※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-11-19 19:09:26
看板 WoT
作者 標題 [情報] 11/18 Q&A
時間 Tue Nov 19 11:01:44 2013
So, according to the SEA server info, there is a transfer open from SEA to
US. Vietnamese region only.
- historically, the T-54 before T-62A is correct, there will apparently be no
new tier 9 tank to replace the T-54 as a T-62 predecessor (it will stay as it
is now)
- the crew XP per battle value has an error (displays half of what it should
be), it’s just an UI error (will be fixed)
- it’s possible (but not guaranteed) that the “armor quality” modifier
will return in historical battles (SS: for those who don’t remember, in very
early WoT versions, there was a modifier that multiplied the armor by certain
value, based on the armor quality: for example, regular armor had the value
of 1, high quality mid-war RH German armor had the modifier of 1,1, making it
effectively 10 percent thicker – it was removed, because it confused the
players IIRC)
「裝甲品質」修正有可能(但不保證)會在史實模式中回歸。(SS: 以前德國裝有高品質
- optional hulls are not guaranteed to appear as equal option to the usual
hull: for example, T-54 could get two variants (first with more armor, the
other lighter and faster), while second hull for T-34 will be better in all
respects (more armor, better mobility)
- SerB states you turn “blue” by “systematically shooting your allies”
- RU251 is still scheduled to be tier 8 German light tank, its balancing has
not yet begun
- it’s possible there will be WoWp for iOS/Android (like WoT Blitz) too
- the Soviet tier 8 light tank is not yet ready, there are candidates however
(SS: possibly the T-100, posted here at the end)
蘇聯八階輕坦還沒確定,但有些候選車了(SS: 可能是T-100)
- all tanks get the same team distribution (SS: as in spend the same amount
of battles on the top and bottom of the team) with one exception: arties
- WoT Generals will most likely not work on e-ink readers such as the Onyx
- there are not enough data that would suggest the 75mm KwK 44 L/70 is more
powerful than the 75mm KwK 42, that’s why they have idential performance in
game. Its pen won’t be buffed (SS: yes, I tried to find some more data on
that model, but there is very little indeed)
沒有足夠資料顯示75mm KwK 44 L/70比75mm KwK 42更強,所以他們在遊戲中表現都一樣
,不會buff (SS: 我找過,資料很少)
- there are apparently no curreng German historical candidates to replace
unhistorical guns on some German tanks
- there are no data from Bovington available on TOG-2R and TOG-3 projects
Bovington 中沒有 TOG-2R 和 TOG-3 計畫的資料
- the reason the King Tiger had 120mm LFP in the first place (unhistorical)
is that a part of data from Kubinka stated 100mm, another part stated 120mm,
SerB states it’s completely possible different single vehicles had 120mm LFP
虎王一開始之所以有非史實的120mm 首下是因為 Kubinka 的資料有部份寫 100mm 另一部
份寫的是 120mm;SerB 表示很可能有一台120mm首下的特規車。
- Q: “Why is the commander’s copula on King Tiger 150mm thick instead of
historical 120mm?” A: “Well, okay, since you ask, we will nerf it”
Q: 為啥虎王的車長塔有150mm而不是史實的120mm?A: 好吧,既然你提了,我們會nerf它
- currently there are no plans for crew skill rework
- two new mechanisms would have to be implemented for Strv 103 and other
hydraulic suspension vehicles to appear
- currently the mechanism where selecting a different gun would rename the
tank based on its configuration is not developed (SS: for example – 75mm
L/24: Panzer IV Ausf.D 75mm L/48: Panzer IV Ausf.G)
沒打算研發機制讓「車名會隨著主砲(構型)而更改」(SS: 例如四號裝75mm L/24→
Panzer IV Ausf.D;裝75mm L/48→Panzer IV Ausf.G)
- the reason the tier 5 Panzer Sfl.IVc was implemented with its
superstructure up is that it couldn’t move with the armor pulled down
Panzer Sfl.IVc上部結構的鋼板沒有放下來是因為在這狀態下車不能動
- Sturmtiger’s mortar shot was not modelled yet
In church, they say to forgive!
Forgiveness is between them and God;
it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :0.0/ 早阿1F 11/19 11:03
推 :虎王躺著中槍2F 11/19 11:04
→ :WoT Generals 是卡牌遊戲3F 11/19 11:05
→ :虎王的車長塔那個也太好說話了吧
→ :虎王的車長塔那個也太好說話了吧
推 :可變車體不會是兩個完全對等的車體,舉例來說:...5F 11/19 11:06
推 :「大家都聽到了,是玩家自己要我們nerf虎王的」...6F 11/19 11:41
→ :因為是德國車,當然好說囉7F 11/19 11:47
→ :虎王gg...砲塔高階場已經被打好玩了還nerf...8F 11/19 12:16
推 :我上次用AT8頂砲朝虎王各種地方各種彈藥打了二十來發9F 11/19 12:23
→ :其中車長蓋應該有八九發 AP彈HE彈無所不試
→ :結論:那是我第一次後悔沒帶金彈
→ :其中車長蓋應該有八九發 AP彈HE彈無所不試
→ :結論:那是我第一次後悔沒帶金彈
→ :如果是蘇聯車做太厚他們會說:這是遊戲平衡不是模擬器12F 11/19 12:24
推 :那卡片遊戲好像是免費的 但都找不到載點...13F 11/19 12:37
推 :虎王車長塔剛buff 說要nerf很明顯是troll人=w=14F 11/19 12:41
推 :祖國線不是輕坦資料很難找嗎? 想辦法先解決T7吧
→ :還有可憐的RU251 到底有沒有借到車子量數據啦wwww
推 :祖國線不是輕坦資料很難找嗎? 想辦法先解決T7吧
→ :還有可憐的RU251 到底有沒有借到車子量數據啦wwww
→ :虎王車長塔BUFF前是80mm 所以下修到120mm不無可能17F 11/19 12:47
推 :喔喔 這下搞笑了=w= 為什麼原本只有80啦!!!!!18F 11/19 12:50
→ :所以史實120被放置play兩次_(:3 」∠)_
→ :所以史實120被放置play兩次_(:3 」∠)_
推 :別這樣...IS-3都被Nerf了OAQ 以前連後腦都有機會彈21F 11/19 13:56
→ :RU 251好像是根本沒辦法確定有沒有那兩台車
→ :甚至那兩台車說不定不是RU 251...
→ :RU 251好像是根本沒辦法確定有沒有那兩台車
→ :甚至那兩台車說不定不是RU 251...
→ :RU-251 實車不知道丟哪去了www24F 11/19 13:59
推 :一個說資料上有但是實地沒有 一個館方不給看www25F 11/19 14:02
→ :不給看的搞不好也是弄丟了www26F 11/19 14:03
推 :哦哦哦!!德國LT耶!!!可以給個8.8砲嘛?27F 11/19 14:03
推 :v大人家拿90mm喔 >/<28F 11/19 14:11
推 :難道是豹式那管嘛?29F 11/19 14:14
→ :說錯~印度豹那管
→ :說錯~印度豹那管
推 :史實好像是裝M47巴頓的M36 90mm 確切我不確定:P31F 11/19 14:22
RU 251 (Upcoming T8 LT) - Light Tanks - World of Tanks official forum
RU 251 (Upcoming T8 LT) - posted in Light Tanks: RU 251
(Spähpanzer Kette)
In the early 1950’s Hotchkiss in France developed a series of tracked vehicles under contract to the French Army. The French Army did not order any but the German Army, in urgent need of modern vehicles, tested the pr ...
(Spähpanzer Kette)
In the early 1950’s Hotchkiss in France developed a series of tracked vehicles under contract to the French Army. The French Army did not order any but the German Army, in urgent need of modern vehicles, tested the pr ...
推 :看起來是豹1(PTA)車體 500馬力 這台做成LT好像太OP了34F 11/19 14:47
→ :不是PTA車體喔 PTA是七對路輪 RU251只有五對35F 11/19 14:52
推 :對耶 可能對應噸數 懸吊有改36F 11/19 15:11
→ :不過長的倒是真的蠻像的0.037F 11/19 15:17
→ :RU-251 整體設計可以視為迷你豹一 當然武裝也有變弱38F 11/19 15:36
→ :不過90砲對輕坦而言還是很威就是
→ :不過90砲對輕坦而言還是很威就是
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