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※ 本文為 tomin 轉寄自 tomin.bbs@tomin.twbbs.org 時間: 2011-06-25 18:56:01

看板 feeling
作者 tomin (科學大師、哲學博士)
標題 赤子之心
時間 2011/06/25 Sat 17:34:09

> I was put on this Earth as I am. Will I also go as i am?
People came to you as they were. Should they stay as they are?

> I dont know, should they?
The question could be divided into the following detailed questions.
1) r we responsible for each other?
2) does one have rights and freedoms to pursue happiness?
3) does one have full control to be whatever he/she wanna be?
4) what's the criteria to judge the adequacy about objective occurrences
   with subjective emotions?
5) how can the final judgement be composed of finite personal judgements?

  Origin:  Loess Plateau˙黃土高原  tomin.twbbs.org
  Author: tomin 從 tomin.mdorm.ntnu.edu.tw 發表

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