※ 本文轉寄自 tomin.bbs@tomin.twbbs.org 時間: 2011-06-09 15:57:34
標題 Neil Sedaka - Oh, Carol
時間 2011/04/30 Sat 22:48:50
Oh! Carol, I am but a fool
Darling, I love you
Though you treat me cruel
You hurt me and you made me cry
But if you leave me, I will surely die
Darling there will never be another
Cause I love you so
Don't ever leave me
Say you'll never go
I will always want you for my sweetheart
No matter what you do
Oh! Carol, I'm so in love with you
看板 lyric
作者 標題 Neil Sedaka - Oh, Carol
時間 2011/04/30 Sat 22:48:50

Oh! Carol, I am but a fool
Darling, I love you
Though you treat me cruel
You hurt me and you made me cry
But if you leave me, I will surely die
Darling there will never be another
Cause I love you so
Don't ever leave me
Say you'll never go
I will always want you for my sweetheart
No matter what you do
Oh! Carol, I'm so in love with you
◤◥ Origin: Loess Plateau˙黃土高原 tomin.twbbs.org
◣◢ Author: tomin 從 tomin.mdorm.ntnu.edu.tw 發表
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