看板 NBA作者 Wojnarowski (@wojespn)標題 [外絮] LBJ或將因為77的到來再和湖人延長合約時間 Tue Feb 4 08:41:00 2025
LeBron James Could Extend Playing Career Due To Lakers' Trade For Luka Doncic
The addition of Luka Doncic by the Los Angeles Lakers could lead to LeBron Jam
es extending his playing career beyond his previously planned retirement date.
James, who has a no-trade clause, wants to remain with the Lakers and could e
xtend his contract this offseason. Furthermore, the Lakers are expected to shi
ft toward a more serious pursuit of a title given the age of Doncic compared t
o how the James-Anthony Davis era had appeared to be nearing its completion.
"LeBron had no intention and has no intention of asking out before Thursday's
trade deadline," said Dave McMenamin on NBA Today on Monday. "He's going to st
ay with the Lakers to play with Luka Doncic for the remainder of the season. T
hen, he has a player option this summer that we assume he'll pick up. But ther
e's a chance he will renegotiate a new deal and this Luka Doncic addition coul
d extend LeBron James' career. It's not a given that next year will be his las
t year in the NBA.
根據記者Dave McMenamin
能重新簽下一份新合約,而77的加入可能會延長LBJ的職業生涯,明年不一定是他在 NBA
"Luka Doncic, at 25 years old, and all the skills he brings. And all the commi
tment the Lakers are going to have from here on out to improve this team to ma
ke it championship ready to make sure they get that extension agreement from L
uka in a year-and-a-half from now will give LeBron a better team to play with.
25 歲的77擁有各種技能。從現在起,湖人將盡一切努力提高球隊實力,為總冠軍做好準
"Luka and LeBron could mean more of LeBron because of more of a chance to play
championship caliber basketball because of his addition."
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: Wojnarowski 2025-02-04 08:41:00
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1deM8Urp (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1738629662.A.D73.html
※ 同主題文章:
[外絮] LBJ或將因為77的到來再和湖人延長合約
02-04 08:41 Wojnarowski.
02-04 10:38 oion13272613.
※ 編輯: Wojnarowski ( 臺灣), 02/04/2025 08:41:56
推 axi: 喜迎二皇子1F 02/04 08:41
→ ymlin0331: actually no one wants LBJ now5F 02/04 08:42
推 skygray2: 湖人終於可以擺脫LeGM的控制了8F 02/04 08:42
→ ymlin0331: too expensive and too old11F 02/04 08:42
→ coox: 沒有註冊Shams這ID嗎?16F 02/04 08:42
推 ARTORIA: 先領中產打到45歲 再領底薪打到50歲18F 02/04 08:42
推 bheegrl: LBJ也是越想越帶勁吧20F 02/04 08:43
推 xxlaws: 降薪 好嗎22F 02/04 08:43
→ kingbar815: 白癡才會覺得老詹不爽要離開,超持球大核,根本賺23F 02/04 08:43
推 phants: 有年輕的大腿 捨不得退26F 02/04 08:43
推 pongbao: 該滾了,77就是來取代你的29F 02/04 08:43
→ xxlaws: 其實也不用降 當我沒說31F 02/04 08:43
推 tomoti: 跳Po再簽二年底薪嗎? 可以...32F 02/04 08:43
推 seedhorse: 你要不要看看這種破防守怎麼打冠軍級別的比賽...33F 02/04 08:43
推 Sessyoin: [情報] 湖人不打算交易LeBron 希望他擔任77導師34F 02/04 08:43
推 furjai: 別浪費77巔峰 老頭快滾37F 02/04 08:43
→ xxlaws: 好像變空氣也只剩中產..吧?41F 02/04 08:44
噓 LA24: 幫湖人默哀42F 02/04 08:44
推 musichour: 如果還拿頂薪 那湖人會很慘吧 補強很難43F 02/04 08:44
→ xxlaws: 兒子可以滾嗎45F 02/04 08:44
噓 flyintmtc: …………,不要阻礙球隊未來,退休吧46F 02/04 08:44
→ ARTORIA: 逼你碗糕 你是老詹 來了聯盟第一持球讓你更輕鬆
你會離開??47F 02/04 08:44
推 Kingkuo: 職業生涯最後遇到生涯最大腿概念50F 02/04 08:45
→ SlamKai: 不懂得讀空氣的姆斯51F 02/04 08:45
推 bheegrl: 玩看看啊,77也沒搭過頂級大前鋒吧53F 02/04 08:45
推 mrporing: 姆斯說事前完全不知應該不太可能,富堡有在背後運作54F 02/04 08:45
→ pttxx: 底薪的話可以55F 02/04 08:46
推 yesno41: 77有搭過快退休的頂級大前鋒61F 02/04 08:47
推 Mradult: 底薪可接受,不然沒辦法補強了63F 02/04 08:47
推 flyintmtc: 重點是,詹的打球風格根本不需要另一個PG,看湖人65F 02/04 08:47
→ KerLae: 只看推文我還以為剛剛的上週最佳球員是我在做夢66F 02/04 08:47
推 cocojohn111: 誰是老大還不一定呢 那個濃眉被強吹了幾年說是老大還不是被當條雜魚掃出去了 怎麼瞎吹都不妨礙大家知69F 02/04 08:47
→ Gentile: 姆斯:兒子們 又有新鮮且粗壯的大腿了74F 02/04 08:48
→ Mradult: 兩人錯開就好了,反正老詹體能也不行了77F 02/04 08:48
推 ken1825: LBJ如果降薪補強 非常OK,他可能也會這麼做78F 02/04 08:48
推 iamnotme: 講得很好聽 但這陣容沒搞頭啊80F 02/04 08:49
→ ARTORIA: 77控兩三節 老詹控一節 想想就舒服85F 02/04 08:49
推 flyintmtc: 詹要的是3D球員,有3可以接炸彈,有D可以補防守漏洞87F 02/04 08:49
推 Siika: 底薪可以喔88F 02/04 08:49
→ ken1825: 生涯末期想要奪冠,降薪完全可能阿,LBJ又不缺錢了89F 02/04 08:49
推 hanslins: 有人剛爽兩天這樣破實在是太殘忍了93F 02/04 08:50
推 z0: 新大腿來了97F 02/04 08:51
推 linyi520: LBJ要的頂級持球PG終於來了,湖人想辦法補一隻C陣98F 02/04 08:51
噓 bigheadkobe: 拜託不要....快離開湖人...
底薪老將可簽,其餘快滾521F 02/04 16:23