※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-11-24 13:48:56
看板 WoT
作者 標題 [情報] 11/23 Q&A
時間 Sun Nov 24 03:39:39 2013
Since this was openly posted on US forums too, I think it’s no longer a
secret: Pavel “Zlobny” Myreev, Wargaming’s chief of tank balance left
Wargaming recently. I’d like to openly thank him this way for participating
in FTR QA and being a very friendly and nice person overall and also for
(whatever you might think of the game) doing a good job on balancing the
ingame vehicles in the past.
WG平衡部門的頭頭,Pavel “Zlobny” Myreev,最近離開了WG;SS在此公開地表示感謝
- Havok will introduce the destructable houses option: some buildings will be
made destructable. A player asked whether their debris will be material (eg.
it will be possible to create your own barricade from debris) or immaterial.
SerB states large debris will be material, smaller will be immaterial, as the
server power is not sufficient to calculate everything
殘骸創造障礙物),還是只是裝飾?SerB 表示大塊的殘骸會有實體,而小塊的殘骸只會
殘骸創造障礙物),還是只是裝飾?SerB 表示大塊的殘骸會有實體,而小塊的殘骸只會
- SerB also states (to the issue above) that they will have to be very
careful with selecting what to make destructable and what not, because
developers don’t want such situations as blocking the entrance to the base
with debris, making it unreachables
SerB 表示他們會好好設計哪些房子能垮而哪些不能;他們不希望出現用殘骸封基地讓人
- ingame RhB WT 150mm gun does have a muzzle brake, it’s those slits at the
end of the barrel
遊戲中RhB WT的150mm砲是有砲口制退器的,就是砲管尾端那些縫縫。(譯註:有砲口制
- cyclone filter does not increase engine fire chance
- there will apparently be no regular “cutter” (torpedo) boats in WoWs
(devs are considering their use in “Port” battles)
- it’s possible Petlyakov Pe-2 (or some version thereof) will appear in WoWp
Petlyakov Pe-2(或是它的某個版本)可能在戰機世界中出現
- there is a WG Moscow branch, but it’s not a development studio
Also, check out Overlord’s post on WoT:Blitz, apparently it got rewarded
before it was even betatested.
感覺機動略勝獵豹但比不上T25 AT;砲不很準穿深不出色但很痛;
In church, they say to forgive!
Forgiveness is between them and God;
it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》
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◆ From:
※ 編輯: WillieHuang 來自: (11/24 03:42)
推 :Enjoy your 122-44:) 這台進7階場無雙概率很大的1F 11/24 05:40
推 :122水深的不得了,一堆高手用這台在賺錢練組員2F 11/24 05:46
→ :在下NA 122-44拿M牌也就是1296XP,其實還好3F 11/24 05:49
推 :我是打到1400才拿到1300+還沒有4F 11/24 05:51
推 :這台打法很多~正面搖擺法能高概率彈砲~5F 11/24 07:54
推 :"魚雷艇"是指改裝成重雷裝艦的大井/北上那兩艘輕巡?6F 11/24 08:31
推 :不是,是比驅逐還小型的艦艇,專門發射魚雷使用7F 11/24 08:35
推 :重雷巡洋艦可是巡洋艦 魚雷艇就只是007快艇裝魚雷8F 11/24 08:48
→ :當然二戰時沒007快艇這種潮船 不過大小可以參考
→ :當然二戰時沒007快艇這種潮船 不過大小可以參考
推 :JFK二戰時候就是魚雷艇長10F 11/24 09:44
推 :就是像飛彈快艇一樣的東西吧 只是改裝魚雷11F 11/24 12:24
→ :是飛彈快艇取代了魚雷快艇的地位12F 11/24 12:44
※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 67
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