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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-04-28 22:13:08
看板 Gossiping
作者 s90382 (taylor)
標題 [新聞] 台背包客因持有兒童色情內容判18個月
時間 Fri Apr 28 21:20:48 2017



Taiwanese Backpackers jailed after being caught with child porn at Brisbane Ai

A Taiwanese man has been sentenced to 18 months in jail after Australian Borde
r Force officers found he was carrying child pornography on his arrival at Bri
sbane Airport last year.

Sheng-Wen Wang, 24, arrived in November on a working holiday visa and after of
ficials conducted a random luggage search, more than 100 images and 34 videos
were found involving children as young as three.
He was arrested and charged at the scene before being sentenced in the Brisban
e District Court on Thursday.

The man was expected to be released after serving eight months, combined with
a $2000 security on the condition of good behaviour for three years, before be
ing deported. The maximum penalty for an the offences is $450,000 and/or 10 ye
ars jail.

ABF Superintendent, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Matt Stock, said the
sentence sent a clear message about the seriousness of the crime.

"This offence is extremely serious in nature, and we recognise that community
expectations are high in relation to dealing with such abhorrent material," Su
perintendent Stock said.

4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):


現在法院判刑18個月,不過新聞說可以假釋(?)坐牢8個月加上兩千元澳幣罰鍰 以及假釋
後三年的good behaviour (應該就是要定期去報到然後隨時會被關注這樣)


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1P0q6p9Z (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1493385651.A.263.html
jma306:   默哀1F 04/28 21:21
Atwo: 右上人氣-12F 04/28 21:21
pinhanpaul: Sheng-Wen3F 04/28 21:21
i689tw: 五樓被抓了4F 04/28 21:21
peggy345: 台勞夢破滅5F 04/28 21:21
elite31307: ptt-16F 04/28 21:21
Skeleton7: 蘿莉控-17F 04/28 21:21
popo3809490: 八卦人氣8F 04/28 21:21
BK201DTB: 八卦 -19F 04/28 21:21
andy199113: 好髒10F 04/28 21:21
Raogo: 妹妹文 -111F 04/28 21:21
luckyalbert: 澳洲不是大本營嗎?12F 04/28 21:22
christopherl: 勝文4ni?13F 04/28 21:22
sobiNOva: 衰暴摟14F 04/28 21:22
sechan: 三歲....真的噁15F 04/28 21:22
loking: facebook很多媽媽會分享嬰兒洗澡照 會涉及兒童色情嗎16F 04/28 21:22
andy199113: Sheng-Wen Wang = 音譯 王勝文17F 04/28 21:23
HarleyQuinn: 還直接公布姓名    澳洲真猛18F 04/28 21:23
luckyalbert: 抓大本營崇拜者(誤),奇惹?19F 04/28 21:23
plusonezero: 活該,噁心20F 04/28 21:23
VVizZ: 八卦版-121F 04/28 21:23
qq05: 澳洲22F 04/28 21:23
SEEDA: 死好阿  不然勒23F 04/28 21:24
drigo: 澳洲真沒人權,公佈犯人姓名24F 04/28 21:24
kmtlikeslave: 八卦-125F 04/28 21:24
kmtlikeslave: 看三歲根本就心理變態
DarkerDuck: 那邊連二次元的都會抓,八卦肥宅小心點27F 04/28 21:24
NKTcell: 好啦 也算間接久住澳洲過28F 04/28 21:24
kmtlikeslave: 最好預防性羈押終生不得接近兒童29F 04/28 21:25
ccl007: 勝文 你....30F 04/28 21:26
HarleyQuinn: 亞洲人   在監獄應該不好過31F 04/28 21:26
andy199113: 台灣記者:謝謝原PO,有新聞可以抄了32F 04/28 21:26
ihateants: 到底要怎麼隨機檢查啊??把上鎖的都叫你弄開???33F 04/28 21:26
christopherl: 24歲的亞洲人,在外國人眼中跟小孩子一樣,而且又是34F 04/28 21:27
Sougetu: 八卦-135F 04/28 21:27
christopherl: 關戀童癖的監獄…36F 04/28 21:27
qscxz: 人氣-137F 04/28 21:27
lolic: 靠杯 幹38F 04/28 21:28
DarkerDuck: 樓上開門,查蓋格計數器39F 04/28 21:28
arnold3: 還好我手機都二次元的40F 04/28 21:28
prismwu: UCCU41F 04/28 21:28
hihi29: 八卦版-142F 04/28 21:29
sharb: 八卦-143F 04/28 21:30
xlovemashx: 樓上 有的機場帶到小房間 衣服都要全脫了 你覺得呢44F 04/28 21:30
phew18: Sheng-Wen Wang45F 04/28 21:30
f124: 出國還要檢查電腦內容喔 有沒有這麼噁心的46F 04/28 21:30
yyc1217: 可以檢視電腦內容? 持觀望態度47F 04/28 21:31
yoyodio: 似乎是........48F 04/28 21:32
kinki999: 八卦-149F 04/28 21:32
tfoxboy: 捉到就肛50F 04/28 21:32
s90382: 原文是說持有啦沒說在電腦 不知道是不是在電腦裡我翻的時51F 04/28 21:32
s90382: 候寫很快就寫了 我改一下好了
※ 編輯: s90382 (, 04/28/2017 21:33:09
andy199113: 澳洲移民局官方消息 [url]https://goo.gl/i7rm9V[/url]53F 04/28 21:32
nojydia: 怎麼沒有說男孩或女孩 這樣哪知道該酸什麼zzz54F 04/28 21:32
andy199113: 2016年11月15日台灣往澳洲持打工度假簽證 是誰快說!55F 04/28 21:34
Machamew: 三歲......56F 04/28 21:36
dorydoze: 87嗎?57F 04/28 21:39
Everforest: = =...58F 04/28 21:39
wolid: http://i.imgur.com/YgSA4EJ.jpg59F 04/28 21:40
luckyalbert: 樓上你不怕被桶嗎?...60F 04/28 21:41
RevanKai: 歐美的海關很多都會叫你開電腦,要小心= =61F 04/28 21:42
medama: 八卦-162F 04/28 21:46
NowQmmmmmmmm: 國外對兒童色情刑罰都很重 查到罰到你變老63F 04/28 21:49
stu25936: 被抽查?64F 04/28 22:07

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