看板 Steam
作者 ETTom (外星姆湯)
標題 [組包] HumbleBundle 2025 3月
時間 Wed Mar  5 02:23:44 2025

HumbleBundle 2025 2月

Humble Choice | Humble Bundle
Get March 2025 Humble Choice and more when you subscribe for just $11.99 per month! ...



1.Pacific Drive
Save 40% on Pacific Drive on Steam
Face the supernatural dangers of the Olympic Exclusion Zone with a car as your only lifeline in this driving survival adventure! Scavenge resources, l ...

極度好評 (15,208) 83% 史低 NT.292

2.Homeworld 3
Homeworld 3 on Steam
Tactical, beautiful, and wholly unique, the GOTY-winning sci-fi RTS returns with Homeworld 3. Assume control and battle through fleet combat in dazzli ...

大多負評 (4,998) 38% 史低 NT.799

3.Wild Hearts
WILD HEARTS™  on Steam
Master ancient tech to hunt down giant beasts. WILD HEARTS™  is a twist on the hunting genre where technology gives you a fighting chance against giant ...

褒貶不一 (9,613) 48% 史低 NT.299

4.Tales of Kenzera: ZAU
Tales of Kenzera™ : ZAU on Steam
Wield the dance of the shaman. Reclaim your father’s spirit. Brave the beautiful and treacherous land of Kenzera with the God of Death in Tales of Ken ...

極度好評 (656) 81% 本體史低 NT.242

5.Gravity Circuit
Save 50% on Gravity Circuit on Steam
Gravity Circuit is a flashy action packed 2D platformer in the spirit of console classics. Follow Kai, a lone operative war hero who harnesses the mys ...

壓倒性好評 (2,253) 95% 史低 NT.236

6.Sir Whoopass™ : Immortal Death
Save 50% on Sir Whoopass™ : Immortal Death on Steam
WARNING: This game contains puns, dad jokes, flappy-bird-like-arcade-minigames, breaking of the 4th wall and jabs directed at tryhard-overly-serious-R ...

極度好評 (1,162) 84% 史低 NT.115

Racine on Steam
Racine is an Autobattler Strategy Roguelike. Use your cards to increase your heroes stats or cast powerful spells. Find some artifacts and new cards t ...

褒貶不一 (1,161) 69% 史低 NT.56

8.Cavern of Dreams
Cavern of Dreams on Steam
Embark on a magical quest as Fynn the dragon to rescue your unhatched siblings from the mysterious Cavern of Dreams in this N64-style 3D platformer. G ...

壓倒性好評 (920) 95% 史低 NT.95





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: ETTom 2025-03-05 02:23:44
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dnqKqKX (Steam)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1741112628.A.521.html
ctes940008: 跳過。1F 03/05 02:34
justastupid: 又是EA的遊戲2F 03/05 02:38
gcobc12632: Wild Hearts - EA做的仿魔物獵人遊戲 特色是建築物
Tales of Kenzera: ZAU - 刺客起源巴耶克配音員監製的一款中規中矩的類惡魔城遊戲 但有DEI疑慮
Gravity Circuit - 好玩的近戰型類洛克人遊戲 RZ代餐其他就不熟ㄌ3F 03/05 03:07
RaiGend0519: 這包大概是這幾個月以來最臭的包了
為什麼能把大多負評、48%褒貶不一跟服務DEI而生的遊戲放在上面...?太慘了8F 03/05 03:13
ilove305mm: wild heart...可惜 底子不錯11F 03/05 03:17
blackman180: 想說有wild heart 結果不在steam12F 03/05 03:18
shen5678: 很糟的感覺13F 03/05 03:20
bill9228tw: 兩個不是steam平台的,先跳過14F 03/05 03:27
tom282f3: 其實Homeworld前兩代是滿經典的太空RTS 可惜了三代15F 03/05 04:13
blanka: HomeWorld以前有多好 現在就有多爛 這包放這個完全騙錢啊16F 03/05 04:31
htps0763: 這包也太臭,PASS17F 03/05 04:32
scsajk01: 爛18F 03/05 04:47
Alanetsai: 30美元的Pacific Drive跟大多負評的Homeworld 3放前面這包完全不行,唯一算準願望的遊戲價格也不划算,PASS19F 03/05 06:10
rneovv: 只有Pacific Drive好21F 03/05 06:15
enix625: 苦等P5R22F 03/05 07:03
syldsk: 左上角家園23F 03/05 07:07
CIDgreen: 兩款 Origin 兩款已有,Pass24F 03/05 08:00
kingofage111: 兩款比較能看的在ea,剩一堆垃圾,pass。25F 03/05 08:20
※ 編輯: ETTom ( 臺灣), 03/05/2025 08:40:20
GOU1331: 有真正的Wilds了 這什麼假的Wild 蛋雕26F 03/05 09:24
chichung: 也太爛 XD27F 03/05 09:26
abcde79961a: Pass,慘不忍睹啊這包28F 03/05 09:29
fff417: 對荒野之心有點興趣 結果不是Steam 真爛29F 03/05 09:53
Yachaos: 荒野之心大概就魔物玩太快覺得沒東西玩的人可以買這包去玩玩30F 03/05 09:56
nrsair: 今年HB都出不太好的組包32F 03/05 10:41
jumbohar: 完了,我一年包多久才能銷完33F 03/05 10:45
zegas: 跳過34F 03/05 10:45
nrsair: 以前2022 2023組包真香 可惜我錯過35F 03/05 10:49
DrowningPool: 廢到笑36F 03/05 10:52
devilhades: 超級垃圾
二月已經夠爛了三月居然還能突破下限37F 03/05 10:53
Raquzza0526: EA ORIGINAL總共13款遊戲,如果剩下的要進包可能都會是橘子KEY
太平洋車旅+重力迴路還可以啦,我還是覺得雨中冒險那包比較爛39F 03/05 11:55
asdfacult16: 嗯~~狂野之心等亞馬遜送43F 03/05 13:02
is1128: 還好退很久了,Wild Heart XGP 都多久了44F 03/05 13:54
Gestapo1121: 狂野之心要是steam key就買了45F 03/05 14:11
st9061204: 2款EA 有夠扯46F 03/05 15:36
lavenderwind: 還好沒買那個半年優惠8美   不然現在直接炸開47F 03/05 20:22
wyvernlee: HW3 這麼快就進包了 XDDD48F 03/05 20:35
j1551082: 兩個ea就夠囧了,還混dei搞砸的敲碗作,真的讓人吐血49F 03/05 20:50
furbyyeh:  今年HB應該都混EA垃圾月包了 有夠鳥50F 03/05 21:08

作者 ETTom 的最新發文:
(ETTom.): [組包] HumbleBundle 2025 3月 - Games板