※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-08-13 21:48:09
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] EK521意外 乘客每人賠償7000鎂
時間 Sat Aug 13 19:53:41 2016
EK521 passengers ‘touched’ by Emirates compensation announcement
Emirates goes beyond legal obligations by confirming payment of $7,000,
promises action on baggage
Sajila Saseendran, Senior Reporter
22:00 August 11, 2016
Of the $7,000, passengers have been informed that $2,000 is in respect of
loss of luggage and personal effects and $5,000 is for any other damages they
have suffered as a result of the accident, plus a full refund of the ticket.
Image Credit:Supplied
Dubai: Emirates flight EK 521 accident survivors, who have received emails
confirming $7,000 (Dh25.712) compensation per passenger, have lauded the
airline for its prompt and professional handling of the damages and personal
follow up.
Of the $7,000, passengers have been informed that $2,000 is in respect of
loss of luggage and personal effects and $5,000 is for any other damages they
have suffered as a result of the accident, plus a full refund of the ticket.
Many passengers on Thursday told Gulf News that they had been assured that
the amount would be credited to their account within two weeks.
In a statement, Emirates said: “We remain in contact with the passengers and
can confirm that Emirates has offered financial assistance to meet their
immediate needs. This includes support for their lost baggage items, as
access to the aircraft is still highly restricted while investigations are
under way, as well as medical expenses and other incidental expenditures. We
are also refunding their tickets.”
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Emirates goes beyond legal obligations by confirming payment of 7 000 promises action on baggage ...
Emirates goes beyond legal obligations by confirming payment of 7 000 promises action on baggage ...
2.2000鎂賠償行李損失 5000鎂是針對意外賠償
不過這意外跟那霸一樣 飛機燒光光 沒人因此意外死亡
說真的 我寧可不要用到空服的專業....
林予晞 柯有倫 方志友╔═╗╚╗║◎ △ ══╬══ ═╗═╗ ╔═╗ 安哲
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台 ║╚╗ ╔╝ ╝╚ ╠═║═╬═══  ̄ ̄║╚╬╝║╔╝╝║╝╝═╬═╬═ 東
視 ╝ ╚╗╝ ║ ╠╝║╔╝╬╗╚ ║ ╚═╬═╝╔╝═╩╗ ═╬═╬═ 森
主 ╔╚══╝ ║ ║╝╔╝║ │║│ ╜║╚═╬═══╣ ╠══║ 綜
頻 ╝ψwaterdeer ║ ╝ ╝ ╝ ╯║╰ ╝ ╚═══╝ ═╩═╩═ 合
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1NhmfAAZ (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1471089226.A.2A3.html
推 : 他們的機隊超猛1F 08/13 19:54
→ : 算有誠意了2F 08/13 19:54
推 : 台灣賠償抵用券3F 08/13 19:55
沒那麼誇張啦 那霸華航賠償 經濟艙97000 商務145000不過那霸是波音的包 不要怪華航 幫華航QQ
※ 編輯: ttnakafzcm (, 08/13/2016 19:56:55
推 : 有錢就是任性4F 08/13 19:56
推 : 似乎是蠻成功的 終點在杜拜 然後飛到杜拜引擎起火迫降 然後5F 08/13 19:58
→ : 又全數逃離飛機
※ 編輯: ttnakafzcm (, 08/13/2016 20:00:28→ : 又全數逃離飛機
推 : 2000美金 我看乘客的行李箱都差不多這價錢吧7F 08/13 20:00
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推 : 華航又比輸了。10F 08/13 20:58
不要說華航 長榮都未必贏 人家EK超有錢 = =※ 編輯: ttnakafzcm (, 08/13/2016 21:00:31
推 : 如果是華航 空服會全部落跑讓旅客被燒死11F 08/13 21:11
推 : 華航那霸明明很盡責 樓上不需要這樣吧12F 08/13 21:14
不止那霸 啟德那次也是 CI605...........※ 編輯: ttnakafzcm (, 08/13/2016 21:24:16
※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 221
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