※ 本文為 XBUCKXMR 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-08-03 09:20:23
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [FB] 美國匿名者說台灣的匿名者是山寨貨!
時間 Mon Aug 3 03:46:59 2015
"Sorry...Can this site represented the whole world Anonymous??
Does this operation have been approved by region of others Anonymous??
Do you have authorization by region of others Anonymous??
I'm Anonymous but i don't believe that this action is purpose of Anonymous or
been authorized and I can't agree your react neither."
你會發現發文的人英文也很爛 (爛到你不管怎樣翻譯都可能有錯誤)
Purpose of Anonymous (匿名者的宗旨)
"Anonymous has no strictly defined philosophy, and internal dissent is a
regular feature of the group. A website associated with the group
describes it as "an internet gathering" with "a very loose and decentralized
command structure that operates on ideas rather than directives".
匿名者沒有嚴格定義的理念, 其特徵為稀疏平常的內部分歧.
Anonymous 並非只是一個團體, 而是多個團體
分散的架構才造就他今天的"we are everywhere"
反對迫害由的理念才造就他們的"we are united as one"
當然他們有自己的IRC, 可是並非全部的Anonymous都在該IRC內部
被爭議的Anonymous臉書: https://goo.gl/37U6ZM
他的第一個活動為 Operation Telecom
[youtube 影片: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pNV4LNUcSk]
你自己看留言部分可是有被Anonymous G+ 注意到的
Anonymous G+ 主頁: https://goo.gl/TnXWA3
Anonymous Sweden 臉書: https://goo.gl/OdKb5I
Anonymous Sweden | Facebook
We... The People http://www.anonsweden.se ~
~News in Swedish and English since - 2011
~News in Swedish and English since - 2011
等等你可以看見世界各個匿名者團體都有其自己的頁面, 並非每個都有聯繫
指出的該頁面最大是因為Anonymous源自於4Chan, 而4Chan源自於美國
[Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnonymousNewsHQ]
Info Sec Island Blog 2011年成功淺入其中一個團體的IRC的相關內容:
Anonymous #HQ: Inside The Secret War Room
Anonymous #HQ: Inside The Secret War Room
Hubris/A5h3r4/Metric have broken into the inner circle of one cell of Anonymous. I say "cell" because I do not think that these users are the actual full scale leaders. These folks, if the chat transcripts are true, are the ones behind the HBGary hack and at ...
Anonymous #HQ: Inside The Secret War Room
Hubris/A5h3r4/Metric have broken into the inner circle of one cell of Anonymous. I say "cell" because I do not think that these users are the actual full scale leaders. These folks, if the chat transcripts are true, are the ones behind the HBGary hack and at ...
"There is an aegis from the whole as an idea, but they break off into packs
for their personal attacks, or whatever turns them on. They coalesce into a
unit when they feel moved to, but, they do not overall, just get together
and act without direction on the part or parts of leaders."
具有整體為理念, 但他們會於個人攻擊或興趣行為上產生分歧.
他們會因為一個想法凝聚成團體, 但是他們並不會完全的融合為一個團體,
所以你今天不能說某個匿名者不是匿名者, 只要他們捍衛的是言論自由, 反對迫害那他們就是真正的匿名者
同理下每個人都可以是匿名者成員, 就算不懂破解和入侵只要想法正當就可以是
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1LldEulc (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1438544824.A.BE6.html
推 : 那個…那張圖嚇到我了1F 08/03 03:50
推 : 每個人都是匿名者 那幹嘛還要掛匿名者 不就是為了3F 08/03 03:53
→ : 有一點代表性?
→ : 有一點代表性?
推 : 幹,現在他媽半夜啊5F 08/03 03:54
推 : 嚇到惹6F 08/03 03:54
推 : 你匿名者系嗎XD7F 08/03 03:55
→ s866217 …
推 :9F 08/03 03:56
→ : 只會掛人首頁就別自稱了。有點丟臉。10F 08/03 03:58
推 : 簡單來說就是海賊王的概念11F 08/03 03:59
→ : 推你12F 08/03 04:01
推 : 推
推 : 推
→ : 只要有心,每個人都是匿名者14F 08/03 04:04
推 : 推15F 08/03 04:51
推 : 匿名者4ni?16F 08/03 05:33
推 : 那個人竟然寫I'm 他們只會用we啦17F 08/03 05:44
推 : 總算有人提出匿名者的信念18F 08/03 05:59
推 : 推這篇19F 08/03 06:06
推 : 那個據稱阿豆仔留言的文法真的很詭異XD20F 08/03 06:25
推 : 先承認你就是21F 08/03 06:48
推 : 推22F 08/03 06:56
推 : 就標準的出口轉內銷23F 08/03 07:06
推 : 哈哈哈24F 08/03 07:25
推 : 可能不是美國人,是在北美的華人匿名者啊25F 08/03 07:49
推 : 覺得原po匿名者系+126F 08/03 07:58
推 : 推27F 08/03 08:00
推 : 沒錯~只要有心人人都是28F 08/03 08:10
推 : 推29F 08/03 08:16
→ : 只是想借個招牌,好壯大聲勢而已吧30F 08/03 08:20
推 : 哇 真的是只要有心人人都是匿名者了31F 08/03 08:22
推 : 推32F 08/03 08:46
推 : 這篇才是正解33F 08/03 08:53
推 : 推文的那個才是假貨34F 08/03 08:53
※ 看板: traume 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 301
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