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※ 本文為 XBUCKXMR 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-07-21 16:41:52
看板 Gossiping
作者 lightdark1 (lightdark1)
標題 [新聞] 7/20 洪仲丘遊行 外國媒體 整理
時間 Sun Jul 21 15:29:36 2013

美國 Foxnews

Taiwan protesters demand justice for dead corporal | Fox News
Thousands of protesters rallied in Taipei to demand justice for a corporal who died after allegedly being abused in the military, in a case that sparked anger across Taiwan. ...

Taiwan protesters demand justice for dead corporal | Fox News
Thousands of protesters rallied in Taipei to demand justice for a corporal who died after allegedly being abused in the military, in a case that sparked anger across Taiwan. ...

美國  ABCnews



澳洲區 ABCnews

Taiwanese protesters demand justice for dead corporal | ABC Radio Australia Thousands of protestors have rallied in Taiwan's capital to demand justice for a corporal who died after allegedly being abused in the military. ...

Taiwanese protesters demand justice for dead corporal | ABC Radio Australia Thousands of protestors have rallied in Taiwan's capital to demand justice for a corporal who died after allegedly being abused in the military. ...

法國 France24

Taiwan protesters demand justice for dead corporal - FRANCE 24
Thousands of protesters rallied in Taipei to demand justice for a corporal who died after allegedly being abused in the military, in a case that sparked ...

Taiwan protesters demand justice for dead corporal - FRANCE 24
Thousands of protesters rallied in Taipei to demand justice for a corporal who died after allegedly being abused in the military, in a case that sparked ...

新加坡 StraitsTimes



伊朗 PressTV



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
phi0918:伊朗XD1F 07/21 15:30
Safin:推原PO2F 07/21 15:30
wyvernlee:這算揚名海外、台灣之光嗎 ? -> 最近台灣都這種新聞 =.=3F 07/21 15:30
O800092000:馬囧:我們贏了4F 07/21 15:30
murray5566:縮一下網址5F 07/21 15:30
aroo:不會縮網址??6F 07/21 15:30
freewash:共同特徵:沒有縮網址!7F 07/21 15:31
dxok0820:這有什麼好整理的8F 07/21 15:31
goshfju:國軍用心良苦 幫台灣增加曝光率9F 07/21 15:31
hongtm:馬囧執政都是給國外看笑話的 超厚臉皮的10F 07/21 15:31
DogCavy:馬酒會看英文報紙嗎?11F 07/21 15:31
sh021515:超過10,000人已橫空出世。不過,警方估計不是立即可用。12F 07/21 15:31
kobe0307:馬窘的政績14F 07/21 15:32
sakuragi10:宣揚國威15F 07/21 15:32

感謝提醒 已縮網址

Ives20130:有沒有馬囧在位五年,有關台灣的國際新聞都是負面的八卦16F 07/21 15:34
popbitch:縮網址加括號導致連結錯誤17F 07/21 15:36

感謝提醒 已修正

HNO3:鬼島之光18F 07/21 15:39
mobile02:在馬執政下 台灣跟第三世界國家一樣19F 07/21 15:45
Cathay:短網址的括號讓連結錯誤20F 07/21 15:46

感謝提醒 已修正

kusami:mobile02:在馬執政下 台灣跟第三世界國家一樣   哀21F 07/21 15:48
※ 編輯: lightdark1      來自:         (07/21 15:49)
timshan:全都是AFP的稿子阿 XD22F 07/21 16:11

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