看板 warrenchen
作者 標題 [靜心] 彩虹橋靜心影片 - 英文無字幕 by Dr. José Argüelles
時間 2013年08月23日 Fri. AM 01:18:54
共20分鐘的講解。募求中文引導中。:] (@2013年08月23日 Fri. AM 01:18:54(
Clip for 20 minutes. Subtitles or guideline for translation (terminology) are needed :]
Part 1
2012 Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge by José Arguelles Part 1 of 2 - YouTube Part 1* 0:00 - 1:17 Spiritually unify and coordinate ourselves telepathically all over the planet with a common goal. 1:18 - 1:48 A visualization of the circ...
Part 1*
0:00 - 1:17 Spiritually unify and coordinate ourselves telepathically all over the planet with a common goal.
1:18 - 1:48 A visualization of the circumpolar rainbow bridge
彩‧虹‧橋的視覺化 (具象化) Circum-polar.
1:49 - 2:03 Rainbow bridge follows the form of the Earth electromagnetic radiation belts
2:04 - 2:20 The Noosphere and the PSI bank
高我智庫(P*** S**** I*** bank)與全球心電感應網絡(Noosphere)的概念。
2:21 - 3:34 VISUALIZATION of and brief summary of the PSI Bank, Psi Bank plates, and Mayan code glyphs
簡易觀想高我智庫、高我智庫板塊(PSI Bank Plates)、與瑪雅圖騰密碼。
3:35 - 4:55 VISUALIZATION and summary of a Membrane, membranes of an eukaryotic cell ,physical plane, spiritual, astral, etheric planes, Earth's spheres, Earth radiation and magnetic belts
4:56 - 5:40 The colors; protons and electrons
5:41 - 6:20 Supernova 1987A
1987A 超新星事件。(含新聞稿)
6:21 - 7:00 Sunspot Cycles
7:01 - 7:26 Sundogs
7:27 - 8:23 José and about 144 people in Chile experiment with the new times to produce rainbows in the sky
8:24 - 8:43 Example to medicine man who creates rain
8:44 - 9:04 Telepathically stretch the aura borealis and the aurora australis, to connect at the Equator, creating a rainbow bridge from pole to pole
9:05 - 9:36 Crop circle in 2000 depicting the earths electromagnetic field
9:37 -10:00 Prophecies of the rainbow bridge, Norse prophecies of Odin, Native American prophecies
Part 2
2012 Circumpoloar Rainbow Bridge by José Arguelles Part 2 of 2 - YouTube Part 2* 0:00 - 0:07 Once the rainbow bridge appears that the star people and the ancestors will be able to come across on that 0:08 - 1:21 Rainbow bridge tem...
Part 2*
0:00 - 0:07 Once the rainbow bridge appears that the star people and the ancestors will be able to come across on that
0:08 - 1:21 Rainbow bridge templet explained,octahedral core, dna coil, earth prana, time atoms
1:22 - 1:49 Clip showing this in motion
1:50 - 2:09 The 28 day cycle
2:10 - 2:37 Imagining this in your heart, telepathically directing the plasmic energy to producing a rainbow bridge across the planet
2:38 - 2:54 Earth rotates, Rainbow Bridge remains stationary
2:55 - 3:21 The unimaginable physiological healing effect of what this could produce within the human race
3:22 - 3:41 Bio-psychic electromagnetic human being at sacred sites around the planet practicing this visualization
3:42 - 3:46 Every July 25th; Day Out of Time
3:47 - 5:24 Building the Telepathic Field, Synchronizing ourselves in time with a common purpose to create the 2012 Rainbow Bridge
5:25 - 5:54 Universal, Irreversible and the Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge will be permanent
5:55 - 6:04 Activation of the Noosphere, Passage through Teilhard de Chardin's Omega Point, Spiritualizaion of life on Earth
6:05 - 6:13 Prove that human beings together were able to do something more positively something more great than negatively
6:14 - 6:52 The healing of the Earth the healing of our hearts, the healing of our lives
6:53 - 7:30 Rainbow Aura, The Rainbow People
7:31 - 7:56 The Earth safe....once again
7:57 - 9:21 Year 2012, Its Stamped into eveyones heart
9:22 - 10:00 José Argüelles shares his vision
標準 YouTube 授權
※ 作者: warrenchen 時間: 2013-08-23 01:18:54
※ 編輯: warrenchen 時間: 2013-09-07 23:20:40
部份翻譯, (Part I, 6'10")
※ 編輯: warrenchen 時間: 2021-12-13 13:35:27 (台灣)
※ 看板: warrenchen 文章推薦值: 2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 592
( ̄︶ ̄)b h806606 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2013-10-03 13:11:56
10-03 13:11
Today is the day, for Rainbow-bridge Meditation :]
2樓 時間: 2013-12-13 09:41:18
12-13 09:41
還不曉得 彩虹橋靜心 的規律呢..? Anyone has info about how to know the formula in query date of Meditation in Rainbow bridge?