※ 本文為 XBUCKXMR 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-08-23 13:29:03
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] Ben Affleck Is the New Batman
時間 Fri Aug 23 09:58:16 2013
※ [本文轉錄自 movie 看板 #1I5h_yHm ]
看板 movie
作者 標題 [討論] Ben Affleck Is the New Batman
時間 Fri Aug 23 09:50:48 2013
Ben Affleck is Batman.
The actor will replace Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne in the upcoming untitled
Superman-Batman feature for Warner Bros., the studio announced Thursday.
班艾佛列克成為新蝙蝠俠 將會取代克里斯汀貝爾 出現在之後的超人蝙蝠俠電影之中
Affleck becomes the eighth actor to play the Caped Crusader, following Bale,
George Clooney and Michael Keaton.
班艾佛列克成為第8個蝙蝠俠 繼貝爾.喬治克隆尼.麥可基頓
“We knew we needed an extraordinary actor to take on one of DC Comics’ most
enduringly popular Super Heroes, and Ben Affleck certainly fits that bill,
and then some,” WB president Greg Silverman said in a statement.
WB的總裁Greg Silverman在一個聲明中說到"我們知道我們需要一個傑出的演員去繼承DC
Directed by “Man of Steel” filmmaker Zack Snyder, the Superman-Batman
feature will open worldwide on July 17, 2015, with Henry Cavill, Amy Adams
and Diane Lane reprising their roles.
“Ben provides an interesting counter-balance to Henry’s Superman. He has
the acting chops to create a layered portrayal of a man who is older and
wiser than Clark Kent and bears the scars of a seasoned crime fighter, but
retain the charm that the world sees in billionaire Bruce Wayne,” Snyder
said in a statement. “I can’t wait to work with him.”
The announcement of a Batman-Superman film was revealed last month at
Comic-con to much excitement of fanboys, who will surely be watching as the
studio begins to assemble its Justice League.
The irony of Thursday’s news is that at one point Warner Bros. was
interested in having Affleck direct the “Justice League” movie and his
participation in this film will now spur interest if whether his casting
means a possibility of directing that film.
The Boston native recently upped his Hollywood power when he won the Best
Picture Oscar for “Argo.”
Affleck, repped by WME, can be seen next in Fox and New Regency’s thriller “
Runner Runner.”
Ben Affleck Is Batman | Variety
Ben Affleck is Batman. The actor will replace Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne in the upcoming untitled Batman-Superman feature for Warner Bros., the studio announced Thursday. Affleck becomes the eig... ...
不知真的假的= =...
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推 :往好處想 起碼演過Daredevil的小班身材是掛保證的1F 08/23 09:51
→ :夜魔俠還不夠嗎??2F 08/23 09:52
推 :老婆會出演貓女嗎~~~~3F 08/23 09:52
推 :就算是我們還是不會忘記夜魔俠的4F 08/23 09:53
※ eggbox:轉錄至看板 SuperHeroes 08/23 09:53※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: eggbox (, 時間: 08/23/2013 09:58:16
→ :蝙蝠俠不是死了1F 08/23 09:58
推 :!! 他不夠帥吧2F 08/23 09:58
推 :腋魔俠有點難看3F 08/23 09:59
推 :...經典沒人可取代 蝙蝠俠我不會再看了4F 08/23 09:59
→ :蒙面需要帥嗎5F 08/23 09:59
推 :The new iBatman6F 08/23 09:59
推 :下巴倒是合格了7F 08/23 09:59
→ :…很帥啊8F 08/23 10:00
推 :這選角讓我想到了那經典的BATMAN第三集,不禁一身惡寒9F 08/23 10:00
推 :叫你找人扮蝙蝠,不是要你真的找個瞎子啊10F 08/23 10:00
※ 編輯: eggbox 來自: (08/23 10:04)推 :下巴合格了11F 08/23 10:01
噓 :蝙蝠俠已經隨著希斯萊傑一同逝去12F 08/23 10:01
噓 :超爛選角,新蝙蝠俠要走就蝙蝠俠四部曲被搞爛的老路13F 08/23 10:01
推 :好萊塢是要重開啟幾次啊14F 08/23 10:01
→ :了嗎??15F 08/23 10:01
推 :演蝙蝠俠重點就是下巴要有股溝!!!!!16F 08/23 10:01
推 :夜魔俠?17F 08/23 10:01
推 :是認真的嗎...18F 08/23 10:01
推 :下巴才是本體19F 08/23 10:01
噓 :是不會打中文喔20F 08/23 10:01
→ :演技爛到靠杯 是要叫他導演喔21F 08/23 10:02
推 :不會吧22F 08/23 10:02
推 :他不是說要做導演了嗎23F 08/23 10:02
推 :原來如此,感謝分享,24F 08/23 10:02
→ :蝙蝠俠出任務25F 08/23 10:02
推 :下巴26F 08/23 10:02
推 :What!? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo27F 08/23 10:03
噓 :演技爛就算了,一堆演員比他適合演蝙蝠俠,何必找他?28F 08/23 10:03
推 :我覺得他沒有蝙蝠俠的氣質欸29F 08/23 10:04
→ :下一集大亂鬥,夜魔俠跟蝙蝠俠同場演出要怎麼演?30F 08/23 10:05
推 :如果演技有到李奧程度的話可以接受31F 08/23 10:05
推 :可惜李小龍之子李國豪死得太早,不然他來演應該有搞頭32F 08/23 10:05
※ 編輯: eggbox 來自: (08/23 10:05)推 :貝爾的Batman形象已經是經典33F 08/23 10:06
噓 :對不起原po 我是噓這個選角 之前每個列舉的人選都比他好34F 08/23 10:06
推 :.......35F 08/23 10:07
※ 編輯: eggbox 來自: (08/23 10:08)噓 :糞作註定36F 08/23 10:07
→ :BEN VERA37F 08/23 10:08
推 :原來不是只有我覺得他演技差喔38F 08/23 10:09
推 :XDDDDD蝙蝠俠果然是在賣屁股(下巴)39F 08/23 10:10
噓 :還好吧 之前喬治克隆尼也不錯阿40F 08/23 10:10
推 :不錯阿 給曾經大起大落的人演蝙蝠俠蠻有說服力的41F 08/23 10:10
→ :他?!42F 08/23 10:10
※ 編輯: eggbox 來自: (08/23 10:15)推 :BATMAN需要演技??? 哈哈哈哈43F 08/23 10:12
噓 :如果演蝙蝠俠不需要演技,那當初就不需要找Bale來演44F 08/23 10:13
→ :了
→ :了
推 :花生 你突破盲點了... batman要什麼演技...46F 08/23 10:14
推 :我個人比較希望Aaron Eckhart演蝙蝠俠47F 08/23 10:15
→ :當初麥可基頓還不是沒人看好.導演功力決定一切48F 08/23 10:16
噓 :WTF49F 08/23 10:16
推 :Bale在第一集的演技有啦 不過相較於他本身的演技差很多50F 08/23 10:16
推 :有屁股下巴就合格了51F 08/23 10:17
→ :米高基頓哪會沒人看好,當初影評是不看好蝙蝠俠電影52F 08/23 10:17
→ :化,但是對米高基頓這個選角都頗為讚賞
→ :化,但是對米高基頓這個選角都頗為讚賞
推 :不喜歡那種用舞台劇方式演戲的演員 Bale 演得太用力了54F 08/23 10:17
→ :Pay Check!! 快點把錢繳出來55F 08/23 10:17
→ :第二三集戴個頭套憋著聲音做動作戲...演技??56F 08/23 10:18
推 :怎麼不找下巴裂開的山崎來演57F 08/23 10:20
推 :aaron eckhart 帥翻了...58F 08/23 10:21
推 :當初希斯萊傑也一片罵聲...一個gay牛仔怎能演小丑59F 08/23 10:24
推 :劇情+導演說戲功力+有別以往路線才是黑暗騎士在觀眾印象深60F 08/23 10:24
→ :怎麼不找個新生代 好老的杯面61F 08/23 10:24
推 :比之前傳的 雷恩葛斯林、喬許布洛林都好62F 08/23 10:32
推 :刻的主因 難不成你叫BALE去演kilmer那集 就會好評?63F 08/23 10:35
→ :比起演技 不如找合適形象的演員及能塑造角色功力的導演
→ :比起演技 不如找合適形象的演員及能塑造角色功力的導演
推 :導演:小班 你有屁股下巴 就是你了65F 08/23 10:37
推 :唉66F 08/23 10:43
推 :夜魔俠67F 08/23 10:45
推 :怎麼選會選到他的= = 一整個失望68F 08/23 10:46
噓 :噓下巴69F 08/23 10:47
推 :屁股下巴的最佳人選應該要找男女糾察隊的崎山吧XD70F 08/23 10:48
推 :超自然檔案的Dean勒!!!71F 08/23 10:48
噓 :還我諾蘭蝙蝠俠啦72F 08/23 10:49
→ :反派才是重點啊 杯面有一半時間都載內褲 誰來演都沒差啦73F 08/23 10:51
→ :後面拍的 很難超越經典的 黑暗騎士了74F 08/23 10:58
噓 :wtf ...75F 08/23 11:01
噓 :...........................76F 08/23 11:06
→ :討厭他的長相 雖然是外國人但眼睛太小下巴太長氣質差77F 08/23 11:10
→ :屁股下巴,找約翰屈服塔也行78F 08/23 11:11
推 :我想看萬磁王演啊79F 08/23 11:25
→ :wut80F 08/23 11:56
推 :瘋了,怎麼會找他81F 08/23 12:14
→ :根本美國店小二
→ :根本美國店小二
推 :我覺得他羅賓臉耶83F 08/23 12:35
→ :.....................................84F 08/23 12:41
→ :美國店小二+185F 08/23 12:56
※ 看板: traume 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 52