※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-11-05 04:18:06
看板 feminine_sex
作者 標題 【FS週報】我的胸部/陰部正常嗎?看見真實的女體
時間 Mon Nov 3 23:15:53 2014
◢ feminine_sex 女性性板 ◤ 【FS週報】我的胸部/陰部正常嗎?看見真實的女體
.............................................................................◎ 前言
◎ 你看過非情色化的女性乳房照片嗎?
首先介紹 http://www.007b.com/ 這個網站。
Female breasts - for men or for breastfeeding?
We believe women were not created as sexual objects to be looked
upon as some kind of ...
We believe women were not created as sexual objects to be looked
upon as some kind of ...
Normal Breasts Gallery, part 1 - pictures of different size and shape breasts. Women who have not been pregnant. Pictures of normal female breasts, with different breast size and shape: small breasts, sagging ones, big areola, asymmetrical breasts, strech marks, etc. ...
Normal Breasts Gallery, part 2 - pictures of different size and shape breasts. Pictures of normal female breasts, with different breast size and shape: small breasts, sagging ones, big areola, asymmetrical breasts, strech marks, etc. Women who have not been pregnant. ...
Normal Breasts Gallery, part 3 - pictures of different size and shape breasts. Women who have not been pregnant. Pictures of normal female breasts, with different breast size and shape: small breasts, sagging ones, big areola, asymmetrical breasts, strech marks, etc. ...
Normal Breasts Photos, part 4 - pictures of different size and shape breasts. Women who have not been pregnant. Pictures of normal female breasts, with different breast size and shape: small breasts, sagging ones, big areola, asymmetrical breasts, strech marks, etc. ...
Normal Breasts Photos, part 5 - pictures of different size and shape breasts. Women who have not been pregnant. Pictures of normal female breasts, with different breast size and shape: small breasts, sagging ones, big areola, asymmetrical breasts, strech marks, etc. ...
Normal Breasts Gallery, part 6 - pictures of different size and shape breasts. Women who have not been pregnant. Pictures of normal female breasts, with different breast size and shape: small breasts, sagging ones, big areola, asymmetrical breasts, strech marks, etc. ...
Normal Breasts Gallery, part 7 - pictures of different size and shape breasts. Women who have not been pregnant. Pictures of normal female breasts, with different breast size and shape: small breasts, sagging ones, big areola, asymmetrical breasts, strech marks, etc. ...
Normal Breasts Photo Gallery, part 8 - pictures of different size and shape breasts. Pictures of normal female breasts, with different breast size and shape: small breasts, sagging ones, big areola, asymmetrical breasts, strech marks, etc. Women who have not been pregnant. ...
Normal Breasts Photos, part 9 - pictures of different size and shape breasts. Women who have not been pregnant. Pictures of normal female breasts, with different breast size and shape: small breasts, sagging ones, big areola, asymmetrical breasts, strech marks, etc. ...
Normal Breasts Pictures, part 10 - photos of various size and shaped breasts of women who have not been pregnant. A photo gallery of normal female breasts from volunteers around the world. ...
Normal Breasts Pictures, part 11 - photos of various size and shaped breasts of women who have not been pregnant. A photo gallery, part 11, of normal female breasts from volunteers around the world. ...
Normal Breasts Gallery, part 12 - non-sexualized photos of volunteer women who have not been pregnant. Normal Breasts Gallery, part 12: pictures of normal female breasts from volunteers around the world. ...
Normal Breasts Gallery, part A - pictures of different size and shape breasts from women who have been pregnant Pictures of normal female breasts from women who have been pregnant, with different breast size and shape: small breasts, sagging ones, big areola, asymmetrical breasts, strech marks, etc. ...
Normal Breasts Gallery, part B - pictures of different size and shape breasts from women who have been pregnant Pictures of normal female breasts from women who have been pregnant, with different breast size and shape: small breasts, sagging ones, big areola, asymmetrical breasts, strech marks, etc. ...
Normal Breasts Pictures, part C - photos of different size and shape breasts from women who have been pregnant Pictures of normal female breasts from women who have been pregnant, with different breast size and shape: small breasts, sagging ones, big areola, asymmetrical breasts, strech marks, etc. ...
Normal Breasts Pictures, part D - photos of different size and shape breasts from women who have been pregnant Pictures of normal female breasts from women who have been pregnant, with different breast size and shape: small breasts, sagging ones, big areola, asymmetrical breasts, strech marks, etc. ...
Normal Breasts Gallery, part E - pictures of different size and shape breasts from women who have been pregnant Pictures of normal female breasts from women who have been pregnant, with different breast size and shape: small breasts, sagging ones, big areola, asymmetrical breasts, strech marks, etc. ...
Normal Breasts Gallery, part F - pictures of different size and shape breasts from women who have been pregnant Pictures of normal female breasts from women who have been pregnant, with different breast size and shape: small breasts, sagging ones, big areola, asymmetrical breasts, strech marks, etc. ...
Pictures of normal nipples. The bumps on areola are Montgomery glands. Hair on nipples is normal, too. Links to resources about flat or inverted nipples. Pictures or photos of normal nipples. The bumps on areola are Montgomery glands. Links to resources about flat or inverted nipples. ...
◎ 你會怎麼形容你的乳房呢?
This Is What Breasts Really Look And Feel Like (NSFW)
We see breasts every day on billboards, in magazines, on HBO. They're photoshopped and perfectly lit, idealized fantasy versions of reality. Weirdly, it can sometimes seem that the breasts we see the least of are our own, and the way we talk about th... ...
This Is What Breasts Really Look And Feel Like (NSFW)
We see breasts every day on billboards, in magazines, on HBO. They're photoshopped and perfectly lit, idealized fantasy versions of reality. Weirdly, it can sometimes seem that the breasts we see the least of are our own, and the way we talk about th... ...
乳癌防治基金會 - Taiwan Breast Cancer Foundation
財團法人乳癌防治基金會 Foundation of Breast Cancer Prevention and Treatment ...
財團法人乳癌防治基金會 Foundation of Breast Cancer Prevention and Treatment ...
◎ 你看過自己的陰部嗎?
Women See Their Vagina For First Time! - YouTube
Subscribe to Davey! ♥ Watch more reaction videos: A special thanks to the brave women who participated in this vi...
Subscribe to Davey! ♥ Watch more reaction videos: A special thanks to the brave women who participated in this vi...

這邊介紹一個澳洲NGO製作的網站 http://www.labialibrary.org.au/
Home | Labia Library
Labia Library - Home - Have you ever wondered is my vagina normal? Labia come in all shapes and sizes. ...
Labia Library - Home - Have you ever wondered is my vagina normal? Labia come in all shapes and sizes. ...
Photo Gallery | Labia Library
Labia Library - Photo Gallery - Unaltered photos of vulvas taken from the front and from below. ...
Labia Library - Photo Gallery - Unaltered photos of vulvas taken from the front and from below. ...
The Great Wall of Vagina Panels | The Great Wall of Vagina
Jamie McCartney's Great Wall of Vagina sculpture ...
Jamie McCartney's Great Wall of Vagina sculpture ...
新聞報導:英雕塑家作品《陰道長城》 打開一花一天國
英雕塑家作品《陰道長城》 打開一花一天國 | ETtoday新奇新聞 | ETtoday 新聞雲
住住英國的雕塑家傑米 •麥卡尼花了近5年的時間,完成了數百個女性生殖器的複製品,組成一件大型創作:《陰道長城》(The Great Wall of Vagina)。」
(陰道長城,The Great Wall of Vagina,Jamie McCartney) ...
◎ 瘋狂的子宮頸自拍
Beautiful Cervix Project - Love Thy Cervix!
The Beautiful Cervix Project is a grassroots movement celebrating the beauty and intricacies of women’s bodies and fertility! This website provides accessible ...
The Beautiful Cervix Project is a grassroots movement celebrating the beauty and intricacies of women’s bodies and fertility! This website provides accessible ...
Cervix Photo Galleries | Beautiful Cervix Project
Take a Peek! Each gallery showcases a series of photos of different women’s cervices. There are no external genitalia visible in any of the photos, but they ...
Take a Peek! Each gallery showcases a series of photos of different women’s cervices. There are no external genitalia visible in any of the photos, but they ...
Age 25 - Entire Cycle | Beautiful Cervix Project
This 25 year old woman has never given birth and has no history of STIs. Each photo was taken at approximately 10:00 pm every day starting the first day of her ...
This 25 year old woman has never given birth and has no history of STIs. Each photo was taken at approximately 10:00 pm every day starting the first day of her ...
Age 25 - Entire Cycle, IUD | Beautiful Cervix Project
These cervical photos are from a 25 years old woman who has never given birth. She has a copper Paraguard IUD which was placed inside her uterus about a year ...
These cervical photos are from a 25 years old woman who has never given birth. She has a copper Paraguard IUD which was placed inside her uterus about a year ...
正在進行子宮頸抹片檢查的樣子 http://goo.gl/1qMwqy
Age 25 - Pap Smear | Beautiful Cervix Project
These are two photos taken during a Papanicolau test (pap smear) done on a 25 year old woman 6 weeks postpartum. A pap smear can detect potentially ...
These are two photos taken during a Papanicolau test (pap smear) done on a 25 year old woman 6 weeks postpartum. A pap smear can detect potentially ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/feminine_sex/M.1415027755.A.B37.html
※ 編輯: zvezda (, 11/03/2014 23:19:39
推 : 首推~1F 11/03 23:22
推 : 推 看一堆a片真的是會以為自己很異類QQ2F 11/03 23:25
推 : 太棒了…大家都該多瞭解自己一點^__^3F 11/03 23:38
推 : 實用 推4F 11/03 23:40
推 : 謝謝分享5F 11/03 23:44
推 : 謝謝分享!6F 11/04 00:13
推 : 推7F 11/04 00:17
推 : 推8F 11/04 00:30
推 : 推,好文9F 11/04 01:00
推 : 推10F 11/04 01:31
推 : 推11F 11/04 01:42
推 : 推12F 11/04 01:49
推 : 推!13F 11/04 02:42
推 : 原來我的奶還蠻正常的...14F 11/04 03:46
推 : 好棒啊這篇15F 11/04 03:55
推 : 大部分根本內衣沒穿好 不是外擴就是下垂16F 11/04 08:00
推 : 推 幫助女人了解自己!17F 11/04 08:23
推 : 推 認識自己的身體18F 11/04 09:02
推 :19F 11/04 09:02
推 : 推!20F 11/04 09:33
推 : 推! 更認識自己了!21F 11/04 10:48
推 : 推!22F 11/04 10:56
推 : 推!!23F 11/04 10:59
推 : 推!實際24F 11/04 11:26
推 :25F 11/04 12:22
→ : A片有大小眾沒錯,但並不限縮於"某種狹隘的"審美觀26F 11/04 12:45
→ : 此篇用意甚好,但牽扯到情色符碼就太遠了,無謂
→ : 此篇用意甚好,但牽扯到情色符碼就太遠了,無謂
推 : 推28F 11/04 12:49
推 : 推 !! 超實際29F 11/04 13:20
推 : 推!!!30F 11/04 13:25
推 : 推31F 11/04 14:03
推 : 推32F 11/04 15:17
推 : 推33F 11/04 15:43
推 : 推34F 11/04 16:06
推 : 推!!!!!35F 11/04 18:43
推 : 推!!36F 11/04 20:05
推 : 推37F 11/04 21:38
推 : 推38F 11/04 22:22
→ : 我說句實在話,連結中的照片,很多張看了都會讓男生倒陽39F 11/04 23:19
推 : 非常實用,大推40F 11/05 00:07
推 : 推!!!41F 11/05 00:20
推 : 用心推 會嫌棄別人私處樣子的人也挺沒品的42F 11/05 00:37
推 : 推,超用心小報43F 11/05 00:38
推 : 推44F 11/05 00:43
※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1972