※ 本文為 yeary2k 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-12-01 12:12:02
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [新聞] 玩命關頭男星保羅沃克 傳身亡
時間 Sun Dec 1 11:46:47 2013
※ 引述《looks143895 ( teppie )》之銘言:
: 玩命關頭男星保羅沃克 傳身亡
: 字級: 列印本頁 轉寄 最新更新時間:2013/12/01 11:19:00
: (中央社紐約30日綜合外電報導)紐約「每日新聞」(Daily News)引述娛樂網站TMZ的
: 報導說,「玩命關頭」(Fast and Furious)系列電影男星保羅沃克(Paul Walker)今天
: 下午據傳在南加州車禍身亡。1021201
: 新聞連結:
: http://www.cna.com.tw/news/firstnews/201312010011-1.aspx
保羅沃克車禍身亡 享年40歲 | 重點新聞 | 中央社即時新聞 CNA NEWS
(中央社記者吳協昌洛杉磯30日專電)根據美國廣播公司的快報指出,影星保羅沃克(Paul Walker)在南加州瓦倫西亞出車禍身亡。 | 重點新聞 ...
Paul Walker dead: Fast and Furious actor killed in California car crash - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Actor Paul Walker, best known for his hit roles in The Fast and the Furious movie franchise, has been killed in a fiery car crash in California. ...
Paul Walker dead: Fast and Furious actor killed in California car crash - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Actor Paul Walker, best known for his hit roles in The Fast and the Furious movie franchise, has been killed in a fiery car crash in California. ...
A post by the actor's team on Facebook says Walker, 40, was a passenger in a
friend's Porsche when the car lost control and crashed in Santa Clarita,
north of Los Angeles, killing both occupants.
According the celebrity news website TMZ the car hit a post or tree and was
quickly engulfed in flames.
"It is with a truly heavy heart that we must confirm that Paul Walker passed
away today in a tragic car accident while attending a charity event for his
organization Reach Out Worldwide," the post on Walker's Facebook page says.
"We appreciate your patience as we too are stunned and saddened beyond belief
by this news."
The actor was attending a car show in the city to raise money for people
affected by Typhoon Haiyan which hit The Philippines last month.
Film studio New Regency, which distributes through Twentieth Century Fox,
also tweeted its condolences to the actor.
too Fast & too Furious
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◆ From:
推 :Run or die Remember?1F 12/01 11:47
→ :cnn跟這個消息都來自FB跟Twitter....2F 12/01 11:47
噓 :看不懂3F 12/01 11:47
→ :Porsche4F 12/01 11:47
推 :Ride Or die5F 12/01 11:47
推 :宣傳?6F 12/01 11:48
→ :絕對別給女人開車7F 12/01 11:48
→ :三寶殺人事件8F 12/01 11:49
→ : 所以第7集換成雷神降臨9F 12/01 11:49
推 :保羅:幹 早知道自已開10F 12/01 11:49
→ :女友開車??11F 12/01 11:49
→ :出道那麼久還不如雷神一戰成名 不如角色換給他或他弟12F 12/01 11:50
推 :真的假的= =13F 12/01 11:50
推 :而且還是參加慈善活動的路上 有沒有天裡呀14F 12/01 11:50
推 :真害15F 12/01 11:50
推 :女友開的車...... sigh....16F 12/01 11:51
推 :哭哭17F 12/01 11:51
→ :可能找到時都燒的差不多了 現在連駕駛叫什麼名字都不知道18F 12/01 11:51
推 :女友邊開車邊幫他含?19F 12/01 11:52
推 :他是去做公益募款...可惜了20F 12/01 11:53
推 :是真的,幹21F 12/01 11:53
推 :哪裡有提到是女友開車?!22F 12/01 11:53
推 :參加公益 出車禍 幹 沒天理23F 12/01 11:54
推 :所以做公益不一定有好報 再次証明無神論24F 12/01 11:54
→ :哪邊有說女友開車25F 12/01 11:54
→ :不是只有in a friend's Porsche嗎? 哪裡有女朋友?26F 12/01 11:55
推 :參加公益活動結果車禍身亡...好慘阿27F 12/01 11:55
→ :不要趁機酸女人開車28F 12/01 11:56
Paul Walker dead at 40: 'Fast and Furious' star killed in fiery car crash - NY Daily News "The Fast and the Furious" movie star Paul Walker has reportedly died in a car accident Saturday afternoon in southern California. ...
→ :.......Mariano42:女友開的車...... sigh....30F 12/01 11:56
推 :玩命關˙頭七31F 12/01 11:56
→ :哪裡有提到女友開車?????32F 12/01 11:56
→ :有沒有神一點都不重要 啟蒙時代學到的 現在又倒退回去了33F 12/01 11:57
推 :開太快了啦34F 12/01 11:57
→ : 車子太好 危險就高 交給三寶 迅速出險35F 12/01 11:57
→ :據說他這次去參加援菲慈善車展秀 順便給朋友看看他買的新車36F 12/01 11:58
推 :傑森史坦森幹的吧??37F 12/01 11:58
推 :友說朋友開的車 然後又說車上是他跟女友 得證38F 12/01 11:58
推 :速限15mph...撞成這樣至少開75mph39F 12/01 11:58
→ :天啊....40F 12/01 11:59
→ :保時捷變成兩半 然後爆炸起火 嗯...41F 12/01 11:59
噓 :操他嗎 給女人開車 直上黃泉路42F 12/01 11:59
推 :三寶43F 12/01 11:59
→ :撞成車餅 時速一定很高吧?44F 12/01 12:00
→ :明智的沙烏地阿拉伯 以後應該嚴禁女人開車45F 12/01 12:00
推 :幹…46F 12/01 12:00
推 :反正到時新聞會報友人身份47F 12/01 12:00
推 :跑車沒練過最好不要亂開48F 12/01 12:02
推 :美國的路又大又直,車子也很少,油門不小心就給他踩到底49F 12/01 12:02
'Fast and Furious' Star Paul Walker Dead in Car Crash - TheWrap
The 40-year-old star's Facebook account says he was a passenger in a friend's car at a Santa Clarity charity event ...
→ :人是男多還是女多再來廢話好嗎51F 12/01 12:04
推 :英國每日郵報是說撞電線桿,開車的是男性友人52F 12/01 12:04
推 :唉 真的滿吃驚又難過 好一個明星53F 12/01 12:05
推 :太扯了54F 12/01 12:05
→ :嗯 果然是女的比較多55F 12/01 12:06
推 :這種車都超容易發爐Der~56F 12/01 12:07
→ :好兇喔~57F 12/01 12:10
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