看板 NBA
作者 franky1021 (法蘭克一零二一)
標題 [外絮] Harden:費城一直是我的第一選擇
時間 Wed Feb 16 04:17:00 2022


For the first time since the blockbuster trade deadline deal, James Harden
addressed the media as a member of the Philadelphia 76ers.


There were a number of variables playing into how Harden's tenure ended with
the Brooklyn Nets, but ultimately, the team's Big 3 of him, Kevin Durant and
Kyrie Irving only played 16 total games together over one-and-a-half seasons.


Harden was asked how one variable – Irving's part-time availability –
 played a role in his decision to want to leave the Nets, to which he
admitted it had a slight impact.


"Very minimal," Harden said at first before explaining himself. "Obviously,
(Kyrie) and I are really good friends and whatever he was going through, or
is still going through, that is his personal preference.


"But it definitely did impact the team. Because originally, me, Kyrie and KD
on the court, winning covers up a lot of that stuff. It was unfortunate that
we only played 16 games but it is what it is. This here in Philly is an
opportunity that I'm looking forward to."


Harden has seemed overjoyed to be in Philadelphia, starting with the pictures
of him at his first practice with the team on Monday.



The 76ers already announced that Harden will be out through the All-Star
break as he continues to rehabilitate the left hamstring injury that forced
him to miss his final four games with the Nets, but the 10-time All-Star
already can't wait to get going in Philadelphia.


"Originally, when I was going through everything I was going through in
Houston, Philly was my first choice," Harden stated plainly.


"I don't really want to get into the Brooklyn situation, but I just knew for
a very long time that this was a good fit. You have the best big man in the
league in Joel (Embiid). Obviously, the coaching. Just from top-to-bottom, it
made sense. I'm just happy and blessed that I'm here."


Harden went on to talk about the way he can see the team already meshing and
the talent they already have in place, but the ultimate goal is to be "the
last team standing."


When he was asked if he could see a championship being possible this season,
he wasn't shy with his answer.


"Hell yeah. After the break, it's go time."


'Philly was my first choice': James Harden says 76ers were his preferred destination over Nets last season
For the first time since the blockbuster trade deadline deal between the 76ers and Nets, James Harden addressed the media as a member of his new team. ...



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Flitz: 老76粉了1F 02/16 04:23
hunt5566: 我們的王回來啦2F 02/16 04:23
chibomei: 好朋友但不是好同事的概念3F 02/16 04:25
ZaneTrout: 好~下一站哪個城市4F 02/16 04:27
fack3170: 一開始就想去76人了哦5F 02/16 04:28
zzxzero: 莫雷是哈登恩人,當初就說第一選擇76人6F 02/16 04:32
willywasd: 真假7F 02/16 04:51
udx12356: 有料8F 02/16 04:55
steiner: 籃網教練團真的弱9F 02/16 04:56
s66449: 轉隊治百病10F 02/16 05:07
kashnes: 因為夜店吧  vip都辦好了11F 02/16 05:18
kuloda: 連續兩年吹密的全明星12F 02/16 05:26
Magic0312: “影響很小”,鄉民又被打臉了,拜託過那麼多年不要再追殺人家了13F 02/16 05:33
RushMonkey: 真假?15F 02/16 05:34
kauw: 沒有你的加入或許76人拿冠軍的機率還比較高16F 02/16 05:38
ChaosK: ??17F 02/16 05:38
ODFans: 確實 只有莫雷會給他大頭症的需求18F 02/16 05:59
kobe1006: 已經在費城夜店登場了19F 02/16 06:01
dydark: 有鉛筆,有拖把又有大鬍子,東區瑟瑟發抖20F 02/16 06:14
sedicause: 祝你這咖終生無冠 狂喊吹密21F 02/16 06:27
rs6000: KI會是哈登的朋友???感覺是不同掛的22F 02/16 06:28
Seifer601: 恐怖時刻23F 02/16 06:29
Alipapa: 去年火箭老闆就不願跟莫雷交易 76只是拿來抬價用的24F 02/16 06:30
s2130434: 如果Ki影響細微的話,那你鬍子問題可是超大的..25F 02/16 06:31
jingle870524: 大旱26F 02/16 06:31
s2130434: 輸球和76人戰績好和莫雷關係好,到76人如果不是最後一站(想奪冠)那鬍子是不是要第三次連續吹密27F 02/16 06:34
kuloda: 就不要執行PO,去自由市場試水溫囉29F 02/16 06:44
toin1537: 黑化沒救了31F 02/16 06:50
chen5575: 去年來籃網第一個記者會說:籃網一直是我的首選,感激火箭讓他來到了籃網隊32F 02/16 07:26
ljk476820: 有個說別追殺的又在想理由臭誰了呢? 噁34F 02/16 07:26
mailman: 還不是KI35F 02/16 07:33
phix: 黑人兄弟之間真的很難撕破臉  非茉莉36F 02/16 07:36
kuloda: 鬍子不就很典型的反應,他想要某件事,但他怕被公眾批評,所以心口不一,嘴巴講一套,實際做一套,這種狀況這兩年還少嗎?Passive-aggressive不就他老招。他口頭講KI不影響, 實際上怎樣,誰信?37F 02/16 07:41
chick1227: 場面話啦,真沒問題會說完全沒有吧41F 02/16 07:42
popoliii: 嘴巴講什麼都不重要 離開籃網才是真的42F 02/16 07:43
jyunwei: 多虧這兩個寶讓KD顯得乖的像隻小貓43F 02/16 07:44
airbase: 哈登不願明說 已經很給KI面子了44F 02/16 07:45
midevening: 這種人沒辦法共患難 今天七六人沒奪冠 又要出走嗎45F 02/16 07:49
guesswho: 我真的不想談論布魯克林的情況,才是場面話外的真實46F 02/16 07:49
kuloda: 放在政界,就是那種自己一直說要不要,然後私下叫旁人去操作黃袍加身那種人
簡單來講,沒有「被討厭的勇氣」47F 02/16 07:52
JustWinslow: 百年76人老粉50F 02/16 07:52
p20162: 過幾年 喔 不 明年可能又不一樣了51F 02/16 07:57
kenzj0926: 這樣說了,是不是該簽下去了?唉不是~上次組天元網好像也是這麼說?52F 02/16 07:58
kuloda:  https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1610764045.A.C33.html
Harden表示:「籃網是自己的交易首選」54F 02/16 08:00
[情報] Harden:感謝火箭把我送到籃網,這裡的 - 看板 NBA - 批踢踢實業坊
Harden:感謝火箭把我送到籃網,這裡的隊友都十分優秀  虎撲01月16日訊 根據此前消息的報導,火箭通過四方交易將後衛James Harden送至籃網 。 今日,籃網後衛Harden接受了媒體記者的採訪。
bycarbird: ???58F 02/16 08:02
abc1599: 很好奇哈登會不會搶老大的位子 背後還有總管罩59F 02/16 08:03
HOWyun2648: 我星期一就說無關,結果那篇作者還是自我中心跳針說有關,那篇幻想廢文還被推爆,然後一直標註記者造謠60F 02/16 08:04
kuloda: 鬍子沒說無關呀62F 02/16 08:08
※ 編輯: franky1021 ( 臺灣), 02/16/2022 08:13:56
MARTINA3016: 新馬桶好拉屎的概念嗎63F 02/16 08:17
AStigma: 就是個N姓家奴的概念64F 02/16 08:27

(franky1021.): [外絮] Harden:費城一直是我的第一選擇 - NBA板