※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-10-16 14:28:10
看板 LoL
作者 標題 [外絮] Reginald's AMA
時間 Tue Oct 16 14:13:58 2012
原文 http://www.solomid.net/ama.php?ama=7-reginald-ama
Reginald's AMA - SoloMid.NET - League of Legends Competitive Gaming Community SoloMid.NET - Reginald's AMA - League of Legends Competitive Gaming Community. Guides, Streams, Videos, Strategies, and Secrets from the Pros ...
素人自翻 有錯請指正 附上英文方便大家對照qq
Hey guys, Reginald here
This is like my first AMA I think
For those who have not heard about it yet, I will continue playing on TSM.
I am not retiring
大家好 我是胖虎 這是我第一個AMA
另外給還沒follow到的人 我會繼續待在TSM 我不會退休
+337 crzrs answered about 6 days ago
Q:Do you guys plan on going to korea in the future?
A:To learn to cheat?
去學怎麼作弊嗎? (好吧 我承認我是看到這題才想翻的 XD)
+197 MrLeon answered about 6 days ago
Q:What are your plans for Season 3? for example Practice Schedule? Or other
new stuff?
你們對S3有什麼計畫嗎? 像練習schedule之類的 或是其他新玩意兒?
A:Our practice schedule will be completely different coming into season 3
this year.
1) We will have a set practice schedule of hard practice for 5 days and
2 break days.
2) We will eat more healthy
3) We will focus more on practicing than solo queue.
對於S3 我們的練習schedule會砍掉重練
1) 狂練5天 然後休息2天
2) 吃的更健康
3) 比起solo queue 我們會更加著重在團練上
+170 chaos panda answered about 6 days ago
Q:If u had decided on leaving tsm what mid players would u have asked and or
considered to replace you?
如果你決定離開TSM 哪個中路選手是你心目中的替代人選?
A:MakNooN. No one else really stands out. I feel like he could be a
leader on top of being a really good player.
MakNooN 非他莫屬 我覺得他可以當一個好隊長 而且他也是個很強的玩家
+117 Kenral answered about 5 days ago
Q:What are your feeling on the disbanding of TSM.Evo? Would you attempt to
start another brother team? Would you consider being more strict on them?
你對TSM.Evo解散一事感覺如何? 感覺如何啊? 你有打算再組1支二隊嗎? 你會對他們
A:Evo disbanded because the players on the team did not take league of legends
seriously and couldn't work out their problems. We will not be picking up
any other NA team. We'll be much more strict coming into s3 .
Evo會解散是因為這支隊伍並沒有把LOL看得很重 也沒有解決掉隊伍內部的問題
我們不打算增加任何北美隊伍 我們會嚴以律己面對S3
+59 mesquitakj answered about 6 days ago
Q:How heavily involved will Dan Dinh be with TSM?
Dan Dinh對TSM將會有多大的參與比重?
A:Dan does not work for TSM, he is an awesome brother though =D
Dan並沒有替TSM工作 不過他是我的好兄弟 科科
+54 Ganeon answered about 6 days ago
Q:Any champion you wish you would have played instead in either of the games
against Frost?
對Azubu Frost的比賽你還有其他英雄想出嗎?
A:I played nearly perfectly as an individual player with my champion.
It was because of our team play that lead us into defeat.
就單一個玩家來說 我把自己的英雄玩的近乎完美 我們會輸是因為團隊合作不夠好
+41 itsPaper answered about 6 days ago
Q:Nyjacky said you guys had some secret strategies you were planning on using
in the Playoffs. Why were these not used, and standard was all we saw?
Nyjacky說你們有一些大招會在playoff中使用 你們為什麼沒用呢? 我們只看到老梗戰術
A:Someone leaked our strategy
+39 ltpwnsyou answered about 6 days ago
Q:Is there going to be a rematch?
會有任何重賽嗎?(指TSM vs. Azubu Frost)
A:No, unfortunately not. I'm not happy with the situation but since riot
is behind schedule already, the matches must go on.
很不幸的...沒有 我對這不太高興 但因為RIOT已經落後排定的schedule 比賽必須繼
+38 Hotpockets answered about 6 days ago
Q:Fuck one, marry one, kill one - Dyrus Scarra Saintvicious
肛一個, 娶一個, 殺一個 - Dyrus, Scarra, Saintvicious
A:Fuck Saint, Marry Scarra, kill Dyrus
肛Saint, 娶Scarra, 殺Dyrus (你跟SV果然是好基友-o-)
+23 DeucesWiId answered about 6 days ago
Q:Regi, are you guys still moving the TSM house to CA? If so, where in CA?
胖虎哥 你們依舊打算搬到加州嗎? 如果是的話會在加州的哪裡?
A:Yes, we will be going to the bay area.
是的 我們會搬到灣區 (應該就是舊金山灣區)
+23 Bane<3TSM answered about 4 days ago
Q:Would you allow and support a TSM eu? i mean let a few people create
TSM.eu? and to proudly wear TSM name here in Europe?
你會允許並支援一個TSM EU隊嗎? 我指的是讓幾個玩家自組TSM.eu 然後在歐洲冠上
A:We'll pick up an EU team when we see a team that fits our motto the
best. WE want a strong and stable roster =D
當我們找到符合TSM style的隊伍的話會這樣做 我們需要一個強大又穩定的隊伍
+21 TheFuMasta answered about 5 days ago
Q:Which player do you have the most respect for?
A:This is a hard one lol... I probably have the most respect for Alex ich
from m5 because their team works really hard and he is really good.
這題有點難lol...我給M5的Alex ich最多的尊重因為他們的團隊真的練很勤而且他打
+21 perilynn answered about 6 days ago
Q:Do you have any roster/role changes envisioned in the future, and who are
you considering as the required substitute for TSM for Season 3?
你們有更換成員或換線的打算嗎? 你覺得誰可以當TSM的S3替補玩家?
A:We will not be having any roster changes. As for subs, I can't disclose
that yet :P
我們不會有任何的成員更動 至於替補嘛...我還不能說
+20 soran0allsmark answered about 6 days ago
Q:Hello regi!!! Will TSM be hiring a coach for season 3 since you will stay
on the team? In my opinion it would be a very beneficial third party
opinion that all other teams from other countries benefit highly from.
Especially the asians, specifically the koreans
哈囉 胖虎哥! 因為你還會留在隊上 TSM有打算為S3聘請教練嗎? 我覺得有第三方的
意見會非常有幫助 像其他國家的隊伍一樣 尤其是亞洲隊伍 特別是韓國
A:We're still looking into season 3 details. We'll have to see on what
the team wants to for s3
我們還在思考S3的一些準備細節 最後會看我們的隊伍需要什麼來決定
+19 ItsEAMayne answered about 6 days ago
Q:What do you guys plan on selling next in the Solomid Store?
你們接下來有打算在Solomid Store賣新東西嗎?
A:Solomid Hoodies! + Lanyards
+14 TigolSmitties answered about 6 days ago
Q:Where is TSM Hunter? How has he been doing? Have you taught him to chase
oddone around yet?
TSM Hunter跑哪裡去了? 牠過得還好嗎? 你有教會牠怎麼繞著oddone跑嗎?
A:We gave him back since our landlord did not let us have a dog in
the house.
+14 Magic Moniker answered about 6 days ago
Q:Is there an ap or team comp you plan on using more in season 3?
A:Yeah we really wanted to run a katarina comp for s2 finals but frost
banned it out
是的 我們真的很想要玩一套以Katarina為主的選角組合 但Azubu Frost把她ban掉了
+12 tiM0S answered about 4 days ago
Q:Whats the katarina comp? (except katarina)
所以這個Katarina隊伍組合是啥? (扣掉她)
A:GGGG i cant tell dawg
孩子 我不能說
+11 Chainer9999 answered about 6 days ago
Q:Who do you consider your best friend in TSM?
A:Chaox and Oddone
+9 2kwikk answered about 6 days ago
Q:Is it true you're playing another BO3 with AF again?
A:It is not true. Unfortunately Riot cannot (or will not) do anything
about it
(這個前面有人問過了 略)
+9 Go Anan answered about 6 days ago
Q:As an AP mid player, you tend to lean on a core group of champions
(like TF and Karthus). Do you think this contributed to your losses to
Frost and will you try and train new champions to tournament caliber in
the future, or do you think your current stable of champions is varied and
strong enough to get you through season 3, possibly just perfecting what
you are already good at? (sort of what Dyrus has suggested is his plan)
作為一個AP中路玩家 你似乎特別依賴幾個英雄(像TF跟死哥) 你覺得這是輸給Azubu
Frost的原因之一嗎? 你之後會練其他新英雄嗎? 還是你覺得你目前的口袋名單已經夠
你應付S3 只要再把這些英雄練更好就OK了? (有點像Dyrus在他自己的計畫中說的)
A:We lost because people didn't preform up to our expectations, karthus and
tf give global control to help out every lane. Not only did I win my lane,
but I also gave more map presence than my opposing mid. I need to master
more champions though, I don't want to get banned out =(.
我們會輸是因為沒有打出預期的表現 死哥跟TF的全球流可以幫助每一線 我不只贏了我
這一線 我還比對手做了更多的跑線支援 但我需要練更多支英雄 因為我不想被ban光
+8 LoL_NaDa answered about 4 days ago
Q:How do you think about Dyrus's map looking?
How about other team's that?
I think those teams including your team did the same thing. What is the
reason that you blame only Azubu Frost?
你對Dyrus看地圖有什麼感想? 還有其他隊伍的轉頭行為?
我覺得這些隊伍包含TSM都做了一樣的事 但為什麼你只針對Azubu Frost?
A:Dyrus only looked at the map when the referee had already ruled a REMAKE.
I don't know about other teams.
Azubu Frost turned their head and looked at the minimap when there was no
pause or anything. They got an unfair advantage, whereas we only turned our
head when it didnt matter because there was already a remake ruled by the
Azubu Frost在沒有暫停或是其他意外的時候轉頭看小地圖 他們獲得了不公平的優勢
+8 Suntelli answered about 6 days ago
Q:Whats your opinion on Syndra?
A:Right now she's not very good. She doesn't provide enough damage in
team fights.
目前來說她不是一支好的英雄 在團戰時她無法提供足夠的傷害
+8 joshman11 answered about 6 days ago
Q:regi who is your favourite champ in LoL
+3 south_horizons answered about 5 days ago
Q:As a resident in the bay area, I am glad that TSM is deciding to move here.
However, where do you plan on living?
Will you live in SF? There is plenty of food, groceries and other amenities
(Subways for OddOne) within walking distance. It's drastically different
from a suburb like Lindenhurst though. Driving and finding parking anywhere
is a pain, for instance.
Or will you live in the East Bay/Oakland to escape the housing prices?
South Bay/San Jose seems ok as well, but you won't have direct BART access
to SF Airport, which I assume is important because of frequent travel
during S3.
One thing I do not recommend is moving into the Walnut Creek/Concord area.
That place is an oven during the summer and a freezer in the winter.
I am aware that at least one member of TSM is from the bay area, so a
decision may already have been made regarding this.
作為一個灣區的居民 我很高興TSM決定搬來這兒 你們決定好住哪裡了嗎?
你們會住在舊金山嗎? 那裡用走的就有一大堆吃的,雜貨跟週邊建設(Oddone可搭地鐵)
但跟Lindenhurst這樣的郊區比起來差很多 像是開車跟找停車位會很麻煩
又或者你們會住在東邊的奧克蘭以取得較便宜的房價? 南編的聖荷西似乎也OK 但沒有
直達舊金山機場的灣區捷運 我想對S3要到處飛這點來說這很重要
唯一不建議的就是搬到Walnut Creek跟Concord 這地方夏天熱得跟烤箱一樣 冬天冷的
我知道至少有一位TSM的成員是來自灣區 所以搞不好你們已經考量過這些
A:We're living directly in the city of SF ( downtown). =DD Everything is
in walking distance =D
我們會住在舊金山的鬧區 科科 任何東西都可以靠雙腳走到
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◆ From:
推 :好深的怨氣1F 10/16 14:14
推 :To learn to cheat? :DDDDDDDDD2F 10/16 14:14
推 :為啥中路會有MAKNOON XDDDDDDDD3F 10/16 14:15
推 :胖虎 戰神第一人阿4F 10/16 14:15
推 :瑞吉BRO還是一樣嗆5F 10/16 14:15
推 :MAKNOON其實是全能玩家6F 10/16 14:16
推 :大家好 我是胖虎 我Leblanc超強7F 10/16 14:16
推 :MAKNOON不是玩上路嗎?8F 10/16 14:18
推 :NO~~~ TSM Hunter~~~9F 10/16 14:18
推 :有錢人 住DOWNTOWN10F 10/16 14:18
推 :TPA打她臉就是爽11F 10/16 14:18
推 :Leb被遺忘了12F 10/16 14:19
推 :來創TSM.TW啊XD13F 10/16 14:19
推 :To learn to cheat? :DDDDDDDDD14F 10/16 14:19
→ :卡特蓮娜的團隊不知道是什麼15F 10/16 14:19
推 :哈哈哈 學作弊 怨氣很大16F 10/16 14:19
推 :Maknoon:阿萬快來 我要dive!17F 10/16 14:20
推 :肛Saint, 娶Scarra, 殺Dyrus...XDDD18F 10/16 14:21
推 :maknoon目前 AP YI走中!19F 10/16 14:21
推 :卡特中 泡娘AD YI JUNGLE 這樣?20F 10/16 14:22
※ 編輯: asd1 來自: (10/16 14:23)推 :推翻譯辛苦 Regi這個鍵盤退休XD21F 10/16 14:24
推 :To learn to cheat? 衝著這句就該推XDD22F 10/16 14:24
推 :靠邀 我家就在舊金山附近23F 10/16 14:25
推 :Toyz說學做弊的話就有人要批評說是打落水狗了(咦?24F 10/16 14:25
推 :嗚 Hunter~~~~25F 10/16 14:26
推 :To learn to cheat?26F 10/16 14:26
推 :如果是Toyz說 會被解讀成冠軍了不起? lolll27F 10/16 14:26
※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 134
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