※ 本文轉寄自 tomin.bbs@tomin.twbbs.org
標題 Re: 頂尖對決
時間 2010/07/16 Fri 12:14:10
重看了一遍 Nolan的片我都看不太懂
因為我都分不清楚誰是誰 不太會認人啊
" Every great magic trick consists of three acts .
The first act is called 'The pledge' :
the magicain shows you something ordinary ; but
, of course , it probably isn`t .
The second act is called 'The turn':
the magician makes this ordinary something do something extraordinary.
Now you are looking for the secrect , but you won`t find it.
That`s why there is a third act called 'The prestige':
it`s the part with the twists and turns,
where lives hang in the balance ,
and you see something shocking you`ve never seen before . "
看板 movie
作者 標題 Re: 頂尖對決
時間 2010/07/16 Fri 12:14:10
重看了一遍 Nolan的片我都看不太懂
因為我都分不清楚誰是誰 不太會認人啊
" Every great magic trick consists of three acts .
The first act is called 'The pledge' :
the magicain shows you something ordinary ; but
, of course , it probably isn`t .
The second act is called 'The turn':
the magician makes this ordinary something do something extraordinary.
Now you are looking for the secrect , but you won`t find it.
That`s why there is a third act called 'The prestige':
it`s the part with the twists and turns,
where lives hang in the balance ,
and you see something shocking you`ve never seen before . "
◤◥ Origin: Loess Plateau˙黃土高原 tomin.twbbs.org
◣◢ Author: tomin 從 tomin.mdorm.ntnu.edu.tw 發表
※ 看板: tomin 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 25