看板 NBA
作者 blacklittle (傻黑)
標題 [情報] DLO for top-12 pick乳摸
時間 Tue Jun 20 11:32:04 2017



The Los Angeles Lakers are reportedly trying to get another lottery pick, and
we now know what they might be offering in exchange.

According to Chad Ford of ESPN, it “sounds like” the Lakers “are dangling
D’Angelo Russell in effort to get another top-12 pick” in the 2017 NBA Draft.
Ford adds that Duke guard Luke Kennard and Gonzaga big man Zach Collins
appear to be” the Lakers’ targets.

The Lakers moving Russell — a former No. 2 pick — in exchange for a pick in
the top-12 would be an acknowledgement they feel that pick was a failure and
are looking to recoup some value, and would be a surprising flip for the
franchise just two years after taking him.

Adding smoke to this fire was the leak earlier Monday in which anonymous
sources told Kevin Ding of Bleacher Report that the Lakers were less than
impressed with Russell’s level of professionalism.

Still, giving up on a guard with as much talent as Russell so quickly would
certainly be surprising, and draft time is filled with rumors upon rumors.
This one may come true, it may be a rival team attempting to drive Russell’s
value on the trade market down by saying the Lakers are asking for so little.

Stay tuned to Silver Screen and Roll for updates.



blacklittle  2B  3B
在他的生涯中 有機會成為不錯的邊角內野手
但須克服脆弱的身體 避免成為DL常客

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Dragic: 當初不是Nash跟Curry的綜合體嗎...1F 06/20 11:33
IBIZA:   they feel that pick was a failure2F 06/20 11:33
liusim: 不是基石的料啊 而且還偷拍 覺得這疙瘩難解3F 06/20 11:33
f22313467: 給76人 然後Okafor給湖人4F 06/20 11:33
grimnir158: 跟IG比起來天賦潛力就是差這麼一節5F 06/20 11:33
encorek01231: Clarkson 跟 Dlo 哪個比較強啊 問個6F 06/20 11:34
karta1992560: 是個稱職先發幹嘛換掉 才21歲7F 06/20 11:34
loserloser: Dlo還有幹分代表作 雖然很多時後雷8F 06/20 11:35
kenny781558: 胡迷之前還肖想用DLO換#3  事實就是只值樂透後段9F 06/20 11:35
dixongossip: 我怎麼他今年有幾場得分超高,幹嘛換樂透籤= =
   記得10F 06/20 11:35
swahusky4NI: 偷拍整個黑掉12F 06/20 11:36
may60524: 留著練練看吧13F 06/20 11:36
f22313467: 唉 當初應該繼續留書豪的14F 06/20 11:37
aatt43a: 迷迷不是說是咖哩嗎,咖哩你捨得賣嗎15F 06/20 11:37
live147222: 究竟會有幾個榜眼能養成功呢16F 06/20 11:37
gn00945822: 2號籤過兩年變12號籤...17F 06/20 11:38
kenny781558: Dlo放到今年可能也只是6-10區間的順位而已18F 06/20 11:38
kai08130623: 樓下B開頭DLO觀察家19F 06/20 11:38
f22313467: DLO>小咖哩 Ingram>小KD Randle>小Green20F 06/20 11:39
turnpoint: 以湖人的隊形,當年選OK4還是比較好21F 06/20 11:39
ch13: dlo才幾歲 有這麼爛嗎= =22F 06/20 11:39
maoimaoi21: 裡面就寫了 這也可能是假消息 因為Dlo應該沒這麼不23F 06/20 11:39
tihs104: 簽名檔是誰 之前看過忘了25F 06/20 11:40
branchline: 假消息吧......26F 06/20 11:40
karta1992560: 選KP比OK4好27F 06/20 11:41
nastycurry: DLO放進年大概8~1328F 06/20 11:41
Wacha52: 呵呵 當初湖迷選到Russel爽翻天 尼克迷選到KP崩潰29F 06/20 11:41
mirror0103: 沒那麼不值吧至少5~8順位吧30F 06/20 11:41
f22313467: 話說OK4現在都打板凳 前一季明明打得不錯啊31F 06/20 11:42
CMPunk: 尼克迷選到誰都碼不爽32F 06/20 11:42
King5566: 當初在那邊亂選 真的8733F 06/20 11:42
mystylezack: 表妹也才換到10號籤,dlo是能有多值錢34F 06/20 11:42
rogerk1016: ESPN?35F 06/20 11:43
frank47147: 表弟那個原本是想用好像是水的Hield+自己大概十順位以外的簽換36F 06/20 11:46
nuclear: 球感覺比他強38F 06/20 11:47
frank47147: 結果Hield去國王跟換個人沒兩樣 自己的簽又因為磨合不順 才有十順位39F 06/20 11:47
justice2008: 為啥當年巴斯家族不選Okafor啊 是因為想把dlo養成Kobe嗎41F 06/20 11:48
turnpoint: 當時後場明明就有小克在練了,選個OK4也比較好搭43F 06/20 11:49
bravo: 換不到44F 06/20 11:49
wmigrant: BS選的45F 06/20 11:51
GANZ: BS想選後衛來顧他飯碗 結果dlo沒kidd KI夠carry他46F 06/20 11:52
BrandonMai: 水47F 06/20 11:53
f22313467: 如果當初76人選到DLO 現在內線應該就是Embiid
然後隔年再選進Simmons 這陣容根本超豪華48F 06/20 11:54

作者 blacklittle 的最新發文:
(blacklittle.): [情報] DLO for top-12 pick乳摸 - Z_sports板