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標題 post hoc
時間 2010/07/05 Mon 22:45:06
https://umdrive.memphis.edu/yxu/public/SPSS%20ANOVA.pdf+HSD+scheffe+tukey+lsd&hl=en" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://tinyurl.com/2cg6jgl
EDPR 7/8542, Spring 2005 Dr. Jade Xu / SPSS in Windows: ANOVA
Post Hoc Tests in ANOVA
a. Unequal Group Sizes: Whenever you violate the equal n assumption for
groups, select any of the following post hoc procedures in SPSS: LSD,
Games-Howell, Dunnett's T3, Scheffé, and Dunnett's C.
b. Unequal Variances: Whenever you violate the equal variance assumption for
groups (i.e., the homogeneity of variance assumption), check any of the
following post hoc procedures in SPSS: Tamhane’s T2, Games-Howell, Dunnett's
T3, and Dunnett's C.
c. Selecting from some of the more popular post hoc tests:
.Fisher's LSD (Least Significant Different): This test is the most liberal of
all Post Hoc tests and its critical t for significance is not affected by the
number of groups. This test is appropriate when you have 3 means to compare.
It is not appropriate for additional means.
.Tukey's HSD (Honestly Significant Difference): This test is perhaps the most
popular post hoc. It reduces Type I error at the expense of Power. It is
appropriate to use this test when one desires all the possible comparisons
between a large set of means (6 or more means).
.Scheffé: This test is the most conservative of all post hoc tests. Compared
to Tukey's HSD, Scheffé has less Power when making pairwise (simple)
comparisons, but more Power when making complex comparisons. It is
appropriate to use Scheffé's test only when making many post hoc
complex comparisons (e.g. more than k-1).
看板 research
作者 標題 post hoc
時間 2010/07/05 Mon 22:45:06
https://umdrive.memphis.edu/yxu/public/SPSS%20ANOVA.pdf+HSD+scheffe+tukey+lsd&hl=en" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://tinyurl.com/2cg6jgl
EDPR 7/8542, Spring 2005 Dr. Jade Xu / SPSS in Windows: ANOVA
Post Hoc Tests in ANOVA
a. Unequal Group Sizes: Whenever you violate the equal n assumption for
groups, select any of the following post hoc procedures in SPSS: LSD,
Games-Howell, Dunnett's T3, Scheffé, and Dunnett's C.
b. Unequal Variances: Whenever you violate the equal variance assumption for
groups (i.e., the homogeneity of variance assumption), check any of the
following post hoc procedures in SPSS: Tamhane’s T2, Games-Howell, Dunnett's
T3, and Dunnett's C.
c. Selecting from some of the more popular post hoc tests:
.Fisher's LSD (Least Significant Different): This test is the most liberal of
all Post Hoc tests and its critical t for significance is not affected by the
number of groups. This test is appropriate when you have 3 means to compare.
It is not appropriate for additional means.
.Tukey's HSD (Honestly Significant Difference): This test is perhaps the most
popular post hoc. It reduces Type I error at the expense of Power. It is
appropriate to use this test when one desires all the possible comparisons
between a large set of means (6 or more means).
.Scheffé: This test is the most conservative of all post hoc tests. Compared
to Tukey's HSD, Scheffé has less Power when making pairwise (simple)
comparisons, but more Power when making complex comparisons. It is
appropriate to use Scheffé's test only when making many post hoc
complex comparisons (e.g. more than k-1).
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◣◢ Author: tomin 從 tomin.mdorm.ntnu.edu.tw 發表
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