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看板 lyric
作者 tomin (excelsior)
標題 Re: 陳昇 - 二十年以前
時間 2010/07/13 Tue 14:53:54


Kenny Rogers: Twenty Years Ago

It`s been a long time since I walked
Through this old town
But oh how the memories start to flow
And there`s the old movie house
They finally closed it down
You could find me there every Friday night
Twenty years ago.

I worked the counter at the drugstore down the street
But nobody`s left there I would know
On Saturday mornings that`s where
All my friends would meet
You`d be surprised what a dime would buy
Twenty years ago.

All my memories from those days come gather round me
What I`d give if they could take me back in time
It almost seems like yesterday
Where do the good times go?
Life was so much easier twenty years ago.

I guess I should stop by Mr. Johnson`s hardware store
His only son was my friend Joe
But he joined the army back in 1964
How could we know he would never come back
Twenty years ago.

  Origin:  Loess Plateau˙黃土高原  tomin.twbbs.org
  Author: tomin 從 tomin.mdorm.ntnu.edu.tw 發表

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