※ 本文轉寄自 tomin.bbs@tomin.twbbs.org
標題 Chapter 8. Why Programmers Can't Tell Halloween from Christmas Day
時間 2010/12/25 Sat 12:38:39
The joke about programmers' confusion over Halloween and Christmas Day
depends on inside knowledge of numbering systems. The reason that programmers
can't tell Halloween from Christmas Day is because 31 in octal (base eight)
equals 25 in decimal (base ten). More succinctly, OCT 31 equals DEC 25!
看板 coding
作者 標題 Chapter 8. Why Programmers Can't Tell Halloween from Christmas Day
時間 2010/12/25 Sat 12:38:39
The joke about programmers' confusion over Halloween and Christmas Day
depends on inside knowledge of numbering systems. The reason that programmers
can't tell Halloween from Christmas Day is because 31 in octal (base eight)
equals 25 in decimal (base ten). More succinctly, OCT 31 equals DEC 25!
◤◥ Origin: Loess Plateau˙黃土高原 tomin.twbbs.org
◣◢ Author: tomin 從 tomin.mdorm.ntnu.edu.tw 發表
※ 看板: tomin 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 26