※ 本文轉寄自 tomin.bbs@tomin.twbbs.org 時間: 2011-06-09 15:42:08
標題 Re: Bob Dylan
時間 2011/04/03 Sun 23:31:12
這網站告訴你Dylan每場演唱會的setlist, 可參考看看
1. Ballad Of A Thin Man (96) from Highway 61 Revisited
Highway 61 Revisited (96) from Highway 61 Revisited
3. Like A Rolling Stone (94) from Highway 61 Revisited
4. Thunder On The Mountain (94) from Modern Times
5. Jolene (80) from Together Through Life
6. Just Like A Woman (67) from Blonde on Blonde
7. Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again (47) from Blonde on
8. Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat (45) from Blonde on Blonde
9. All Along The Watchtower (44) from John Wesley Harding
10. Cold Irons Bound (42) from Time Out of Mind
11. High Water (For Charley Patton) (41) from Love and Theft
12. Tangled Up In Blue (38) from Blood on the Tracks
Rollin' And Tumblin' by Elmore James (38) from Modern Times
14. Honest With Me (36) from Love and Theft
15. Workingman's Blues #2 (34) from Modern Times
16. Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (30) from Blonde on Blonde
17. The Levee's Gonna Break (28) from Modern Times
18. Simple Twist Of Fate (25) from Blood on the Tracks
19. I'll Be Your Baby Tonight (24) from John Wesley Harding
20. Desolation Row (23) from Highway 61 Revisited
21. I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) (22) from Another
Side of Bob Dylan
Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum (22) from Love and Theft
Beyond Here Lies Nothin' (22) from Together Through Life
24. Lay, Lady, Lay (21) from Nashville Skyline
Summer Days (21) from Love and Theft
Spirit On The Water (21) from Modern Times
27. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (19) from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
Love Sick (19) from Time Out of Mind
Tryin' To Get To Heaven (19) from Time Out of Mind
30. Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (17) from Highway 61 Revisited
Shelter From The Storm (17) from Blood on the Tracks
Forgetful Heart (17) from Together Through Life
※ 引述《Kiyomizu (Kiyomizu-dera)》之銘言:
: 要跟大家自首
: 我應該就是那種不為大家所認同的一日歌迷
: 想請問大家
: 如果只聽過一首Blowin' in the Wind"
: 其他的作品沒聽過
: 請問該如何準備演唱會呢?(據說Dylan是不事先公佈曲目的)
: 希望可以得到大家的建議
: 感謝
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
看板 show
作者 標題 Re: Bob Dylan
時間 2011/04/03 Sun 23:31:12
作者 KurtWarner (波希米亞人狂想曲) 看板 BobDylan
標題 Re: [請益] 請問演唱會的準備......
時間 Sat Apr 2 12:23:18 2011
這網站告訴你Dylan每場演唱會的setlist, 可參考看看
1. Ballad Of A Thin Man (96) from Highway 61 Revisited
Highway 61 Revisited (96) from Highway 61 Revisited
3. Like A Rolling Stone (94) from Highway 61 Revisited
4. Thunder On The Mountain (94) from Modern Times
5. Jolene (80) from Together Through Life
6. Just Like A Woman (67) from Blonde on Blonde
7. Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again (47) from Blonde on
8. Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat (45) from Blonde on Blonde
9. All Along The Watchtower (44) from John Wesley Harding
10. Cold Irons Bound (42) from Time Out of Mind
11. High Water (For Charley Patton) (41) from Love and Theft
12. Tangled Up In Blue (38) from Blood on the Tracks
Rollin' And Tumblin' by Elmore James (38) from Modern Times
14. Honest With Me (36) from Love and Theft
15. Workingman's Blues #2 (34) from Modern Times
16. Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (30) from Blonde on Blonde
17. The Levee's Gonna Break (28) from Modern Times
18. Simple Twist Of Fate (25) from Blood on the Tracks
19. I'll Be Your Baby Tonight (24) from John Wesley Harding
20. Desolation Row (23) from Highway 61 Revisited
21. I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) (22) from Another
Side of Bob Dylan
Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum (22) from Love and Theft
Beyond Here Lies Nothin' (22) from Together Through Life
24. Lay, Lady, Lay (21) from Nashville Skyline
Summer Days (21) from Love and Theft
Spirit On The Water (21) from Modern Times
27. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (19) from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
Love Sick (19) from Time Out of Mind
Tryin' To Get To Heaven (19) from Time Out of Mind
30. Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (17) from Highway 61 Revisited
Shelter From The Storm (17) from Blood on the Tracks
Forgetful Heart (17) from Together Through Life
※ 引述《Kiyomizu (Kiyomizu-dera)》之銘言:
: 要跟大家自首
: 我應該就是那種不為大家所認同的一日歌迷
: 想請問大家
: 如果只聽過一首Blowin' in the Wind"
: 其他的作品沒聽過
: 請問該如何準備演唱會呢?(據說Dylan是不事先公佈曲目的)
: 希望可以得到大家的建議
: 感謝
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 RADIO7:我從來沒有接觸過,謝謝發文者!現在來聽聽 04/02 13:59
→ RADIO7:這是排序嗎?編號1為必唱歌曲嗎? 04/02 14:01
→ KurtWarner:是排序沒錯 括號的數字是去年表演的次數 04/02 14:13
→ KurtWarner:但Dylan的作品太多了 setlist也很不固定 這也只是參考 04/02 14:14
推 RADIO7:Honest With Me -好聽 04/02 14:41
推 humanpaul:耶?精選集裡的歌有一大半都沒出現在這清單上... 04/02 18:28
推 boss10jqka:沒有Mr. Tambourine Man QQ 04/02 18:31
推 bigballs:High Water (for Charlie Patton)超爽 04/02 20:28
推 jarvisbrett:狄倫沒有所謂"必唱曲" 這是他與眾不同的地方 04/02 22:26
推 italo:推! 已經考前猜題兩個月了! 04/02 23:52
推 aayuan:猜的到有鬼= = 04/03 01:15
推 :糗了 電視廣告用的那幾首幾乎沒在名單上1F 04/03 04:25
◤◥ Origin: Loess Plateau˙黃土高原 tomin.twbbs.org
◣◢ Author: tomin 從 tomin.mdorm.ntnu.edu.tw 發表
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