※ 本文為 yeary2k 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-10-02 08:26:14
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 三星Note3再度偷調跑分
時間 Wed Oct 2 05:15:23 2013
來源 Engadget
Samsung reportedly boosting Galaxy Note 3 benchmark
performance by 20 percent
Samsung drew criticism for inflating the benchmark
scores of Exynos devices earlier in the year, but
the company appears undaunted; it's reportedly boosting
test numbers for other hardware as well. Ars Technica
has discovered that the Snapdragon 800-based Galaxy Note 3
(and possibly the new Note 10.1) includes code that runs
all CPU cores at full speed during certain benchmarks.
三星日前才被質疑對旗下Exynos CPU裝置刻意優化跑分, 看來這
次又被抓包. Ars Technica網站測試發現 Note3 (Note 10.1也有)
用了 Snapdragon 800 CPU, 但也同樣包含了一段程式碼, 遇到
The tweak gives the smartphone a minimum 20 percent higher
score in any affected app, or enough to claim an artificially
large advantage over an LG G2 using a similar chip. There may
also be a graphics boost, Ars says. We've asked Samsung for
its take on the findings. Whether or not the company responds,
we don't envy its position -- it's hard to form an alliance
devoted to accurate mobile benchmarking when you're accused
of doctoring results.
這操作讓手機的跑分結果高達20%優於其他用同CPU的機器, 例如 LG G2.
另外也懷疑圖形能力也有類似針對跑分優化. 目前已向三星求證. 但無
論三星回覆與否, 我們都不認同此行為. 如果操作跑分, 確又時常拿跑
分宣傳, 會讓跑分公信降低.
另外也懷疑圖形能力也有類似針對跑分優化. 目前已向三星求證. 但無
論三星回覆與否, 我們都不認同此行為. 如果操作跑分, 確又時常拿跑
分宣傳, 會讓跑分公信降低.
心得: 爽粉, 跑分是一切
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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