※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-11-15 10:44:46
看板 WoT
作者 標題 [情報] 11/14 Q&A
時間 Fri Nov 15 09:07:25 2013
- there are many more tier 10 candidates for various nations
- there are more paper plans for “supertanks” like Maus available
- according to SerB, trees (SS: coniferous) and bushes provide the same
camo bonus
- WT E-100 has worse camo than Maus and E-100? “How terrible”
WTF100的偽裝距離比MAUS跟E-100還爛? "好貼蘿蔔"
- the top of the upcoming British medium branch will be a British medium
tier 10 tank (SS: while this might sound like a case for Captain Obvious,
it is not, as a lot of people expected the Chieftain to appear there)
- apparently, the car models (destructable objects) in game do not necesserily
correspond to real vehicles, it’s possible we will see more truck object
models in the future
- Q: “I’d like the tiers of vehicles in both teams to mirror one another”
A: “This thread is not called ‘my wishes’”
Q: "我希望我方的車子階級分布能跟敵隊相同"
A: "這串標題不叫我希冀"
- it’s possible Vickers MBT (Vijayanta) will appear in the upcoming British
medium branch
新增的英國中坦線可能有Vickers MBT (Vijayanta)
Vijayanta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Vijayanta (en: "Victorious")[1] main battle tank was built in India based on a licensed design of the Vickers Mk.1. The Vijayanta was the first indigenous tank of the Indian Army. The prototype was completed in 1963 and the tank entered service in 1965. The first 90 vehicles were built by Vicker ...
The Vijayanta (en: "Victorious")[1] main battle tank was built in India based on a licensed design of the Vickers Mk.1. The Vijayanta was the first indigenous tank of the Indian Army. The prototype was completed in 1963 and the tank entered service in 1965. The first 90 vehicles were built by Vicker ...
- optional hulls will mean also different internal layout of modules for each
hull (SS: for example later Panzer IV’s had more internal fuel tanks, so the
– as an example – late Panzer IV hull will have more fuel tanks inside)
- if you take a regular tank (not arty) and shoot in the sky straight up,
sooner or later the shell will fall down again
- tanks with M-65 gun (such as Object 770) will likely not appear in the game
- it’s possible IT-45 and IT-76 Soviet tank destroyers will appear in the game
(SS: in case you don’t know, it was Basically a Soviet attempt to build a
Hetzer – a cheap low turretless tank destroyer)
- pre-production T-54 (1945-1946 pattern) doesn’t fit tier 8, it’s too
strong for it
- it usually doesn’t make sense to actually report a teamkiller for teamdamage
too, but in some special cases (undefined by what) additional reports are
taken into account
- HEAT principle in game (mechanism) won’t be reworked
- Object 705A will not appear in the game, because if it was implemented,
high tier battles would consist of 12 vs 12 these tanks (plus a few arties)
工程705A 不會出現在遊戲內,因為如果放了,高階場
- it’s however possible that Object 705 (rear turret IS variant with 122mm
BL-13) will appear
然而工程705(http://0rz.tw/LADTz ,後置砲塔並搭載122mm BL-13)
- according to SerB, WoWp start was “normal” (SS: as in “fine”),
apparently, Soviet planes are not underpowered
根據Serb,戰機世界起步正常(SS :就是說良好)
And a few more answers from Storm:
- Redshire and Highway won’t be removed from the game before they are reworked
- anti-tank obstacles and more cover from debris will not return to Himmelsdorf
- lately, average shooting distance in the game has increased
- the Hunnicutt Archive purchase was apparently mediated by
Nicholas “Chieftain” Moran
Hunnicutt檔案購買很明顯由Nicholas “Chieftain” Moran牽成
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: hipponi 來自: (11/15 09:08)
※ 編輯: hipponi 來自: (11/15 09:09)
※ 編輯: hipponi 來自: (11/15 09:12)
推 :後騎 -/- 辛苦翻譯推~1F 11/15 09:11
推 :基佬13!?2F 11/15 09:12
→ :聽說13很OP...3F 11/15 09:14
→ :至於為什麼705a不能放 因為他100頓重 也就是說4F 11/15 09:15
→ :705a可能搭載的炮是 152mm m51 所以太op XD
→ :705a可能搭載的炮是 152mm m51 所以太op XD
推 :好早!! 先推!!6F 11/15 09:17
推 :近期黑槍的人又變多了?7F 11/15 09:33
推 :黑槍的人一直都很多啊8F 11/15 09:58
※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 152
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