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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-01-25 03:54:22
看板 Gossiping
作者 i199240222 (洛姬好萌)
標題 [問卦] 有沒有現在Google blog不能上的八卦?
時間 Sat Jan 25 03:09:48 2014



502. That’s an error.

嚇到我用彈舌音發了一下double r,



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
linniouti:Gmail也gg了1F 01/25 03:11
sata0905:神也是要休息2F 01/25 03:12
ZERX:gmail 掛點 +13F 01/25 03:13
icemok:我難過4F 01/25 03:13
candyxu04:Gmail GG 我正在寄重要信件(悲劇)5F 01/25 03:13
Mr7:G+也掛了6F 01/25 03:14
howshaw:掛了+17F 01/25 03:15
cul287:神休息+18F 01/25 03:15
howshaw:http://goo.gl/iqhN1r 擷圖9F 01/25 03:16
cot:Gmail壞了+110F 01/25 03:21
InaLiang:http://tinyurl.com/o49pq2z 嘖嘖11F 01/25 03:23
Gmail And Google+ Go Down Across The World, Intermittent Outage Continues For Many | TechCrunch
Update: Users are now reporting that Gmail service at least is back for some, though recurring outages and slowness are also being reported. At this stage it.. ...
linniouti:Gmail好了!12F 01/25 03:23
blackman5566:WOW  GooGle竟然爆了!!  值得紀念13F 01/25 03:24
alog:不知道哪個工程師手賤弄壞惹14F 01/25 03:25
orfan:人在國外SAFE~15F 01/25 03:27
mongi:我的可以開16F 01/25 03:31
pseudogap:在美國掛 +117F 01/25 03:31
fapon99:我剛剛也不行現在可以了18F 01/25 03:36

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