※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-08-21 17:51:38
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 俄羅斯穆斯林刺傷8人後 遭警方擊斃
時間 Mon Aug 21 17:36:52 2017
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Moment knifeman 'wearing a fake suicide vest' flees after stabbing eight
people in Russian knife rampage - as it is claimed he is the son of a known
'extremist supporter' of radical Islam
※ 社論特稿都不能貼! 違者刪除(政治類水桶3個月),貼廣告也會被刪除喔!
A teenage knifeman wearing a fake suicide belt wounded at least eight people
in a frenzied attack in a Russia this morning.
The attacker, named locally as 19-year-old Artur Gadzhiev, was shot dead by
police in a busy main street in Surgut, central Russia, at about 11.20am
local time.
He is believed to be from Dagestan, a strongly Muslim region of Russia in the
Gadzhiev's father Lametulakh was reported to be registered with Russian
police as an 'extremist' and 'supporter' of radical Islam.
Shocking CCTV shows people fleeing for their lives as the attacker rampaged
outside shops in the city.
Footage shows him running by a pavilion and throwing something away before he
was shot dead.
At least two people are fighting for their lives, while another five were
hospitalised in the stabbing spree, authorities said.
However witnesses claimed that the number of victims could be much higher.
The attacker was originally named as Bobichel Abdurakhmanov but his 'real
name' was later reported by Mash, a media seen as close to law enforcement
sources, and quickly reported by mainstream Russian news sources, including
state media.
There was no immediate separate confirmation from the authorities. Gadzhiev
was from Khasavyurt town, and it was unclear why he was in Surgut.
He was reported to be a supporter of Zenit St Petersburg and Manchester
United football clubs.
His behaviour was sometimes described as 'strange' but he was not registered
as a person with 'mental problems', according to unidentified locals.
Earlier the Russian Investigative Committee said it was looking into 'his
possible psychiatric disorders'.
But local news agency, Surgut Inter Novosti, suggested the violent attack was
larger than the authorities had initially revealed.
'According to witnesses, unknown people threw a Molotov cocktail bottle
inside 'Severny' shop, then they attacked a woman with an axe near a cash
'More than 10 people with injuries have been taken into emergency care.'
But there was no immediate official confirmation of this claim.
The knifeman 'carried out attacks on passers-by, causing stab wounds to
eight,' Russia's Investigative Committee, which probes major crimes said.
The spokesman added that armed police 'liquidated' the attacker.
Nobody was killed in the assault but victims needed immediate medical
treatment, said officers.
At least two of the victims were fighting for their lives while five more
were in a stable condition, the government of the Khanty-Mansi region said in
a statement.
There were reports that more than one attacker was involved and that the
number of victims was higher than officials have disclosed, but these claims
have not been verified.
The attacker may have suffered from a psychiatric disorder, the interior
ministry said.
'The version that the attack was a terrorist one is not the main one,' the
interior ministry added.
'In the interests of public calm and also of the investigation, citizens and
media are recommended to use reliable information in assessing the situation
until all the circumstances are established.'
Surgut is the largest city of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area region with a
population of around 350,000.
It is a major centre for oil and gas production in the country.
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Russian police shoot knife rampage attacker in Surgut | Daily Mail Online The attacker, named locally as 19-year-old Artur Gadzhiev, was shot dead by police in a busy main street in Surgut, central Russia, at about 11.20am l ...
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推 : 如果是在台灣,這警察倒大楣了,可能要賠好幾年薪水。14F 08/21 17:39
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推 : 反觀17F 08/21 17:41
※ 編輯: CobeBryant (, 08/21/2017 17:43:15推 : 請俄羅斯警方來示範一下,如何當場壓制暴徒18F 08/21 17:43
→ : 在台灣 人權律師會傾巢而出19F 08/21 17:44
推 : 一定是冒牌貨 在俄羅斯還拿小刀喔20F 08/21 17:50
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