02/16 10:14
hijodedios36: 宇宙勇 怎麼輸11F 02/16 10:15
kyeh001: 比賽選手戴VR?12F 02/16 10:15
jrbobo: 請支持00903富邦元宇宙13F 02/16 10:16
JoeGibsonJr: 富邦ETF那麼雷 樓上是被套多少14F 02/16 10:19
oscar456: 富邦VIX,QQ15F 02/16 10:21
Scorpio777: 救救老蘇的紅茶店QQ16F 02/16 10:23
star880613: 宇宙勇17F 02/16 10:32
Heyward: 笑死   元宇宙WIN18F 02/16 10:35
joefaq: 73勝總亞軍永存19F 02/16 10:39
srwcc: MLB the Show ?20F 02/16 10:40
hdotistyle: 宇宙勇 不讓了21F 02/16 10:41
s5894143: 沒有其他球隊,是要看他們打隊內練習賽喔?22F 02/16 10:42
Darvish0831: 以後連虛擬世界都要比賽了23F 02/16 10:45
fishfish1314: 宇宙勇!24F 02/16 10:46
s9209122222: VR 就 VR 在那邊 META 三小25F 02/16 10:52
rukawa28: 今年75大湖人即將超越26F 02/16 10:59
lens82801: 宇宙勇!!27F 02/16 11:01
zzs123344: 真宇宙勇28F 02/16 11:01
jenchieh5: 這才是有fu糗29F 02/16 11:06
waiting0801: XDDDD30F 02/16 11:07
hidexjapan: @losewind MLBTV有VR版,但目前體驗不算太好31F 02/16 11:10
QBRoboT: 遊戲GM會訂出要拿下世界大賽冠軍才能登出的規定嗎XDDD32F 02/16 11:14
h888512: 馬投顧:33F 02/16 11:16
LSLLtu: 宇宙勇!34F 02/16 11:24
MarcPolo: 73宇宙勇!35F 02/16 11:26
hyjoly: 我先問 到底留不留得住自由人36F 02/16 11:27
jason40311: 元宇宙是三小啦37F 02/16 11:29
AllenHuang: 元宇宙勇38F 02/16 11:29
ELV420: 宇宙勇!!!39F 02/16 11:35
DPP48: 名符其實的人家已經上太空,某國還在殺豬公40F 02/16 11:36
ILLwill: 以後大家在家裡比賽就好41F 02/16 11:37
icou: 原來是宇宙勇啊42F 02/16 11:43
UbaldJimenez: 如果是即時轉譯資訊變成 VR 球賽,我會花錢啊!超好玩的43F 02/16 11:59
aegefds: 看起來好讚45F 02/16 12:01
kidd085: 宇宙邦46F 02/16 12:36
ajay81104: 亞洲已經有宇宙邦和宇宙軟了,大聯盟真慢47F 02/16 12:43
gswsb: 真・宇宙勇48F 02/16 12:54
shevchen: 卍 宇宙勇士隊 卍49F 02/16 12:56
fireguard119: 征服宇宙50F 02/16 13:59
Carrarese: ?????51F 02/16 14:09
ultratimes: 太空人才是要進入宇宙吧52F 02/16 14:10
roger4767: 勇士也有fu糗嗎53F 02/16 14:14
IRPT001: 不回現實了?54F 02/16 14:36
takamiku: 不就是個美國富邦55F 02/16 14:39
adamcha: 在家裡打the show就好了56F 02/16 14:45
fishhy: 真宇宙勇!57F 02/16 15:12
sunnyyoung: 體感衣體感手套發明了嗎58F 02/16 15:12
maca800522: 宇宙勇59F 02/16 15:52
qazwsx1225: 宇宙勇最近打得很差60F 02/16 16:30
NoboTaka: 宇宙勇士隊61F 02/16 16:45

作者 zxc906383 的最新發文: